Processing math: 100%

LaMa and RTMB

Before diving into this vignette, we recommend reading the vignettes Introduction to LaMa, Inhomogeneous HMMs and Periodic HMMs.

The recently introduced R package RTMB conveniently allows for automatic differentiation for non-standard statistical models written in plain R code. This enables the estimation of very complicated models, potentially with complex random effect structures. The process feels like magic because you have access to analytic gradients – drastically increasing accuracy and speed – without doing any calculations!

LaMa is now also fully compatible with AD provided by RTMB. Hence, estimation of latent Markov models is now faster and more convenient, while model specification is very smooth and less prone to errors – which at the current state tend to happen when one is not experienced with RTMB.

Here we demonstrate how to use LaMa and RTMB to fit hidden Markov models and their extensions. We always start by loading both packages.

library(LaMa) # development version

For the purpose of this vignette, we will analyse the trex data set contained in the package. It contains hourly step lengths of a Tyrannosaurus rex, living 66 million years ago, and we aim to understand its behavoural process using HMMs.

head(trex, 5)
#>   tod      step     angle state
#> 1   9 0.3252437        NA     1
#> 2  10 0.2458265  2.234562     1
#> 3  11 0.2173252 -2.262418     1
#> 4  12 0.5114665 -2.958732     1
#> 5  13 0.3828494  1.811840     1

Basic workflow

The workflow with RTMB is basically always the same. We need to

RTMB also provides many functions that make this process very convenient.

Simple HMM

We start by fitting a super simple stationary HMM with state-dependent gamma distributions for the step lengths and von Mises distributions for the turning angles. As a first step, we define the initial parameter list par and a dat list that contains the data and potential hyperparameters – here N, the number of hidden states. The names par and dat are of course arbitrary.

par = list(
  logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)),      # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
  logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
  logkappa = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # initial concentration for turning angle (log-transformed)
  eta = rep(-2, 2)             # initial t.p.m. parameters (on logit scale)

dat = list(
  step = trex$step,   # hourly step lengths
  angle = trex$angle, # hourly turning angles
  N = 2

As par is a named list of initial parameter values, accessing the parameters later on is much more convenient than indexing. You can also use a parameter vector with RTMB, but using a named list makes our life so much easier.

We can now define the negative log-likelihood function in a similar fashion to basic numerical ML

nll = function(par) {
  getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
  Gamma = tpm(eta) # computes transition probability matrix from unconstrained eta
  delta = stationary(Gamma) # computes stationary distribution
  # exponentiating because all parameters strictly positive
  mu = exp(logmu)
  sigma = exp(logsigma)
  kappa = exp(logkappa)
  # reporting statements for later use
  REPORT(sigma); ADREPORT(sigma)
  REPORT(kappa); ADREPORT(kappa)
  # calculating all state-dependent densities
  allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
  ind = which(! & ! # only for non-NA obs.
  for(j in 1:N){
    allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])*dvm(angle[ind],0,kappa[j])
  -forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs) # simple forward algorithm

but a few points should be made here:

Having defined the negative log-likelihood, we can now create the autmatically differentiable objective function and fit the model. This needs a little explanation: At this point, RTMB takes the negative log-likelihood function and generates its own (very fast) version of it, including a gradient. MakeADFun() now also grabs whatever is saved as dat in the global environment and bakes it into the objective function. Therefore, changes to dat after this point will have no effect on the optimisation result. We set silent = TRUE to suppress printing of the optimisation process.

obj = MakeADFun(nll, par, silent = TRUE) # creating the objective function

Let’s check out obj:

#>  [1] "par"      "fn"       "gr"       "he"       "hessian"  "method"  
#>  [7] "retape"   "env"      "report"   "simulate"

It contains the initial parameter par (now tranformed to a named vector), the objective function fn (which in this case just evaluates nll but faster), its gradient gr and Hessian he.

If we now call these functions without any argument, we get the corresponding values at the initial parameter vector.

#>      logmu      logmu   logsigma   logsigma   logkappa   logkappa        eta 
#> -1.2039728  0.0000000 -1.6094379 -0.3566749 -1.6094379 -0.3566749 -2.0000000 
#>        eta 
#> -2.0000000
#> [1] 33293.84
#>          [,1]      [,2]     [,3]      [,4]     [,5]      [,6]     [,7]
#> [1,] 573.7198 -2467.274 95.35893 -12045.97 55.92507 -807.9504 134.0732
#>           [,8]
#> [1,] -181.2148

We are now ready to optimise the objective function. The optimisation routine nlminb() is very robust and conveniently allows us to provide a gradient function. Alternatively, you can also use optim() or any other optimiser you like that allows you to pass a gradient function.

