title: "Examples"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >

```{r, include = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Before getting started, make sure that you have installed the package.

To install the package from CRAN:

```{r echo=T, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE}

To install the package from Github:

```{r echo=T, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE}

If the package is installed, make sure that you load it:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

# 1. Choosing the Control Group

### The `control_group` argument

Depending on empirical context, the parallel-trends assumption may only hold for one of these possible control groups:

- `"never-treated"`: These are the control units that are never observed receiving the treatment within the sampling time frame.
- `"future-treated"`: These are the control units that are observed receiving the treatment within the sampling time frame.
- `"all"`: These include both the "never-treated" and "future-treated" groups.

`DiDforBigData` makes it easy to choose among these possibilities by setting the `control_group` argument of the `DiD` function.

### Example

We start by simulating some data to work with:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
sim = SimDiD(seed=123, sample_size = 1000)
simdata = sim$simdata

We can check what the true ATT is in the simulated data. In particular, let's focus on the ATT for Cohort 2007:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

We also set up the variable names as a list so that `DiDforBigData` knows which variable is the outcome, which variable is the treatment cohort, etc.:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

Now, we are ready to estimate DiD. We focus on the ATT for the 2007 cohort at event times -3,...,5. Initially, the control group is not set, so the function will use the default option  `control_group = "all"`:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, min_event = -3, max_event=5)


We now consider changing the estimation to only use the "never-treated" control group:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, 
          control_group = "never-treated", min_event = -3, max_event=5)


Note that the sample size for the control group, `Ncontrol`, is now substantially lower. Finally, we consider changing this to only use the "future-treated" group:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, 
          control_group = "future-treated", min_event = -3, max_event=5)


We see that, because there are no future-treated cohorts left at event time +5, it is no longer possible to provide an ATT estimate at event time +5 if using the future-treated control group.

# 2. Avoiding anticipation

### The `base_event` argument 

In DiD designs, the researcher must choose a base pre-period against which differences are measured. A natural choice is `base_event = -1`, which means to use the time period just before treatment onset at event time 0. 

As discussed by Callaway & Sant'Anna (2021), one possibility is that the treatment group begins responding to treatment prior to treatment onset, which is called "anticipation." If anticipation begins at period -1, then differences measured relative to `base_event = -1` yield inconsistent DiD estimates. 

Fortunately, there is an easy solution: choose a base pre-period from before anticipation began. If it seems reasonable to assume that the treatment group could not have anticipated treatment 3 years before treatment onset, then `base_event = -3` should be free of anticipation.

### Example

We can simulate data that is subject to anticipation using the `anticipation` argument in the `SimDiD` function:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
sim = SimDiD(seed=123, sample_size = 200, anticipation = 2)
simdata = sim$simdata

Let's focus on the average ATT across all cohorts. There are two periods of treatment effects prior to treatment, which we can verify by checking the true ATT from the simulation:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

We set up the `varnames` to prepare for estimation:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

If we estimate DiD using the default argument that `base_event = -1`, the estimate will be biased and inconsistent:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, min_event = -3, max_event=3)


We now set `base_event = -3` to avoid the anticipation at -1 and -2:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, 
          base_event = -3, min_event = -3, max_event=3)


We see that the estimate is now close to the true ATT.

# 3. Controlling for Time-varying Covariates

### The `covariate_names` entry

We sometimes worry that treatment cohorts are selected on time-varying observables, and those time-varying observables also directly affect the outcome. If the growth rate in the observables differs between the treatment and control groups, it creates a violation of the parallel-trends assumption:  the treatment and control groups would have experienced different growth profiles in the absence of treatment due to their different observables.

Fortunately, this is easy to fix: Since the confounding variables are observable, we just need to control for those observables. `DiDforBigData` requires only that the list of variable names, `varnames`, is modified to include a `covariate_names` entry. For example, `varnames$covariate_names = c("X1","X2")` tells it to control linearly for time-variation in X1 and X2.

### Example

There is an option in `SimDiD()` to add a couple of covariates. 

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

sim = SimDiD(sample_size=1000, time_covars=TRUE)
simdata = sim$simdata


There are two covariates, X1 and X2. In particular, X2  differs in growth rates across treatment cohorts, which means that it causes violations of parallel trends if not controlled. 

