This vignette1 is a documentation of the estimation
procedure fit_model()
in {RprobitB}
Bayes estimation of the probit model builds upon the work of McCulloch and Rossi (1994), Nobile (1998), Allenby and Rossi (1998), and Imai and Dyk (2005). A key ingredient is the concept of data augmentation, see Albert and Chib (1993): The idea is to treat the latent utilities U in the model equation U=Xβ+ϵ as additional parameters. Then, conditional on U, the probit model constitutes a standard Bayesian linear regression set-up. Its posterior distribution can be approximated by iteratively drawing and updating each model parameter conditional on the other parameters (the so-called Gibbs sampling approach).
A priori, we assume the following (conjugate) parameter distributions:
(s1,…,sC)∼DC(δ), where DC(δ) denotes the C-dimensional Dirichlet distribution with concentration parameter vector δ=(δ1,…,δC),
α∼MVNPf(ψ,Ψ), where MVNPf denotes the Pf-dimensional normal distribution with mean ψ and covariance Ψ,
bc∼MVNPr(ξ,Ξ), independent for all c,
Ωc∼W−1Pr(ν,Θ), independent for all c, where W−1Pr(ν,Θ) denotes the Pr-dimensional inverse Wishart distribution with ν degrees of freedom and scale matrix Θ,
and Σ∼W−1J−1(κ,Λ).
These prior distributions imply the following conditional posterior distributions:
The class weights are drawn from the Dirichlet distribution (s1,…,sC)∣δ,z∼DC(δ1+m1,…,δC+mC), where for c=1,…,C, mc=#{n:zn=c} denotes the current absolute class size.2
Independently for all n, we update the allocation variables (zn)n from their conditional distribution Prob(zn=c∣s,β,b,Ω)=scϕPr(βn∣bc,Ωc)∑cscϕPr(βn∣bc,Ωc).
The class means (bc)c are updated independently for all c via bc∣Ξ,Ω,ξ,z,β∼MVNPr(μbc,Σbc), where μbc=(Ξ−1+mcΩ−1c)−1(Ξ−1ξ+mcΩ−1cˉbc), Σbc=(Ξ−1+mcΩ−1c)−1, ˉbc=m−1c∑n:zn=cβn.
The class covariance matrices (Ωc)c are updated independently for all c via Ωc∣ν,Θ,z,β,b∼W−1Pr(μΩc,ΣΩc), where μΩc=ν+mc and ΣΩc=Θ−1+∑n:zn=c(βn−bc)(βn−bc)′.
Independently for all n and t and conditionally on the other components, the utility vectors (Unt:) follow a J−1-dimensional truncated multivariate normal distribution, where the truncation points are determined by the choices ynt. To sample from a truncated multivariate normal distribution, we apply a sub-Gibbs sampler, following the approach of Geweke (1998): Untj∣Unt(−j),ynt,Σ,W,α,X,β∼N(μUntj,ΣUntj)⋅{1(Untj>max where U_{nt(-j)} denotes the vector (U_{nt:}) without the element U_{ntj}, \mathcal{N} denotes the univariate normal distribution, \Sigma_{U_{ntj}} = 1/(\Sigma^{-1})_{jj} and \begin{equation} \mu_{U_{ntj}} = W_{ntj}'\alpha + X_{ntj}'\beta_n - \Sigma_{U_{ntj}} (\Sigma^{-1})_{j(-j)} (U_{nt(-j)} - W_{nt(-j)}'\alpha - X_{nt(-j)}' \beta_n ), \end{equation} where (\Sigma^{-1})_{jj} denotes the (j,j)th element of \Sigma^{-1}, (\Sigma^{-1})_{j(-j)} the jth row without the jth entry, W_{nt(-j)} and X_{nt(-j)} the coefficient matrices W_{nt} and X_{nt}, respectively, without the jth column.
Updating the fixed coefficient vector \alpha is achieved by applying the formula for Bayesian linear regression of the regressors W_{nt} on the regressands (U_{nt:})-X_{nt}'\beta_n, i.e. \begin{equation} \alpha \mid \Psi,\psi,W,\Sigma,U,X,\beta \sim \text{MVN}_{P_f}(\mu_\alpha,\Sigma_\alpha), \end{equation} where \mu_\alpha = \Sigma_\alpha (\Psi^{-1}\psi + \sum_{n=1,t=1}^{N,T} W_{nt} \Sigma^{-1} ((U_{nt:})-X_{nt}'\beta_n) ) and \Sigma_\alpha = (\Psi^{-1} + \sum_{n=1,t=1}^{N,T} W_{nt}\Sigma^{-1} W_{nt}^{'} )^{-1}.
