BiodiversityR versions This ChangeLog provides information on new functions integrated in the package and some required updates. Updates related to error messages for new versions of the base and loaded packages are typically not included here (as these were addressed). BiodiversityR details on installation are available from: The manual accompanying the original version of BiodiversityR is available from: An article that documents the ensemble suitability modelling options of BiodiversityR is available from (You could also be interested in Various scripts for creating publication-ready graphs with ggplot2 are available from: Version 2-17.1 (January 2025; King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard US Tour 2024 live captures by Chris Dempsey version) * New function treegoer.position() that calculates the position of the planting site in respect to the median of the species range * New function that creates a suitability map with the same methods as used by treegoer.score(). * Updated treegoer.widen() to be compatible with treegoer.position(). * Expanded functions treegoer.score() and treegoer.filter() to accommodate a climate score of 0.5 for one-sided checks whether the planting site is outside the species' ranges. * Modified functions caprescale(), to use the vegan scores() function instead of summa (see also vegan announcement #644) * Compatible with Rcmdr version 2.9-5 version 2-16.1 (March 2024; King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard at the PALP Rocklette Festival in August 2023 version) * New functions treegoer.score(), treegoer.filter() and treegoer.widen() that calculate a climate score similar to the algorithms that are used internally in the GlobalUsefulNativeTrees database with environmental ranges documented by the Tree Globally Observed Environmental Ranges database. version 2-15.4 (October 2023) * Removed references to rgeos in the documentation for function ensemble.chull.create() that caused messages of 'unknown package'. * Include pvclust among the suggested packages (See also documentation for function pvclust.long()). * Made changes to be compatible with Rcmdr 2.9-1. version 2-15.3 (September 2023) * Modified function to use envirem::generateEnvirem() * Included reference to TreeGOER: A database with globally observed environmental ranges for 48,129 tree species. Global Change Biology version 2-15.2 (May 2023) * New function ensemble.Tjur() to calculate Tjur's Coefficient of Discrimination for logistic regression models. * Modified function ensemble.evaluate() to include results from ensemble.Tjur(). * Corrected function to work with newer versions of terra. * Updated citation of van Zonneveld et al. 2023 in the documentation of function ensemble.concave.hull(). version 2-15.1 (January 2023; King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Omnium Gatherum version) * Removed dependencies on rgdal, rgeos and maptools (requested by Roger Bivand on 19-DEC) * New function ensemble.outliers() to identify outliers in multivariate space based on user-defined number of variables and multiples of interquartile range distance. * Modified function ensemble.chull.create() to remove use of rgeos::gBuffer. * Modified function ensemble.plot() to remove use of maptools 'wrld_simpl' data set. * Modified function ensemble.chull.apply() to save the masked suitability rasters in the 'chull' subdirectory rather than overwriting the input files. * The default output format for ensemble suitability methods that use the raster package was modified to GTiff for functions ensemble.analogue(), ensemble.batch(), ensemble.bioclim(), ensemble.chull.create(), ensemble.chull.apply(), ensemble.ecocrop(), ensemble.habitat.change(), ensemble.mean(), ensemble.novel(), ensemble.raster() and ensemble.zones(). * Function ensemble.batch() now uses the 'GTiff' output format. * KML output is no longer supported, modified for functions ensemble.analogue(), ensemble.batch(), ensemble.bioclim(), ensemble.habitat.change(), ensemble.mean(), ensemble.novel(), ensemble.raster() and ensemble.zones(). * New option of 'hellinger' for argument 'dist' in function dist.eval(). * New option of by="onedf" for anova.cca() implemented in the Constrained Ordination Graphical User Interface. Version 2-14.4 (September 2002) * Made compatible with Rcmdr version 2.8-0 as the Graphical User Interface could not be launched otherwise with function BiodiversityRGUI() Version 2-14.3 (August 2022) * Removed suggested package akima (email from Prof. Ripley 4-JUN-2022). Function residualssurface() was removed. * New argument of 'aitchison_pseudocount' in function CAPdiscrim() to allow the new methods of 'aitchison' and 'robust.aitchison' from vegan::vegdist(). * Added options of 'aitchison' and 'robust.aitchison' to documentation options of distdisplayed(). * Function nested.npmanova() now uses vegan::adonis2(). * Functions diversityresult(), diversitycomp() and diversityvariables() now include options for the unbiased Simpson calculated via function vegan::simpson.unb() * GUI now includes 'aitchison' and 'robust.aitchison' among options for calculations of distances matrices. Note, however, that such methods may only work when calculating the distance matrix first before using other methods such as ordination methods. * Diversity calculation GUI now includes the options of 'simpson.unb' and 'simpson.unb.inverse'. * BiodiversityR now depends on vegan version 2.6-2. Version 2-14.2 (April 2022) * New functions