Indeed, we do not provide the Hessian to nlminb() because, while evaluating the Hessian is very fast with RTMB, optimisation is still much faster if we use a quasi-Newton algorithm that approximates the current Hessian based on previous gradient evaluations, compared to using full Newton-Raphson.

opt = nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr) # optimization

We can check out the estimated parameter and function value by

#>      logmu      logmu   logsigma   logsigma   logkappa   logkappa        eta 
#> -1.1916144  0.9182131 -1.5995349  0.3999258 -2.2872716  0.4019563 -1.6621910 
#>        eta 
#> -1.5735921
#> [1] 27248.59

Note that the naming here is determined by nlminb(). If you use a different optimiser, these may be called differently.

Much nicer however, is that obj (yes obj not opt) is automatically updated after the optimisation. Note that calling obj$gr() after optimisation now gives the gradient at the optimum, while obj$fn() still gives the objective at the starting value and obj$par is not updated but still the initial parameter vector (kind of confusing).

To get our estimated parameters on their natural scale, we don’t have to do the backtransformation manually. We can just run the reporting:

mod = obj$report() # runs the reporting from the negative log-likelihood once
(delta = mod$delta)
#>  state 1  state 2 
#> 0.481525 0.518475
(Gamma = mod$Gamma)
#>           [,1]      [,2]
#> [1,] 0.8282951 0.1717049
#> [2,] 0.1594681 0.8405319
(mu = mod$mu)
#> [1] 0.3037305 2.5048106
(sigma = mod$sigma)
#> [1] 0.2019904 1.4917139
(kappa = mod$kappa)
#> [1] 0.1015431 1.4947460

which works because of the REPORT() statements in the likelihood function. Note that delta, Gamma and allprobs are always reported by default when using forward() which is very useful for e.g. state decoding with viterbi(), because many downstream LaMa functions take these arguments as inputs. Functions of the viterbi and stateprobs family can also take the reported list object as an input. As the state-dependent parameters depend on the specific model formulation, these need to be reported manually by the user specifying the negative log-likelihood. Having all the parameters, we can plot the decoded time series

# manually
mod$states = viterbi(mod$delta, mod$Gamma, mod$allprobs)

# or simpler
mod$states = viterbi(mod = mod)

# defining color vector
color = c("orange", "deepskyblue")

plot(trex$step[1:200], type = "h", xlab = "time", ylab = "step length", 
     col = color[mod$states[1:200]], bty = "n")
legend("topright", col = color, lwd = 1, legend = c("state 1", "state 2"), bty = "n")

or the estimated state-dependent distributions.

oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1,2))
hist(trex$step, prob = TRUE, breaks = 40, 
     bor = "white", main = "", xlab = "step length")
for(j in 1:2) curve(delta[j] * dgamma2(x, mu[j], sigma[j]), 
                    lwd = 2, add = T, col = color[j])
curve(delta[1]*dgamma2(x, mu[1], sigma[1]) + delta[2]*dgamma2(x, mu[2], sigma[2]), 
      lwd = 2, lty = 2, add = T)
legend("top", lwd = 2, col = color, legend = c("state 1", "state 2"), bty = "n")

hist(trex$angle, prob = TRUE, breaks = 40, 
     bor = "white", main = "", xlab = "turning angle")
for(j in 1:2) curve(delta[j] * dvm(x, 0, kappa[j]), 
                    lwd = 2, add = T, col = color[j])
curve(delta[1]*dvm(x, 0, kappa[1]) + delta[2]*dvm(x, 0, kappa[2]), 
      lwd = 2, lty = 2, add = T)

par(oldpar) # resetting to default

Moreover, we can also use the sdreport() function to directly give us standard errors for our unconstrained parameters and everything we ADREPORT()ed. 

sdr = sdreport(obj)

We can then get an overview of the estimated parameters and ADREPORT()ed quantities as well as their standard errors by