Analogously to \alpha, the random coefficients (\beta_n)_n are updated independently via \begin{equation} \beta_n \mid \Omega,b,X,\Sigma,U,W,\alpha \sim \text{MVN}_{P_r}(\mu_{\beta_n},\Sigma_{\beta_n}), \end{equation} where \mu_{\beta_n} = \Sigma_{\beta_n} (\Omega_{z_n}^{-1}b_{z_n} + \sum_{t=1}^{T} X_{nt} \Sigma^{-1} (U_{nt:}-W_{nt}'\alpha) ) and \Sigma_{\beta_n} = (\Omega_{z_n}^{-1} + \sum_{t=1}^{T} X_{nt}\Sigma^{-1} X_{nt}^{'} )^{-1} .
The error term covariance matrix \Sigma is updated by means of \begin{equation} \Sigma \mid \kappa,\Lambda,U,W,\alpha,X,\beta \sim W^{-1}_{J-1}(\kappa+NT,\Lambda+S), \\ \end{equation} where S = \sum_{n=1,t=1}^{N,T} \varepsilon_{nt} \varepsilon_{nt}' and \varepsilon_{nt} = (U_{nt:}) - W_{nt}'\alpha - X_{nt}'\beta_n.
Samples obtained from the updating scheme described above lack identification (except for s and z draws), compare to the vignette on the model definition. Therefore, subsequent to the sampling, the following normalizations are required for the ith updates in each iterations i:
\alpha^{(i)} \cdot \omega^{(i)},
b_c^{(i)} \cdot \omega^{(i)}, c=1,\dots,C,
U_{nt}^{(i)} \cdot \omega^{(i)}, n = 1,\dots,N, t = 1,\dots,T,
\beta_n^{(i)} \cdot \omega^{(i)}, n = 1,\dots,N,
\Omega_c^{(i)} \cdot (\omega^{(i)})^2, c=1,\dots,C, and
\Sigma^{(i)} \cdot (\omega^{(i)})^2,
where either \omega^{(i)} = \sqrt{\text{const} / (\Sigma^{(i)})_{jj}} with (\Sigma^{(i)})_{jj} the jth diagonal element of \Sigma^{(i)}, 1\leq j \leq J-1, or alternatively \omega^{(i)} = \text{const} / \alpha^{(i)}_p for some coordinate 1\leq p \leq P_f of the ith draw for the coefficient vector \alpha. Here, \text{const} is any positive constant (typically 1). The preferences will be flipped if \omega^{(i)} < 0, which only is the case if \alpha^{(i)}_p < 0.
The theory behind Gibbs sampling constitutes that the sequence of samples produced by the updating scheme is a Markov chain with stationary distribution equal to the desired joint posterior distribution. It takes a certain number of iterations for that stationary distribution to be approximated reasonably well. Therefore, it is common practice to discard the first B out of R samples (the so-called burn-in period). Furthermore, correlation between nearby samples should be expected. In order to obtain independent samples, we consider only every Qth sample when computing Gibbs sample statistics like expectation and standard deviation. The independence of the samples can be verified by computing the serial correlation and the convergence of the Gibbs sampler can be checked by considering trace plots, see below.
functionThe Gibbs sampling scheme described above can be executed by applying the function
where data
must be an RprobitB_data
(see the vignette about choice data). The function has the following
optional arguments:
: A character which determines the utility scale. It is of the form
"<parameter> := <value>"
, where
is either the name of a fixed effect or
for the <j>
diagonal element of Sigma
, and <value>
is the value of the fixed parameter (i.e. \text{const} introduced above). Per default
scale = "Sigma\_1,1 := 1"
, i.e. the first error-term
variance is fixed to 1.
: The number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler.
The default is R = 10000
: The length of the burn-in period, i.e. a
non-negative number of samples to be discarded. The default is
B = R/2
: The thinning factor for the Gibbs samples,
i.e. only every Q
th sample is kept. The default is
Q = 1
: A boolean, determining whether to
print the Gibbs sampler progress.