ensemble.concave.hull(), ensemble.concave.venn() and ensemble.concave.union() that enable analysis of niche overlaps in environmental space for different combinations of climates and geographical origins of accessions via concave or convex hulls, building on methods used by Pironon et al. 2019. * New functions ensemble.envirem.masterstack(), ensemble.envirem.solradstack() and that allow to calculate an expanded set of bioclimatic variables via teh envirem package with data.frames as input. * Function ensemble.environmentalThin() was modified to result in exactly the target number of environmentally-thinned locations. * The speed of function ensemble.ecocrop() was increased. The function now also works with the SpatRaster objects of the terra package. Note that the setting of argument temp.multiply was changed from 10 to 1 to work with later versions of WorldClim. Version 2.14-1 (January 2022; Ty Segall's Harmonizer version) * New function ensemble.terra() that creates raster files via the terra package with similar functionality as ensemble.raster. * ensemble.calibrate.models() and ensemble.calibrate.weights() functions now work with package terra's SpatRaster objects (and still with package raster's rasterStack objects). * ensemble.PET.season(), ensemble.PET.seasons(), ensemble.prec.season(), ensemble.tmean.season() and ensemble.season.suitability() functions now work with package terra's SpatRaster objects (and still with package raster's rasterStack and rasterLayerobjects). * Removed dependency on the orphaned 'maptree' package. Used previously for an option of 'kgs' in the clustering GUI. * Compatible with Rcmdr version 2.7-2 (January 2022) Version 2.13-1 (April 2021) * New functions ensemble.spatialBlock and ensemble.envBlock that allow for stratification methods available via the blockCV package. These functions were modified from functions available previously from the ensemble.blockCV package. * New function pvclust.long that allows plotting of results from pvclust onto ordination diagrams. * New functions ensemble.PET.seasons, ensemble.prec.season and ensemble.tmean.season that return raster layers with the number of growing periods, their starts and lengths, and the precipitation and mean temperatures of a selected (growing) period. * New function ensemble.season.suitability that enables the calculation of crop suitability from ecocrop-like thresholds and growing season temperature and precipitation. * Readme file Version 2.12-3 (December 2020) * Moved package rgl to Suggests as requested by prof. Brian D Ripley (13-DEC-2020) * Moved package vegan3d to Suggests * Removed calls to rgls and vegan3d in function BiodiversityRGUI * New function ordiellipse.long that can be used to plot ordination diagrams via ggplot2. * New plot options of 'ggplot (ordiellipse)' in the constrained and unconstrained ordination GUIs. * Included references to in the documentation where options for ggplot2 graphics were shown. Version 2.12-2 (November 2020; Fuzz III version ) * New functions sites.long, species.long, centroids.long, vectorfit.long, ordisurfgrid.long and axis.long that extract data in the 'long' (tidy) format and that can subsequentially be used to plot ordination diagrams via ggplot2. Various examples are provided in the documentation, including cases where concave hulls and superellipses are drawn via the ggforce package. * New function accumcomp.long that extracts data in the 'long' (tidy) format from a accumcomp result and that can subsequentially be used by ggplot2. * New function renyicomp.long that extracts data in the 'long' (tidy) format from a renyicomp result and that can subsequentially be used by ggplot2. * New function renyi.long that extracts data in the 'long' (tidy) format from a renyiresult and that can subsequentially be used by ggplot2. * New arguments of '' and 'specnames' that result in function rankabuncomp to return data that can be used to plot rank abundance curves via ggplot2. Examples were included in the documentation for rankabuncomp. * New argument of '' in function 'ensemble.environmentalThin' that avoids the step of extracting environmental data at the provided locations. * New argument of 'poly.only' in function ensemble.chull.create that results in only returning the convex polygon. * New plot methods of 'ggplot (ordisymbol1)', 'ggplot (ordisymbol2)', 'ggplot (ordispider1)', 'ggplot (ordispider2)', 'ggplot (ordisurf1)', 'ggplot (ordisurf2)', 'ggplot (add species)' and 'ggplot (add vector)' in the unconstrained ordination and constrained ordination GUIs. Except from the latter two options, each method generates a ggplot2 graph ('plotgg1') based on information available in an ordiplot object ('plot1') and ordination result. The latter two options add information on species or continuous variables to 'plotgg1', resulting in 'plotgg2'. As for other scripts generated by the GUIs of BiodiversityR, it is expected that users will further modify these scripts to get exactly the graphs that are wanted. * New option in the Species accumulation curves, Renyi profiles and Rank abundance curves GUI of 'ggplot'. These require that first the appropriate object (eg the result from accumcomp) was generated. * New feature for the Compare distance matrices GUI with betadisper options to also provide results for pairwise permutation tests. * New accumulation method in the Species accumulation curves GUI to explicitly refer to the rarecurve function (previously this method was