title: "Getting Started with DMRnet"
author: "Szymon Nowakowski"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with DMRnet}

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# This document

The purpose of this vignette is to introduce readers to `DMRnet` package, 
bring them up to speed by providing a simple
use case example and point interested readers towards more comprehensive informative material.

# `DMRnet` package

`DMRnet` is an `R` package for regression and classification with a 
family of model selection algorithms.
`DMRnet` package supports both continuous and categorical predictors. 
The overall number of regressors may exceed the number of observations. 

The selected model consists of a subset of numerical regressors and partitions of levels of factors. 

The available model selection algorithms are the following:

- `DMRnet` is the default and the most comprehensive model selection algorithm in the package, it can be used both for $p<n$ and $p \geq n$ scenarios. It first executes a screening step in order to reduce the problem to $p<n$ and then uses `DMR` subsequently.
- `GLAMER` stands for Group LAsso MERger and it is a new (simplified in relation to DMRnet) model selection algorithm that can be used both for $p<n$ and $p \geq n$ scenarios. In comparison to `DMRnet`, the step of reordering variables based on their t-statistics is skipped. This is the first partition selection algorithm in literature for which a partition selection consistency has been proven for high dimensional scenario [Nowakowski *et al.*, 2021].
- `PDMR` stands for Plain DMR and it is a threshold parameter agnostic variant of GLAMER algorithm [Nowakowski *et al.*, 2023]. It can be used both for $p<n$ and $p \geq n$ scenarios, as well. 
- Variable selection algorithm allows user to select (or deselect) full variables, for factors it means that merging their levels is not allowed (they are either retained or discarded in full). Internally, it is executed as a thresholded group lasso. Initially, a two dimensional net of lasso-related lambda and threshold values results in a large family of models, but at a later stage of the algorithm, for each model dimension the best model (i.e. the model maximizing the likelihood) is chosen.  
- `DMR` [Maj-Kańska *et al.*, 2015] is a model selection algorithm that can be used for $p<n$ scenario only.
- `SOSnet` [Pokarowski and Mielniczuk, 2015, Pokarowski *et al.*, 2022] is a model selection algorithm that is used both for $p<n$ and $p \geq n$ scenarios for continuous-only regressors (with no categorical variables and, consequently, no partition selection). 

Algorithm-wise, the package user has the following choices:

- The user can select `DMRnet` algorithm by calling `DMRnet()` or `cv.DMRnet()` functions.
- The user can select variable selection, `GLAMER` or `PDMR` algorithms by calling `DMRnet()` or `cv.DMRnet()` functions and passing `algorithm="var_sel"`, `algorithm="glamer"` or `algorithm="PDMR"` argument, respectively.
- The user can select `DMR` algorithm by calling `DMR()` or `cv.DMR()` functions.
- The `SOSnet` algorithm is automatically chosen if `DMRnet()` or `cv.DMRnet()` functions were called with an input consisting of continuous-only regressors.

As this vignette is introductory only, and the choice of an algorithm is a somewhat more advanced topic, from now on it is assumed that the user works with `DMRnet` algorithm only. 

# OK, so let's get started

To load the package into memory execute the following line:

```{r setup}

`DMRnet` package features two built-in data sets: [Promoter](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Molecular+Biology+\%28Promoter+Gene+Sequences\%29) and Miete [Fahrmeir *et al.*, 2004]. 

We will work with Miete data set in this vignette.
Miete data consists of $n = 2053$ households interviewed for the Munich rent standard 2003. The
response is continuous, it is monthly rent per square meter in Euros. There are 9 categorical and 2 continuous variables.

```{r miete}
X <- miete[,-1]
y <- miete$rent

Out of 9 categorical variables 7 have 2 levels each, and the two remaining (`area` and `rooms`) have 25 and 6 levels, respectively. This sums up to 45 levels. The way `DMRnet` handles levels results in 36 parameters for the categorical variables (the first level in each categorical variable is already considered included in the intercept). The 2 continuous variables give 2 additional parameters, the intercept is one more, so it totals in $p = 39$.

# Estimating and inspecting a sequence of models

In contrast to explicit group lasso methods which need a design matrix with explicit groups, `DMRnet` package internally transforms an input matrix into a design matrix (e.g. by expanding factors into a set of one-hot encoded dummy variables). Thus, `X` needs no additional changes and already is all set to be fed into `DMRnet`:

```{r DMRnet}
models <- DMRnet(X, y, family="gaussian")

Here, `family="gaussian"` argument was used to indicate, that we are interested in a linear regression for modeling a continuous response variable. The `family="gaussian"` is the default and could have been omitted as well. In a printout above you can notice a bunch of other default values set for some other parameters (e.g. `nlambda=100` requesting the cardinality of a net of lambda values used) in model estimation.

The last part of a printout above presents a sequence of models estimated from `X`. Notice the models have varying number of parameters (model dimension `df` ranges from 39 for a full model down to 1 for the 39-th model).

Let us plot the path for the coefficients for the 10 smallest models as a function of their model dimension `df`:

```{r plot, fig.height=4, fig.width=6, small.mar=TRUE}
plot(models, xlim=c(1, 10), lwd=2)

Notice how you can also pass other parameters (`xlim=c(1, 10), lwd=2`) to change the default behavior of the `plot()` function.

