CHANGES IN LDAvis VERSION 0.3.2 BUG FIX In some cases, the widths of the red topic-term bars did not decrease (as they should have) from term \#1 to term \#R under the relevance ranking with $\lambda = 1$. In other words, when $\lambda = 1$, there were topics in which a narrow red bar was displayed above a wider red bar, which should never happen. The issue had to do with the way topic-term bar widths are computed, and is discussed in detail in #32. In the end, we implemented a quick fix in which we compute term frequencies implicitly, rather than using those supplied in the createJSON() function. The upside is that the red bar widths are now explicitly controlled to produce the correct visualization. The downside is that the blue bar widths do not necessarily match the user-supplied term frequencies exactly -- in fact, the new version of LDAvis ignores the user-supplied term frequencies entirely. In a few experiments, the differences are small, and decrease (as a proportion of the true term frequencies) as the true term frequencies increase. Thanks to @bmabey for leading us to this bug. CHANGES IN LDAvis VERSION 0.3.1 BUG FIX - See #33 CHANGES IN LDAvis VERSION 0.3 NEW FEATURES - LDAvis output can now be integrated in shiny apps and interactive rmarkdown documents using the functions renderVis & visOutput. CHANGES IN LDAvis VERSION 0.2 MAJOR CHANGES - The function runShiny was deprecated. Please use createJSON to create visualizations instead. CHANGES IN LDAvis VERSION 0.1 NEW FEATURES - first version of LDAvis MISC - in this NEWS file, #n means the issue number on GitHub, e.g. #1 is