available via plot, but data used were not shown). Version 2.12-1 (July 2020; Wand's Ganglion Reef + 1000 Days version) * New function ensemble.PET.season that calculates the maximum climatological water deficit (accumulated aridity), corresponding to the dry season with the largest accumulated difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The methodology is the same as Aragao et al. 2007 (Spatial patterns and fire response of recent Amazonian droughts. Geophysical Research Letters 34(7)), but the function uses monthly PET values instead of fixed values at 100 mm per month. * New function ensemble.chull.buffer.distances that give details on potential buffer widths of the ensemble.chull.create function. * New function ensemble.chull.MSDM that creates input data and a suggested script for the MSDM_Posteriori function of the MSDM package (Mendes, P.; Velazco S.J.E.; Andrade, A.F.A.; De Marco, P. (2020) Dealing with overprediction in species distribution models: how adding distance constraints can improve model accuracy, Ecological Modelling, in press.) * New argument 'TrainTestData' for function ensemble.calibrate.weights that allows the function to calibrate suitability models and weights for the ensemble model based on a data.frame. When providing k-fold arguments as a list, the user should ensure that these match the number of presence and absence (background) records of the data.frame. * New argument 'buffer.maxmins' for function ensemble.chull.create that estimates the buffer width from the observation that is farthest away from its closest neighbour. * New argument 'lonlat.dist' for function ensemble.chull.create that calculates the distance in km for analyses based on longitude-latitude coordinate systems * Modification in function ensemble.calibrate.models to fit MAXENT and MAXNET models with data.frames when raster stack is not provided. * New arguments of 'rainbow_hcl', 'rainbow_hcl.c', and 'rainbow_hcl.l' of ordisymbol to use the colorspace::rainbow_hcl palette and to modify chroma and luminance. * Internally modified the 'rainbow' palette of functions accumcomp, rankabuncomp and renyiplot to use the colorspace::rainbow_hcl palette * Modified overall colour scheme of the GUI plot options to rainbow_hcl of the colorspace package * Expanded options in the presence-absence GUI for various models that are available also from the ensemble suitability modelling algorithms. These include GBM (gbm), RF (randomForest), CF (cforest), EARTH (earth), RPART (rpart), NNET (nnet), FDA (fda), SVM (ksvm) and SVME (svm). * New option in the clustering GUI to use the fastcluster package. * New option in the clustering GUI for fuzzy K-means analysis via e1071::cmeans * New options in the clustering GUI for kernel K-means (kkmeans) and spectral clustering (specc) via the kernel package * New options in the clustering GUI to determine the number of clusters via the NbClust package. * New options in the clustering GUI to change branch and label colors of dendrograms via the color_branches and color_labels functions of the dendextend package * New options in the clustering GUI to create heat maps via the aspectHeatmap of the ClassDiscovery package * New option in the clustering GUI to create a heat map based on a Thresher analysis (available as plot option). * Corrected an error in function ensemble.batch of assigning absence locations. Version 2.11-3 (October 2019) * New function ensemble.SEDI that calculates the Symmetric Extremal Dependence Index (SEDI), as formulated by Ferro et al. 2011. Wea. Forecasting 26: 699-713 and recommended as evaluation metric by Wunderlich et al. 2019. Nature Conservation 35: 97-116. * New function ensemble.evaluate that calculates the following evaluation statistics: AUC: Area Under The Curve for the testing ModelEvaluation; TSS: maximum value of the True Skill Statistic over range of threshold values; SEDI: maximum value of the Symmetric Extremal Dependence Index over range of threshold values; TSS.fixed: True Skill Statistic at the fixed threshold value; SEDI.fixed: SEDI at the fixed threshold value; FNR.fixed: False Negative Rate (= omission rate) at the fixed threshold value; MCR.fixed: Missclassification Rate at the fixed threshold value; and AUCdiff: Difference between AUC for calibration and the testing data * Internally call ensemble.evaluate in function ensemble.calibrate.models * New function ensemble.VIF.dataframe that provides similar types of Variance Inflation Factor analysis for a data.frame as function ensemble.VIF * Decreased the step size for PresenceAbsence threshold calculations in function ensemble.threshold from 0.005 to 0.0001 (as in dismo::evaluate) * Corrected an error in function ensemble.mean when"" * Methods and examples of generating and using spatial folds for presence and absence points via the blockCV package are available from the BiodiversityRblockCV package (URL through functions ensemble.spatialBlock and ensemble.envBlock (These functions are in a separate package as blockCV is not available from CRAN). Use the commands devtools::install_github("rvalavi/blockCV") and devtools::install_github("RoelandKindt/BiodiversityRblockCV") to install these packages. * example of calculating diversity profiles from importance values calculated with importancevalue.comp (email exchange with Uday Pimple) Version 2.11-2 (June 2019) * new function ensemble.environmentalThin.clara that enables environmental thinning for large data sets. Prior to using function