We set up the `varnames` to prepare for estimation, ignoring the covariates for now:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

We verify that DiD gives the wrong answer for cohort 2007:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, min_event = -3, max_event=5)


To control linearly for X1 and X2, we just need to add them to the `covariate_names` argument of `varnames`:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames$covariate_names = c("X1","X2")

Now we check DiD with controls for time-variation in X1 and X2:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, min_event = -3, max_event=5)


We see that the bias has been removed thanks to the control variables.

# 4. Robust and Clustered Standard Errors
### The  `cluster_names` entry

By default, this package always provides heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors. However, in difference-in-differences applications, it is often the case that treatment is assigned to groups of individuals (e.g., a change in  state-wide policy treats all individuals in a state simultaneously). If those groups are also subject to common shocks, this induces correlation in the estimation errors within cluster, and standard errors will tend to be too small.

Fortunately, this is easy to fix: If the groups within which the estimation errors are correlated are known to the researcher, we just need to cluster standard errors by group. `DiDforBigData` requires only that the list of variable names, `varnames`, is modified to include a `cluster_names` entry. For example, `varnames$cluster_names = c("group1","group2")` tells it to use multi-way clustering in a way that accounts for common shocks to each of observable groups, "group1" and "group2".

Note: When estimating a regression that combines multiple treatment cohorts and/or multiple event times, it is necessary to always cluster on unit (individual). `DiDforBigData` adds this clustering by default.

### Example

There is an option in `SimDiD()` using `clusters=TRUE` to group individuals into bins that are differentially selected for treatment and that also face common shocks within each bin:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

sim = SimDiD(sample_size=1000, clusters = TRUE)
simdata = sim$simdata


We set up the `varnames` to prepare for estimation:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

We check the usual standard errors, which are clustered on unit based on `varnames$id_name` by default:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = simdata, varnames = varnames, min_event = -1, max_event=3)



Next, we cluster on the "cluster" variable by adding it to the `varnames` and re-estimating:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}

varnames$cluster_names = "cluster" 

did = DiD(inputdata = copy(simdata), varnames = varnames, min_event = -1, max_event=3)



# 5. Parallelization
### The  `parallel_cores` argument

If you have the `parallel` package installed, it is trivial to execute your DiD estimation in parallel by setting the `parallel_cores` argument in the `DiD()` command. For example, `DiD(..., parallel_cores = 4)` will utilize 4 cores in parallel. To determine how many cores are available on your system, just run the command `parallel::detectCores()` in R. (I suggest leaving at least 1 core free to keep your system from freezing.)

While parallel processing usually does not interact well with the progress bar, I have written a modified version of R's parallelization protocol that correctly updates the progress bar as it completes its tasks. Thus, if you have the `progress` package installed, you will correctly see a progress bar and predicted completion time while your `DiD` estimation is executing in parallel.

### Example

We simulate some data:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
sim = SimDiD(seed=123, sample_size = 1000)
simdata = sim$simdata

We set up the `varnames` to prepare for estimation:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

We run the estimation not in parallel:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = copy(simdata), varnames = varnames, min_event = -1, max_event=3)

We run the estimation in parallel with 2 processes:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = copy(simdata), varnames = varnames, min_event = -1, max_event=3, parallel_cores = 2)

# 6. Average across Event Times

### The `Esets` argument

Suppose you wish to average the DiD estimate across a few event times, with a corresponding standard error for the average across event times. This is done by providing a list to the `Esets` argument in the `DiD()` command. 

For example, if `Esets = list(c(1,2,3))`, then the output will include the average DiD for event times `e=1,2,3`. Multiple sets of event times can be provided, e.g., `Esets = list(c(1,2,3), c(1,3))` will provide the average across `e=1,2,3` as well as the average for `e=1` and `e=3`.

Event set averages are returned in the `$results_Esets` argument of the output list. Sample size is not provided, as it is unclear how to define the sample size when averaging multiple statistics, each of which has a different sample size.

### Example

We simulate some data:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE}
sim = SimDiD(seed=123, sample_size = 1000)
simdata = sim$simdata

We set up the `varnames` to prepare for estimation:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE}
varnames = list()
varnames$time_name = "year" 
varnames$outcome_name = "Y"
varnames$cohort_name = "cohort"
varnames$id_name = "id"

We run the estimation with two event set averages:

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE}
did = DiD(inputdata = copy(simdata), varnames = varnames, min_event = -1, max_event=3, Esets = list(c(1,2,3), c(1,3)))
