# All changes to fuzzyAHP are documented here.

## Version 0.9.0 (CRAN)
- compelte rewrite of pairwiseComparisonMatrix and FuzzyPairwiseComparisonMatrix functions
for more easier creation of pairwise comparison matrices
- removed function as.data.frame
- added textRepresentation function that convers FuzzyPairwiseComparisonMatrix and
PairwiseComparisonMatrix into character dataframe
- added getFuzzyScale function which constructs fuzzy scale

## Version 0.8.6 (CRAN)
bugfixes of pairwiseComparisonMatrix
  - valuesChar was fliped if input matrix was of type double
  - function failed due to issues with comparisons of double if the input matrix was not rounded

bugfix of fuzzyPairwiseComparisonMatrix
  - fixed the issue of creation if input was matrix of type double

## Version 0.8.4 (CRAN)