ensemble.environmentalThin internally in the function, the points are first divided in clusters via the cluster.clara function. Subsequently points in each cluster are environmentally thinned. * new option for ensemble.calibrate.weights to import k-fold groupings for presence and background points as a list with elements groupp (k-fold groupings for presence points) and groupa (k-fold groupings for background points). The option was inspired on using outputs from the blockCV package. The option is invoked by using the list as input for argument k of ensemble.calibrate.weights. * modification in ensemble.environmentalThin to provide a final data set that matches the requested number of environmentally thinned points (previously the function stopped the second algorithm when the identified minimum distance was reached, in analogy to the ensemble.spatialThin function). * modification in ensemble.environmentalThin to possibly retain only 1 axis if the variance on 1 axis exceeds the selected threshold (the previous behaviour was to select a minimum of 2 PCA axes). * new argument 'silent' for the ensemble.spatialThin, ensemble.environmentalThin and ensemble.spatialThin.quant functions, with option to have no reports on the processing of points. * new arguments 'cex.lab' and 'cex.axis' for the accumplot and accumcomp functions to modify sizes of axis labels (requested by Julio Cesar Canales). * new options for the unconstrained and constrained ordination GUI to create 3-dimensional ordination graphics via the ordiplot3d, ordirgl, orglspider and orglellipse functions of the vegan3d package. * additional options of 'ward.D', 'ward.D2' and 'mcquitty' for the cluster GUI. * new option 'labels (variable)' of the cluster GUI to change labels in dendrograms to data from the environmental data set. * new option in the Analysis of species abundance menu to summarize differences in abundance with the Rmisc::summarySE function. * corrected an error in the ensemble.raster function where projection ran into problems with CATCH.OFF=FALSE for the GBM algorithm. * corrected the error of having no visible global definitions for 'data' and 'wrld_simpl' of the ensemble.plot function (error reported in the CRAN Package Check results) * corrected an error for the envfit plotting option of the ordination GUI where results of permutation tests were not shown * compatible with Rcmdr 2.5-3 (May 2019) Version 2.11-1 (January 2019; Ty Segall & White Fence's Joy version) * new function ensemble.environmentalThin that provides a method similar to function ensemble.spatialThin, but operates in environmental instead of geographical space. The environmental space is represented by principal components obtained via vegan::rda. The user needs to define the target number of environmentally thinned points instead of the minimum distance. * new function ensemble.outlierThin that filters out point observations that could be outliers based on a Local Outlier Factor analysis. * new function ensemble.spatialThin.bins that enables spatial thinning for large data sets. With the function, points are first classified in different bins. In the next step, spatial thinning is done for each bin. Bins are defined by quantile limits of geographical coordinates. * new argument of 'MAXNET' in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.calibrate.weights, ensemble.raster, ensemble.batch, ensemble.drop1, and evaluation.strip.plot functions, allowing for maximum entropy species distribution modeling using glmnet for model fitting as implemented in the maxnet package. * new argument of 'CF' in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.calibrate.weights, ensemble.raster, ensemble.batch, ensemble.drop1, and evaluation.strip.plot functions, allowing for random forest and bagging ensemble algorithms utilizing conditional inference trees as base learners as implemented in the party package. (Note that integration of cforest required modifications of raster::predict that were integrated in raster version 2.8-19.) * new argument of 'target.groups' in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.calibrate.weights, ensemble.batch and ensemble.drop1 that results in 'target groups' of species that were all collected or observed using the same methods or equipment as for the species for which species distribution models are calibrated. See Phillips et al. 2009 for details. When selecting the option, users should provide the presence locations of the other species as background. For model calibrations and evaluations, pseudo-absence locations will correspond to centres of cells with presence locations of the other species, possibly excluding cells where the focal species occurs (a similar option is available from dismo::randomPoints). Feature requested by Tobias Fremout. * new argument of 'block.default' in ensemble.calibrate.weights and ensemble.batch that results in different options of blocking point data sets (first by latitude as only option available from ENMeval::get.block [i.e. the default], or first by longitude). Feature suggested by Evert Thomas. * new argument of 'get.subblocks' in ensemble.calibrate.weights and ensemble.batch that results in a double implementation of ENMeval::get.block, whereby point data sets assigned to one block in the first step are again assigned to four blocks ('subblocks') in a second step. * corrected error in ensemble.spatialThin to allow retaining only 1 point in case that the random elimination process