Changes to Version 1.0.1-3 [September 2021]
* Fix warning in the vignette

Changes to Version 1.0.1-1 [August 2021]
* Fix warning in the vignette

Changes to Version 1.0.1 [March 2021]
* Fix errors in the description file

Changes to Version 1.0 [February 2021]
* The package is on CRAN for quite some time. No significant changes were made during the last years. Therefore, it is considered as stable, which leads to an update to version 1.0.
* grammar and spelling Improved

Changes from Version 0.0.3-4 to 0.0.3-5 [January 14 2015]
* New contributor
* Logo for package
* Latest source code hosted at now
* optimized error messages
  - if warn is set to FALSE it is possible to fetch the warning messages from the

Changes from Version 0.0.3-3 to 0.0.3-4 [August 21 2014]
* new parameter error.message (set TRUE by default) in diffQ and diffQ2. 
  The parameter can be used to stop flooding the output with error warnings.

Changes from Version 0.0.3-2 to 0.0.3-3 [June 25 2014]
* Maintenance release
  - Better error prevention in MFIerr
  - LazyData now true
  - Loops in examples and functions vectorized
  - Some code clean-ups
  - Documentation fixes
  - Some loops with memory use reduction
  - inder method from chipPCR package now part of diffQ and diffQ2 
    (improves finding of approximate first and second derivative 
  - Dependency to chipPCR (>= 0.0.7)

Changes from Version 0.0.3-1 to 0.0.3-2 [April 25 2014]
* Minor changes

Changes from Version 0.0.3 to 0.0.3-1 [April 25 2014]
* Minor code improvements

Changes from Version 0.0.2-1 to 0.0.3 [April 24 2014] 

* Several bug fixes
* Uses inder function from the chipPCR package to calculate the derivative
* Improved some examples
* Minor code improvements

Changes from Version 0.0.2 to 0.0.2-1 [May 30 2013] 

* Bug fix release
* Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)