#>            Estimate  Std. Error
#> logmu    -1.1916144 0.011067932
#> logmu     0.9182131 0.008875692
#> logsigma -1.5995349 0.016232361
#> logsigma  0.3999258 0.013272894
#> logkappa -2.2872716 0.207126331
#> logkappa  0.4019563 0.019299344
#> eta      -1.6621910 0.041754277
#> eta      -1.5735921 0.040795512
#> mu        0.3037305 0.003361669
#> mu        2.5048106 0.022231928
#> sigma     0.2019904 0.003278782
#> sigma     1.4917139 0.019799361
#> kappa     0.1015431 0.021032256
#> kappa     1.4947460 0.028847617

To get the estimated parameters or their standard errors in list format, type

# estimated parameter in list format
as.list(sdr, "Estimate")
# parameter standard errors in list format
as.list(sdr, "Std")

and to get the estimates and standard errors for ADREPORT()ed quantities in list format, type

# adreported parameters as list
as.list(sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
# their standard errors
as.list(sdr, "Std", report = TRUE)

Lastly, the automatic reporting with LaMa and RTMB together makes calculating pseudo-residuals really convenient:

pres_step = pseudo_res(trex$step, "gamma2", list(mean = mu, sd = sigma), mod = mod)
pres_angle = pseudo_res(trex$angle, "vm", list(mu = 0, kappa = kappa), mod = mod)

oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1,2))
hist(pres_step, prob = TRUE, breaks = 40, 
     bor = "white", main = "pseudo-residuals", xlab = "step length")
curve(dnorm(x, 0, 1), lwd = 2, add = T, lty = 2)
hist(pres_angle, prob = TRUE, breaks = 40, 
     bor = "white", main = "pseudo-residuals", xlab = "turning angle")
curve(dnorm(x, 0, 1), lwd = 2, add = T, lty = 2)


Covariate effects

We can now generalise the previous model to include covariate effects. In our example, we might be interested how the T-rex’s behaviour varies with the time of day. Hence, we add diel variation to the state process. For example, we can model the transition probabilities as a function of the time of day using a trigonometric basis expansion to ensure diurnal continuity. The transition probabilities are given by logit(γ(t)ij)=β(ij)0+β(ij)1sin(2πt24)+β(ij)2cos(2πt24)+β(ij)3sin(2πt12)+β(ij)4cos(2πt12), where t is the time of day.

To practically achieve this, we compute the trigonometric basis design matrix Z corresponding to above predictor and add the time of day to the dat list for indexing inside the likelihood function. The LaMa function trigBasisExp() does this very conveniently.

# building trigonometric basis desing matrix (in this case no intercept column)
Z = trigBasisExp(1:24, degree = 2) # convenience function from LaMa
# only compute the 24 unique values and index later for entire time series
dat$Z = Z # adding design matrix to dat
dat$tod = trex$tod # adding time of day to dat for indexing

We also need to change the parameter list par to include the regression parameters for the time of day. The regression parameters for the state process will typically have the form of a N(N1)×p+1 matrix, where N is the number of states and p is the number of regressors – this format is also expected by tpm_g() which computes the array of transition matrices based on the design and parameter matrix. Another lovely convenience that RTMB allows for is that, in our parameter list, we can have matrices, making reshaping of vectors to matrices inside the likelihood function unnessesary.

par = list(logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)), 
           logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)),
           logkappa = log(c(0.2, 0.7)),
           beta = matrix(c(rep(-2, 2), 
                           rep(0, 2*ncol(Z))), nrow = 2)) # 2 times 4+1 matrix
# replacing eta with regression parameter matrix, initializing slopes at zero

We can now define a more general likelihood function with the main difference being the use of tpm_g() instead of tpm() and the inclusion of the time of day in the transition matrix calculation. This leads to us using stationary_p() instead of stationary() to calculate the initial distribuion and forward_g() instead of forward() to calculate the log-likelihood.

nll2 = function(par) {
  getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
  Gamma = tpm_g(Z, beta) # covariate-dependent tpms (in this case only 24 unique)
  # tpm_g() automatically checks if intercept column is included
  ADREPORT(Gamma) # adreporting
  Delta = stationary_p(Gamma) # periodically stationary distribution
  delta = Delta[tod[1],] # initial periodically stationary distribution
  # exponentiating because all parameters strictly positive
  mu = exp(logmu); REPORT(mu)
  sigma = exp(logsigma); REPORT(sigma)
  kappa = exp(logkappa); REPORT(kappa)
  # calculating all state-dependent densities
  allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
  ind = which(! & ! # only for non-NA obs.
  for(j in 1:N){
    allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])*dvm(angle[ind],0,kappa[j])
  -forward_g(delta, Gamma[,,tod], allprobs) # indexing 24 unique tpms by tod in data