retained two points above the minimum distance in the previous elimination step. * modified ensemble.spatialThin to round geographical distances to 2 decimals (10 m) * ensured that ensemble.raster function only retained numeric variables for maxlike and glmnet algorithms in situations where categorical variables were used by other algorithms. * corrected error for GBMSTEP and probit links where the gbm.x argument did not select the correct explanatory variables * compatible with Rcmdr 2.5-1 (September 2018) * new option in the GUI to import Excel data sets via readxl::read_excel * modified edit of community and environmental data sets in the GUI to be more similar to edit options of the R-Commander * new GUI for spatial and environmental thinning of point observation data Version 2.10-1 (July 2018) * new function that calculates statistics of Area of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO) that are used as thresholds for the IUCN Red List (URL AOO and EOO are expected to be calculated for 'count' suitability layers that represent different levels of consensus among ensembles or algorithms. AOO and EOO are calculated via the red package. * new functions ensemble.chull.create and ensemble.chull.apply that restrict suitable habitat to polygons that are included in a convex hull around known presence locations. The convex hull is expanded by a user-defined buffer based on the maximum distance among the known presence locations. * new function ensemble.pairs that creates scatterplots similar to graphics::pairs * new function BiodiversityR.changeLog * corrected error in ensemble.VIF where keeping explanatory variables resulted in never-ending loops if VIF of some kept explanatory variables was above VIF.max * compatible with Rcmdr 2.4-4 (April 2018) * Species accumulation GUI plots horizontal error bars (via argument ci.length for plotting of specaccum objects) * Distance matrix calculation GUI now includes the possibily to directly calculate the Hellinger and Chord distances. * Distance matrix calculation GUI now includes the scaled Hellinder and Chord distances (Conde and Dominguez 2018. * Clark's 1952 coefficient of divergence (appropriate for the analysis of species abundance data; Legendre and Legendre 2012 p. 306) was included among the options in distance, ordination and clustering GUIs. * vegan::avgdist function was included as option in the Distance matrix calculation GUI * vegan::chaodist function was included as option in the Distance matrix calculation GUI * Ensemble suitability modeling GUI now allows for the option that absence locations are NULL - i.e. allowing for random selection of background locations during each run. * Corrected error generated by constrained ordination GUI by calling vegan::goodness for capscale results (this option is no longer available for vegan >= 2.5-1). * Corrected errors generated by constrained ordination GUI by calling vegan::inertcomp in vegan >= 2.5-1 Version 2.9-2 (27 February 2018) * modified gam (version 1.13 of 2018-02-25) functions to gam::predict.Gam and gam::step.Gam in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.raster and to safely retain BiodiversityR on CRAN (problems reported on 2018-02-26). * corrected error in for R-devel for rankabuncomp * new argument 'srt' for rankabunplot to allow rotation of species labels in rank- abundance graphs * new method 'max' for diversityresult and diversitycomp functions Version 2.9-1 (February 2018; Ty Segall's Freedom's Goblin version) * new function ensemble.spatialThin that creates a spatially thinned point location data set where all pairwise distances are above a threshold distance. Although similar to functions in the spThin or red packages, the geodesic is calculated more accurately via the geosphere package. The function was documented separately and also was integrated in the ensemble.batch function. * an article that documents the ensemble suitability modelling options of BiodiversityR has been published (Kindt R. 2018. Ensemble species distribution modelling with transformed suitability values. Environmental Modelling & Software 100: 136-145. URL References to this article has been included in the documentation of various functions. * a new argument of 'keep' in ensemble.VIF allows to always keep a subset of explanatory variables within the final subset of variables * in the output of the ensemble.mean function, niche overlap between input suitability layers and the mean (consensus) layer is calculated via Warren's I index that is based on the Hellinger distance (dismo::nicheOverlap; Warren et al. 2008. Evolution 62-11: 2868?2883) * in the ensemble.batch function, random selection of background locations (if an option) is repeated in each run * included options in ensemble.plot to specify colours for absence and presence suitabilities, including a new option only to plot areas where the species is predicted to be present. (Also included an example how to generate the colour scheme used in the climate change atlas.) * It is now possible to disable calls to the tryCatch function in the ensemble suitability (parameter CATCH.OFF). This option was implemented to facilitate error checking (such as problems when not all packages were installed). * An error was encountered when attempting to plot evaluation results. This error seems to be caused by interpretation of the ModelEvaluation signature. The error was circumvened by disabling plotting in the ensemble functions, but giving