To inspect the coefficients for a particular model in detail, one can use the `coef()` function. For the sake of the example, let's examine the last model from the plot, with `df=10`:

```{r coef}
coef(models, df=10)

Notice how `area`-related coefficients are all equal, effectively merging all 12 listed `area` levels with a coefficient -55.36 and merging all 13 remaining `area` levels with a coefficient 0.0. The 13 remaining `area` levels merged with a coefficient 0.0 were unlisted in a printout above. The reason behind it is that only non-zero coefficients get listed in the `coef()` function.

# Selecting best models

There are two basic methods for model selection supported in `DMRnet` package. One is based on a $K$-fold Cross Validation (CV), the other is based on Generalized Information Criterion (GIC) [Foster and George, 1994].

### Model selection with GIC

A GIC-based model selection is performed directly on a precomputed sequence of models

```{r GIC, fig.height=4, fig.width=6, small.mar=TRUE}
gic.model <- gic.DMR(models)

One can read a model dimension with
```{r gic.df.min}

One also has access to the best model coefficients with
```{r gic.coef}

### Model selection with $K$-fold Cross Validation

The default $K$ value is 10. Because the data needs to be partitioned into CV subsets which alternate as training and validating sets, the precomputed sequence of models in `models` variable cannot be used directly, as was the case with GIC-based model selection. Instead, to perform a 10-fold CV-based model selection execute

```{r cross-validation, fig.height=4, fig.width=6, small.mar=TRUE}
cv.model <- cv.DMRnet(X, y)

As before, one can access the best model dimension with
```{r cv.df.min}

In a plot above there is also a blue dot indicating a `df.1se` model. This is the smallest model (respective to its dimension)
having its error within the boundary of one standard deviation (the blue dotted line) from the best model. 
This model improves interpretability without erring much more than the best model.
```{r cv.df.1se}

Returning to the best model, `df.min`, its dimension is the same as when we used GIC directly.
Let's check if the CV-selected model is the same as the best model selected with GIC:
```{r cv.coef}

# Predicting response for new observations

Models selected with both model selection methods can be used to predict response variable values for new

```{r predict}
predict(gic.model, newx=head(X))
predict(cv.model, newx=head(X))

No wonder the corresponding predictions are all equal, since the selected models were the same.

In models selected with CV, one can switch between `df.min` and `df.1se` models with the use of `md` argument, as follows:
```{r cv predict}
predict(cv.model, md="df.min", newx=head(X))  # the default, best model
predict(cv.model, md="df.1se",  newx=head(X)) # the alternative df.1se model

One can predict the response variable values for the whole sequence of models as well:
```{r seq-predict}
predict(models, newx=head(X))

Notice how the `df12` model predictions overlap with the values we obtained for the `df.min` model, and `df3` overlaps with the values we obtained for the `df.1se` model.

# Classification with 2 classes

For a classification task with 2 classes, the non-default `family="binomial"` should be provided in a call to `DMRnet` and `cv.DMRnet` (but not to `gic.DMR`) and the response variable should be a factor with two classes, with the last level in alphabetical order interpreted as the target class. It is illustrated with the following code with a somewhat artificial example:

```{r binomial}
binomial_y <- factor(y > mean(y))     #changing Miete response var y into a binomial factor with 2 classes
binomial_models <- DMRnet(X, binomial_y, family="binomial")
gic.binomial_model <- gic.DMR(binomial_models)

A corresponding `predict` call has a `type` parameter with the default value `"link"`, which returns the linear predictors. To change that behavior one can substitute the default with `type="response"` to get the fitted probabilities or `type="class"` to get the class labels corresponding to the maximum probability. So to get actual values compatible with a binomial `y`, `type="class"` should be used:

```{r predict-binomial}
predict(gic.binomial_model, newx=head(X), type="class")

Please note that 1 is the value of a target class in the `predict` output.

# References

1. Szymon Nowakowski, Piotr Pokarowski, Wojciech Rejchel and Agnieszka Sołtys, 2023. *Improving Group Lasso for High-Dimensional Categorical Data*. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14074, p. 455-470. Springer, Cham. <doi:10.1007/978-3-031-36021-3_47>
2. Szymon Nowakowski, Piotr Pokarowski and Wojciech Rejchel. 2021. *Group Lasso Merger for Sparse Prediction with High-Dimensional Categorical Data.* arXiv [stat.ME]. <https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2112.11114>
3. Aleksandra Maj-Kańska, Piotr Pokarowski and Agnieszka Prochenka, 2015. *Delete or merge regressors for linear model selection.* Electronic Journal of Statistics 9(2): 1749-1778. <doi:10.1214/15-EJS1050>
4. Piotr Pokarowski and Jan Mielniczuk, 2015. *Combined l1 and greedy l0 penalized least squares for linear model selection.* Journal of Machine Learning Research 16(29): 961-992. <https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume16/pokarowski15a/pokarowski15a.pdf>
5. Piotr Pokarowski, Wojciech Rejchel, Agnieszka Sołtys, Michał Frej and Jan Mielniczuk, 2022. *Improving Lasso for model selection and prediction.* Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 49(2): 831–863. <doi:10.1111/sjos.12546>
6. Ludwig Fahrmeir, Rita Künstler, Iris Pigeot, Gerhard Tutz, 2004. Statistik: der Weg zur Datenanalyse. 5. Auflage, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
7. Dean P. Foster and Edward I. George, 1994. *The Risk Inflation Criterion for Multiple Regression.* The Annals of Statistics 22 (4): 1947–75.