Having done this, the model fit is then essentially the same:

obj2 = MakeADFun(nll2, par, silent = TRUE) # creating the objective function
opt2 = nlminb(obj2$par, obj2$fn, obj2$gr) # optimization

and we can look at the reported results. In this case, for simplicity I get standard errors for Gamma with the delta method while, in general, this is not advisable.

mod2 = obj2$report()

sdr = sdreport(obj2)
Gamma = as.list(sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)$Gamma
Gammasd = as.list(sdr, "Std", report = TRUE)$Gamma

Delta = as.list(sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)$Delta
Deltasd = as.list(sdr, "Std", report = TRUE)$Delta

tod_seq = seq(0, 24, length = 200) # sequence for plotting
Z_pred = trigBasisExp(tod_seq, degree = 2) # design matrix for prediction

Gamma_plot = tpm_g(Z_pred, mod2$beta) # interpolating transition probs

plot(tod_seq, Gamma_plot[1,2,], type = "l", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1),
     xlab = "time of day", ylab = "transition probability", bty = "n")
segments(x0 = 1:24, y0 = Gamma[1,2,]-1.96*Gammasd[1,2,], 
         y1 = Gamma[1,2,]+1.96*Gammasd[1,2,])
segments(x0 = 1:24, y0 = Gamma[2,1,]-1.96*Gammasd[2,1,], 
         y1 = Gamma[2,1,]+1.96*Gammasd[2,1,])
lines(tod_seq, Gamma_plot[2,1,], lwd = 2, lty = 3)
legend("topleft", lwd = 2, lty = c(1,3), bty = "n",
       legend = c(expression(gamma[12]^(t)), expression(gamma[21]^(t))))

plot(Delta[,2], type = "b", lwd = 2, xlab = "time of day", ylab = "Pr(active)", 
     col = "deepskyblue", bty = "n", xaxt = "n")
segments(x0 = 1:24, y0 = Delta[,2]-1.96*Deltasd[,2], lwd = 2,
         y1 = Delta[,2]+1.96*Deltasd[,2], col = "deepskyblue")
axis(1, at = seq(0,24,by=4), labels = seq(0,24,by=4))

Common issues with RTMB

There are some problems with RTMB one has to keep in mind. They can be a bit annoying, but in my opinion the benefits of automatic differentiation far outweigh the drawbacks. I list the main ones I have encountered here, but please tell me if you encounter more, such that they can be added.

A typical issue with RTMB is that some operators might need to be overloaded to allow for automatic differentiation which cannot be done by default. In typical model setups LaMa functions do this themselves, but if you go a very individualistic route and get an error like

stop("Invalid argument to 'advector' (lost class attribute?)")

you might have to overload the operator yourself. To do this put

"[<-" <- ADoverload("[<-")

as the first line of your likelihood function. If the error still prevails also add

"c" <- ADoverload("c")
"diag<-" <- ADoverload("diag<-")

which should hopefully fix the error.

Another common problem occurs when initiating objects with NA values and then trying to fill them with numeric values. This is because NA is logical which screws up the automatic differentiation due to the mismatching types. To avoid this, always initiate with numeric or NaN values. For example, don’t do

X = array(dim = c(1,2,3))
# which is the same as
X = array(NA, dim = c(1,2,3))

but rather

X = array(NaN, dim = c(1,2,3))
# or
X = array(0, dim = c(1,2,3))

to avoid the error.

Importantly, you cannot use if or max/ min statements on the parameter itself as these are not differentiable. If you do so, RTMB will fail and probably does not produce a helpful error message. The problem here results from RTMB building the tape (computational graph) of the function at the initial parameter value. When you have if statements, the resulting gradient will be different from the one at a different parameter value. Often, you can remedy this behaviour by exploiting the fact that abs() is differentiable (in code). For example, you can create the differentiable max alternative:

max2 = function(x,y){
  (x + y + abs(x - y)) / 2

So you might be able to solve such problems by finding a clever alternative. If the if statement does not involve the parameter, it will typically be fine because it does not change during the optimisation.

Furthermore, there are some unfortunate side effects of R’s ‘byte compiler’ (enabled by default in R). So if you encounter an error not matching the previous ones, try disabling the byte compiler with

#> [1] 3

and see if the error is resolved.

Some more minor things:

For more information on RTMB, check out its documentation or the TMB users Google group.