an example of getting plot results in the examples. Error reported by Thomas Fremout 22-JAN-2018. * the location of the dismo examples folder is provided explicitly in the GUI for creation of raster stacks Version 2.8-4 (September 2017) * compatible with Rcmdr 2.4-0 (August 2017) Version 2.8-3 (June 2017) * corrected error that prevented loading of the Graphical User Interface after previous workspace was saved * corrected error in function multiconstrained * option added of method="dbrda" in function multiconstrained Version 2.8-2 (May 2017) * full integration of the MAXLIKE algorithm in ensemble suitability modelling * new argument of 'get.block' in ensemble.calibrate.weights and ensemble.batch. The argument splits 4-fold cross-validation presence and background point location data sets along longitudinaland latidudinal lines through function get.block of the ENMeval package. * new argument of 'mmax' in the CAPdiscrim function. This argument limits the search for the optimal m (number of PCoA axes) to a a maximum number of axes equal to mmax. The argument was introduced to deal with the lda error of a variable appearing to be constant within groups. * function CAPdiscrim saves correct predictions per factor level * function ordisymbol now allows different palettes * errors corrected in the 'diversity indices' menu in saving results in the environmental data set * function includes suitability values prior to the probit transformation. Errors obtained for MAHAL, MAHAL01 and DOMAIN algorithms were corrected for the same function. Version 2.8-1 (January 2017, malaria recovery version) * compatible with Rcmdr 2.3-1 (October 2016) * BiodiversityRGUI function gives information on backward compatibility with prior versions of BiodiversityR * new function ensemble.calibrate.models that replaces function ensemble.test. The original name of ensemble.test originated from the first (2012) versions of ensemble suitability modelling functions in BiodiversityR where both ensemble.raster and ensemble test internally calibrated and evaluated (tested) models, but only ensemble.raster went ahead with creating suitability raster layers. For possible backwards compatibility, assign ensemble.test <- ensemble.calibrate.models * new function ensemble.calibrate.weights that replaces function ensemble.test.splits * slot ensemble.calibrate.weights$AUC.table (ensemble.calibrate.weights) replaces ensemble.calibrate.weights$table * argument SSB.reduce (ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.batch) replaces argument * ensemble suitability layers are now create in different 'ensemble' subfolders subfolder 'suitability' contains suitability layers for each ensemble subfolder 'presence' contains presence layers for each ensemble subfolder 'count' contains number of algorithms predicting presence subfolder 'consensussuitability' contains consensus suitability layers subfolder 'consensuspresence' contains consensus presence layers subfolder 'consensuscount' contains count of ensembles predicting presence subfolder 'consenssd' contains consensus standard deviation * new function ensemble.VIF that selects subsets of explanatory data layers until all Variance Inflation Factors are below a user-defined threshold (default: 10). By an iterative procedure, the data layer with largest VIF is removed in each step. The function is called from within the ensemble.batch function. * new function ensemble.bioclim that provides an algorithm that more closely represents the original BIOCLIM algorithm than function dismo::bioclim * new function ensemble.bioclim.graph that graph function makes graphs that show mean, median, minimum, maximum and lower and upper limits for species or climates * new function stackcommunitydataset that creates a data.frame with separate columns for sites, species and abundance values (therefore the inverse function of makecommunitydataset). Function is useful to combine information from different community data sets into one community data set. * new option for including the glmnet algorithm in ensemble suitability modelling. Option available via argument of GLMNET in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.batch, GUI interface and other functions. * new option for including the maxlike algorithm (Royle et al. 2012. Methods in Ecology and Evolution) in ensemble suitability modelling. However, because the maxlike function does not accept data frames for model calibration and the predict function does not have a newdata argument, inclusion of the algorithm is problematic and may often not be available (as in or fail (Roeland will write a new email to the authors of maxlike indicating the need to expand maxlike to handle data frames). * new option for including a modification of the dismo::mahal algorithm to ensure that predictions are within the 0 to 1 range similar to probabilities. Option available via argument of MAHAL01 and MAHAL.shape in ensemble.calibrate.models, ensemble.batch, GUI interface and other functions with * new output of the ensemble.batch function to report which ensemble had the best overall AUC. (This option can be used to plot count models * new options for ensemble.threshold threshold.method == "threshold2013.mean" provides the mean threshold of optimal thresholds identified by Liu et al. 2013. Journal of Biogeography 40: 778-789 threshold.method == "threshold2013.min" provides the minimum threshold of optimal thresholds identified by Liu et al. 2013. Journal of Biogeography 