## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----function-nguyen---------------------------------------------------------- #### Define a streamlined function for Nguyen approach #### # 1. use round(siglevel*num), if siglevel*num is basically an integer, # to within the default numerical tolerance of all.equal(); # 2. or otherwise use ceiling(siglevel*num) instead. roundOrCeiling <- function(x) { ifelse(isTRUE(all.equal(round(x), x)), # is x==round(x) to numerical tolerance? round(x), ceiling(x)) } cint.nguyen <- function(x, y, nmc = 10000, conf.level = 0.95) { # Two-tailed CIs only, for now sig <- 1 - conf.level # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::dset() n <- length(x) m <- length(y) N <- n + m num <- choose(N, n) # number of possible combinations # Form a matrix where each column contains indices in new "group1" for that comb or perm if(nmc == 0 | num <= nmc) { # take all possible combinations dcombn1 <- utils::combn(1:N, n) } else { # use Monte Carlo sample of permutations, not all possible combinations dcombn1 <- replicate(nmc, sample(N, n)) dcombn1[,1] <- 1:n # force the 1st "combination" to be original data order num <- nmc } # Form the equivalent matrix for indices in new "group2" dcombn2 <- apply(dcombn1, 2, function(x) setdiff(1:N, x)) # Form the corresponding matrices of data values, not data indices combined <- c(x, y) group1_perm <- matrix(combined[dcombn1], nrow = n) group2_perm <- matrix(combined[dcombn2], nrow = m) # For each comb or perm, compute difference in group means, k, and w_{k,d} diffmean <- colMeans(group1_perm) - colMeans(group2_perm) k <- colSums(matrix(dcombn1 %in% ((n+1):N), nrow = n)) wkd <- (diffmean[1] - diffmean) / (k * (1/n + 1/m)) # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::cint() # Sort wkd values and find desired quantiles w.i <- sort(wkd, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE) siglevel <- (1 - conf.level)/2 index <- roundOrCeiling(siglevel*num) - 1 # When dset's nmc leads us to use Monte Carlo sims, # we may get some permutations equivalent to orig data # i.e. we may get SEVERAL k=0 and therefore several w.i=NaN. nk0 <- sum(k == 0) # Start counting from (1+nk0)'th element of w.i # (not the 1st, which will always be 'NaN' since k[1] is 0) LB <- w.i[1 + nk0 + index] UB <- w.i[(num - index)] CI <- c(LB, UB) conf.achieved <- 1 - (2*(index+1) / num) message(paste0("Achieved conf. level: 1-2*(", index+1, "/", num, ")")) return(list(conf.int = CI, conf.level.achieved = conf.achieved)) } ## ----function-forloop--------------------------------------------------------- #### Define a function for "naive" approach with for-loop #### cint.naive.forloop <- function(x, y, deltas, nmc = 10000, conf.level = 0.95) { # Two-tailed CIs only, for now sig <- 1 - conf.level pvalmeans <- rep(1, length(deltas)) # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::dset() n <- length(x) m <- length(y) N <- n + m num <- choose(N, n) # number of possible combinations # Form a matrix where each column contains indices in new "group1" for that comb or perm if(nmc == 0 | num <= nmc) { # take all possible combinations dcombn1 <- utils::combn(1:N, n) } else { # use Monte Carlo sample of permutations, not all possible combinations dcombn1 <- replicate(nmc, sample(N, n)) dcombn1[,1] <- 1:n # force the 1st "combination" to be original data order num <- nmc } # Form the equivalent matrix for indices in new "group2" dcombn2 <- apply(dcombn1, 2, function(x) setdiff(1:N, x)) for(dd in 1:length(deltas)) { xtmp <- x - deltas[dd] # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::dset() combined <- c(xtmp, y) # Form the corresponding matrices of data values, not data indices group1_perm <- matrix(combined[dcombn1], nrow = n) group2_perm <- matrix(combined[dcombn2], nrow = m) # For each comb or perm, compute difference in group means diffmean <- colMeans(group1_perm) - colMeans(group2_perm) # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::pval() pvalmeans[dd] <- sum(abs(diffmean - mean(diffmean)) >= abs(diffmean[1] - mean(diffmean)))/length(diffmean) } print( range(deltas[which(pvalmeans >= sig)]) ) return(list(cint = range(deltas[which(pvalmeans >= sig)]), pvalmeans = pvalmeans, deltas = deltas)) } ## ----function-array, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # ## THIS FUNCTION ALSO WORKS, # ## BUT REQUIRES SUBSTANTIALLY MORE MEMORY THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE # ## AND IS SLOWER FOR LARGE DATASETS, # ## SO WE LEFT IT OUT OF THE COMPARISONS # # # Possible speedup: # # Could we replace for-loop with something like manipulating a 3D array? # # e.g., where we say # ### group1_perm <- matrix(combined[dcombn1], nrow = n) # # could we first make `combined` into a 2D matrix # # where each col is like it is now, # # but each row is for a different value of delta; # # and then group1_perm would be a 3D array, # # where each 1st+2nd dims matrix is like it is now, # # but 3rd dim indexes over deltas; # # and then `diffmean` and `pvalmeans` # # would be colMeans or similar over an array # # so the output would be right # # cint.naive.array <- function(x, y, deltas, # nmc = 10000, # conf.level = 0.95) { # # Two-tailed CIs only, for now # sig <- 1 - conf.level # # # New version where xtmp is a matrix, not a vector; # # and some stuff below will be arrays, not matrices... # xtmp <- matrix(x, nrow = length(x), ncol = length(deltas)) # xtmp <- xtmp - deltas[col(xtmp)] # combined <- rbind(xtmp, # matrix(y, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(deltas))) # # # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::dset() # n <- length(x) # m <- length(y) # N <- n + m # num <- choose(N, n) # number of possible combinations # # Form a matrix where each column contains indices in new "group1" for that comb or perm # if(nmc == 0 | num <= nmc) { # take all possible combinations # dcombn1 <- utils::combn(1:N, n) # } else { # use Monte Carlo sample of permutations, not all possible combinations # dcombn1 <- replicate(nmc, sample(N, n)) # dcombn1[,1] <- 1:n # force the 1st "combination" to be original data order # num <- nmc # } # # Form the equivalent matrix for indices in new "group2" # dcombn2 <- apply(dcombn1, 2, function(x) setdiff(1:N, x)) # # # ARRAYS of data indices, where 3rd dim indexes over deltas # dcombn1_arr <- outer(dcombn1, N * (0:(length(deltas)-1)), FUN = "+") # dcombn2_arr <- outer(dcombn2, N * (0:(length(deltas)-1)), FUN = "+") # # # Form the corresponding ARRAYS of data values, not data indices # group1_perm <- array(combined[dcombn1_arr], dim = dim(dcombn1_arr)) # group2_perm <- array(combined[dcombn2_arr], dim = dim(dcombn2_arr)) # # # For each comb or perm, compute difference in group means # # diffmean <- matrix(colMeans(group1_perm, dim=1), nrow = num) - # # matrix(colMeans(group2_perm, dim=1), nrow = num) # diffmean <- colMeans(group1_perm, dim=1) - colMeans(group2_perm, dim=1) # # # Code copied/modified from within CIPerm::pval() # pvalmeans <- colSums(abs(diffmean - colMeans(diffmean)[col(diffmean)]) >= abs(diffmean[1,] - colMeans(diffmean))[col(diffmean)])/nrow(diffmean) # # plot(deltas, pvalmeans) # # print( range(deltas[which(pvalmeans >= sig)]) ) # return(list(cint = range(deltas[which(pvalmeans >= sig)]), # pvalmeans = pvalmeans, # deltas = deltas)) # } ## ----tests-tiny--------------------------------------------------------------- #### Speed tests on Nguyen's tiny dataset #### # Use 1st tiny dataset from Nguyen's paper library(CIPerm) x <- c(19, 22, 25, 26) y <- c(23, 33, 40) # Actual CIPerm package's approach: system.time({ print( cint(dset(x, y), conf.level = 0.95, tail = "Two") ) }) # Streamlined version of CIPerm approach: system.time({ print( cint.nguyen(x, y, conf.level = 0.95) ) }) # Naive approach with for-loops: deltas <- ((-22):4) system.time({ pvalmeans <- cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas)$pvalmeans }) # Sanity check to debug `cint.naive`: # are the p-vals always higher when closer to middle of CI? # Are they always above 0.05 inside and below it outside CI? cbind(deltas, pvalmeans) plot(deltas, pvalmeans) abline(h = 0.05) abline(v = c(-21, 3), lty = 2) # Yes, it's as it should be :) ## ----test-tiny-array, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------- # # Naive approach with arrays: # system.time({ # pvalmeans <- cint.naive.array(x, y, deltas)$pvalmeans # }) # # # Sanity check again: # cbind(deltas, pvalmeans) # plot(deltas, pvalmeans) # abline(h = 0.05) # abline(v = c(-21, 3), lty = 2) # # Yep, still same results. OK. # # So this "array" version IS faster, # # and nearly as fast as Nguyen # # (though harder to debug... # # but the same could be said of Nguyen's approach...) # # # WAIT WAIT WAIT # # I changed the for-loop approach to stop creating dcombn1 & dcombn2 # # inside each step of the loop # # since we can reuse the same ones for every value of deltas... # # AND NOW it's FASTER than the array version, # # even for tiny datasets! # # And later we'll see that array version is unbearably slow # # for large datasets where it takes forever # # to create & store these massive arrays... # # So it's not worth reporting in the final vignette :( ## ----tests-larger------------------------------------------------------------- choose(18, 9) ## 48620 set.seed(20220528) x <- rnorm(9, mean = 0, sd = 1) y <- rnorm(9, mean = 1, sd = 1) # Actual CIPerm approach # (with nmc = 0, # so that we use ALL of the choose(N,n) combinations # instead of a MC sample of permutations) system.time({ print( cint(dset(x, y, nmc = 0), conf.level = 0.95, tail = "Two") ) }) # Streamlined version of CIPerm approach: system.time({ print( cint.nguyen(x, y, nmc = 0, conf.level = 0.95) ) }) # Coarser grid deltas <- ((-21):(1))/10 # grid steps of 0.1 # Naive with for-loops: system.time({ pvalmeans <- cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 0)$pvalmeans }) # Finer grid deltas <- ((-21*2):(1*2))/20 # grid steps of 0.05 # Naive with for-loops: system.time({ pvalmeans <- cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 0)$pvalmeans }) ## ----tests-larger-array, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------- # # Coarser grid # deltas <- ((-21):(1))/10 # grid steps of 0.1 # # # Naive with arrays: # system.time({ # pvalmeans <- cint.naive.array(x, y, deltas, nmc = 1e6)$pvalmeans # }) # # # !!! Indeed it looks like naive.forloop # # is FASTER than naive.array # # now that I've removed the slow dcombn1 & dcombn2 creating from the loop. # # # # Finer grid # deltas <- ((-21*2):(1*2))/20 # grid steps of 0.05 # # # Naive with arrays: # system.time({ # pvalmeans <- cint.naive.array(x, y, deltas, nmc = 1e6)$pvalmeans # }) ## ----tests-largest------------------------------------------------------------ #### Speed tests on much larger dataset #### set.seed(20220528) x <- rnorm(5e3, mean = 0, sd = 1) y <- rnorm(5e3, mean = 1, sd = 1) # Actual CIPerm approach # (with nmc = 2000 << choose(N,n), # so it only takes a MC sample of permutations # instead of running all possible combinations) system.time({ print( cint(dset(x, y, nmc = 2e3), conf.level = 0.95, tail = "Two") ) }) # Streamlined version of CIPerm approach: system.time({ print( cint.nguyen(x, y, nmc = 2e3, conf.level = 0.95) ) }) # Grid of around 20ish steps deltas <- ((-11*10):(-9*10))/100 # grid steps of 0.01 # Naive with for-loops: system.time({ pvalmeans <- cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 2e3)$pvalmeans }) ## ----tests-largest-array, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # # Naive with arrays: # system.time({ # pvalmeans <- cint.naive.array(x, y, deltas, nmc = 2e3)$pvalmeans # }) ## ----tests-largest-benchmark-------------------------------------------------- # bench::mark(cint.nguyen(x, y, nmc = 2e3), # cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 2e3), # check = FALSE, min_iterations = 10) #> # A tibble: 2 × 13 #> expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc #> <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list> #> 1 cint.nguyen(x, y, nmc = 2000) 2.5s 2.71s 0.364 1.58GB 2.92 10 80 27.44s <NULL> <Rprofmem [32,057 × 3]> <bench_tm [10]> <tibble [10 × 3]> #> 2 cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 2000) 7.87s 8.07s 0.120 7.4GB 4.64 10 388 1.39m <NULL> <Rprofmem [32,256 × 3]> <bench_tm [10]> <tibble [10 × 3]> ## ----tests-largest-profvis---------------------------------------------------- # profvis::profvis(cint.nguyen(x, y, nmc = 2e3)) # profvis::profvis(cint.naive.forloop(x, y, deltas, nmc = 2e3))