40: 778-789 threshold.method == "threshold2005.mean" provides the mean threshold of optimal thresholds identified by Liu et al. 2005. Ecography 28: 385-393 threshold.method == "threshold2005.min" provides the minimum threshold of optimal thresholds identified by Liu et al. 2005. Ecography 28: 385-393 * change of handling of data extraction from raster stacks with only 1 layer * internal change of raster extent no longer possible with main ensemble functions. Hence rasterstack objects should be modified prior to using them in ensemble functions. * change of implementation in ensemble.calibrate.models whereby dummy variables are no longer excluded for BIOCLIM and BIOCLIM.O algorithms * change of implementatin in ensemble.calibrate.models whereby only dummy variables with no variation are excluded for the DOMAIN algorithm * new option for ensemble.drop1 to also fit models with only the focal variable. Option available via argument of variables.alone = TRUE. * new option for ensemble.novel.object to exclude factor variables. The documentation was updated to show dealing with factor variable through dummy variables. * new option for ensemble.dummy.variables to create dummy variables for levels not observed in the input factor layer * increased output of ensemble.calibrate.models and ensemble.calibrate.weights to show how ensemble weights are determined (input weights, parameters and output weights) * warning message in ensemble GUI that title of calibration stack is expected to be the same as object name of the calibration stack * ensemble suitability calibration modelling allows to set VIF.max (maximum Variance Inflaction Factors of explanatory variables) and CIRCLES.d (the distance in m of circular neighbourhoods for testing background locations to reduce spatial sorting bias). * added example of superimposing GBIF locations in ensemble.ecocrop documentation * GUI option of showing calibration stack also provides names of factor variables, names of dummy variables and makes a plot of the calibration stack * Diversity indices menu now also accepts two factor variables to create a 2-way table with diversity statistics for each combination of factor levels * Added links from the GUI help to vignettes on diversity analysis in vegan and ordination analysis in vegan. Also added link to the community analysis website of Jari Oksanen from the GUI help. Version 2.7-2 (August 2016) * compatible with Rcmdr 2.3-0 (August 2016) and vegan 2.4-0 (June 2016) * new function ensemble.threshold to calculate threshold values to differentiate between absence and presence suitabilities. This function was used earlier only internally in the ensemble.test, ensemble.test.splits and ensemble.batch functions, whereas it is now available and documented as separarte function. * corrected error in makecommunitydataset (error reported by Pascal Hirsch) * Graphical User Interface (GUI) now supports following functions or options from vegan: o dispweight function (via Transform community matrix menu) o fitspecaccum function (via options of "arrhenius", "gleason", "gitay", "lomolino", "asymp", "gompertz", "michaelis-menten", "logis" and "weibull" in Species accumulation curves menu) o specslope function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o rareslope function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o rarefy function (via options in Species accumulation curves menu) o tsallis function (via options in Renyi profile menu) o tsallisaccum function (via options in Renyi profile menu) o dbrda function (via Constrained ordination menu) o monoMDS function (via Unconstrained ordination menu) o stressplot function (via unconstrained and constrained ordination menus) o betadisper function (via Compare distance matrices menu) o designdist function (in Distance matrix calculation menu) o Lingoes and Cailliez adjustments for wcmdscale, capscale, dbrda and betadisper o sqrt.dist argument for wcmdscale, capscale, dbrda and betadisper o descriptive string of "species" in scaling of ordination axes (via unconstrained and constrained ordination menus) o RsquareAdj function for cca, dbrda and capscale (in summaries of constrained ordination) o ordibar function (via plotting functions for unconstrained and constrained ordination) o plotting factor levels in different colours with ordihull, ordiarrows, ordisegments, ordispider, ordibar and ordiellipse (via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination) o summary and ordiareatest for ordihull and ordiellipse (via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination) o ehull option of ordiellipse ((via plotting functions for unconstrained and contrained ordination)) * change in calculation for ensemble.threshold function when using thresholds from the PresenceAbsence package with ensemble.threshold options of "threshold.mean" and "threshold.min": five thresholds from the PresenceAbsence package will be used (see Details) * new parameter ENSEMBLE.weight.min to set minimum output weight for ensemble.test, ensemble.test.splits and ensemble.batch. Note that parameter ENSEMBLE.min refers to the minimum input weight (and typically used to exclude algorithms with low AUC values). * ensemble.plot allows to add country boundaries (via maptools package) * ensemble.plot exports breaks and colours if only one suitability map is plotted * breaks are forced to be unique in ensemble.plot * ensemble.analogue gives warning is variables are very strongly correlated with method 'mahal' (as algorithm my fail) * corrected problem in ensemble.novel function when x only has one layer * avoid error when launching the GUI when dismo package was not installed * corrected error in labeling the y-axis in reyniplot function (error reported by Mauricio Carrasquilla) Version 2.7-1 (April 2016) * ensemble.batch: procedure stops when no algorithms retained in the k-fold cross-validation procedure * new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for renaming layer names of calibration and prediction stacks * included link to Hijmans RJ and Elith J. 2016. Species distribution modelling with R. * options to set width and height of new graphical device for ensemble.plot, evaluation.strip.plot and ensemble.centroids functions. Setting any of these parameters to a value < 0 results in no opening of a new device . Version 2.7-0 (March 2016) * new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ensemble suitability modelling. Guidelines for getting started are available from the GUI and in the 'doc' folder of BiodiversityR * included the ensemble.mean function within ensemble.batch, so that ensemble.batch also produces the mean ('_MEAN_') ensemble files when several ensembles are calibrated via ensemble.batch * new function ensemble.plot, especially to apply a colourscheme that differentiates between suitabilities below and above a threshold that discriminates between predicted absence-presence of the organism * new feature in the evaluation.strip.plot to include a boxplot for the presence locations of a data set used for model calibrations * included help buttons in various GUI windows Version 2.6-1 (January 2016) * ensemble.centroid and ensemble.zones: New functions to determine centroid locations in principal components space of presence locations of an organism. Mahalanobis distance from centroid locations to map zones based on the minimum distance from centroid locations. * report information on spatial sorting bias in ensemble.test. * and CIRCLES.d options in ensemble.test function to reduce spatial sorting bias between evaluation presence and absence locations * threshold.PresenceAbsence option in ensemble.test to use the PresenceAbsence package to calculate absence-presence thresholds. * ensemble.novel: New function to map novel environmental conditions. * ensemble.area: New function to calculate areas of suitability raster maps. * ensemble.analogue: New function to map environmental (climate) analogues. * ensemble.ecocrop: New function to map suitability based on temperature and rainfall optimal and absolute ranges. * corrected problem in handling probit-transformations in ensemble.raster function * started ChangeLog Version 2.5-4 (September 2015) * compatibility with Rcmdr restored (eg qqPlot) * menu interface scripts updated * new menu option of Analysis of diversity > Add diversity variables to data set * new menu option of silhouette in the Cluster analysis plot options Version 2.5-3 (July 2015) * changes in the CAPdiscrim function to result in same results as PRIMER (problem handled by including as.dist() function prior to cmdscale() function). * new function importancevalue to calculate Importance Value Index, and new ifri data set (collaboration with the International Forestry Resources and Institutions [IFRI] research network; * new menu option of replacing NA with 0 in the community data set * corrected problem in ensemble.test.splits function in obtain AUC-derived weights for submodels when weights are not tuned * ensured that subfolder to save models is created (ensemble.test function) * included package information for function visibility Version 2-5.2 (April 2015) * included droplevels() function in function ensemble.test * avoiding loading of libraries in ensemble functions (including gam::s() for gam formula) * included topography-derived variables in BCI.env data (provided by P. Legendre) Version 2-5.1 (November 2014) * menu option to remove species with zero total abundance * handle new 8-character species codes in vegan in examples * include options to plot as.phylo() cluster dendrograms * option to reorder cluster dendrograms * option to plot symbols in cluster diagrams * BiodiversityR start up message * expand vegan functions from menu interface (vegemite, tabasco, coverscale, screeplot, bioenv, betadisper, contribdiv, beals, betadiverr, wcmscale, pcnm, polaccum, estaccumR, eventstar, indpower, isomap, meandist, nestedchecker, nestedtemp, nestednodf, nestedbetasor, nestedbetajac, RsquareAdj, drarefy, simper, treeheight) * corrected problems with jackknife of diversity analysis (diversityresult function with method='jackknife') Version 2-4.4 (May 2014) * new PROBIT option in ensemble.test function to transform outputs of ensemble submodels with probit transformation (also supported in ensemble.raster function) * new ENSEMBLE.exponent option to modify weights of ensemble submodels in ensemble model by using exponent * corrected use of persp() for accumulated renyi profiles in menu interface Version 2-4.1 (January 2014) * new functions of ensemble.simplified.categories and ensemble.dummy.variables * new function of ensemble.evaluation.strip * only allow ensemble calibration in ensemble.test and ensemble.test.splits functions * include legends in menu-interface generated plots no longer via locator() Older versions * mainly changes related to newer version of R base and loaded packages, including changes required to maintain compatility with R-commander