: A named list of parameters for the prior
distributions (their default values are documented in the
: The mean vector of length P_f
the normal prior for alpha
: The covariance matrix of dimension
x P_f
of the normal prior for
: The concentration parameter of length 1 of
the Dirichlet prior for s
: The mean vector of length P_r
the normal prior for each b_c
: The covariance matrix of dimension
x P_r
of the normal prior for each
: The degrees of freedom (a natural number greater
than P_r
) of the Inverse Wishart prior for each
: The scale matrix of dimension
x P_r
of the Inverse Wishart prior for
each Omega_c
: The degrees of freedom (a natural number
greater than J-1
) of the Inverse Wishart prior for
: The scale matrix of dimension J-1
of the Inverse Wishart prior for
: A list of parameters specifying the
number and the updating scheme of latent classes, see the vignette on
modeling heterogeneity fitting.
In the
previous vignette on choice data, we introduced the
data set that contains 2922 choices between
two fictional train route alternatives. The following lines fit a probit
model that explains the chosen trip alternatives (choice
by their price
, time
, number of
s, and level of comfort
(the lower this
value the higher the comfort). For normalization, the first linear
coefficient, the price
, was fixed to -1
, which
allows to interpret the other coefficients as monetary values:
form <- choice ~ price + time + change + comfort | 0
data <- prepare_data(form = form, choice_data = train_choice, id = "deciderID", idc = "occasionID")
model_train <- fit_model(
data = data,
scale = "price := -1"
The estimated coefficients (using the mean of the Gibbs samples as a point estimate) can be printed via
#> Estimate (sd)
#> 1 price -1.00 (0.00)
#> 2 time -25.90 (2.09)
#> 3 change -4.82 (0.84)
#> 4 comfort -14.49 (0.86)
and visualized via
The results indicate that the deciders value one hour travel time by about 25€, an additional change by 5€, and a more comfortable class by 14€.3
The Gibbs samples are saved in list form in the
object at the entry
, i.e.
str(model_train$gibbs_samples, max.level = 2, give.attr = FALSE)
#> List of 2
#> $ gibbs_samples_raw:List of 2
#> ..$ alpha: num [1:1000, 1:4] -0.000713 -0.022961 -0.031988 -0.036215 -0.03571 ...
#> ..$ Sigma: num [1:1000, 1] 1.05 1.1 1.03 1.02 1.01 ...
#> $ gibbs_samples_nbt:List of 2
#> ..$ alpha: num [1:500, 1:4] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ...
#> ..$ Sigma: num [1:500, 1] 617 611 626 552 734 ...
This object contains 2 elements:
is a list of the raw samples from
the Gibbs sampler,
and gibbs_samples_nbt
are the Gibbs samples used for
parameter estimates, i.e. the normalized and thinned Gibbs samples after
the burn-in.
Calling the summary function on the estimated
object yields additional information about the
Gibbs samples gibbs_samples_nbt
. You can specify a list
of functions that compute any point estimate of the
Gibbs samples4, for example
for the arithmetic mean,
for the standard deviation,
for the Gelman-Rubin statistic (Gelman and Rubin
1992) 5,
or custom statistics like the absolute difference between the median and the mean.
FUN = c(
"mean" = mean,
"sd" = stats::sd,
"R^" = R_hat,
"custom_stat" = function(x) abs(mean(x) - median(x))
#> Probit model
#> Formula: choice ~ price + time + change + comfort | 0
#> R: 1000, B: 500, Q: 1
#> Level: Utility differences with respect to alternative 'B'.
#> Scale: Coefficient of effect 'price' (alpha_1) fixed to -1.
#> Gibbs sample statistics
#> mean sd R^ custom_stat
#> alpha
#> 1 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
#> 2 -25.90 2.09 1.04 0.07
#> 3 -4.82 0.84 1.00 0.02
#> 4 -14.49 0.86 1.00 0.02
#> Sigma
#> 1,1 661.69 59.21 1.03 7.30
Calling the plot
method with the additional argument
type = "trace"
plots the trace of the Gibbs samples
Additionally, we can visualize the serial correlation of the Gibbs
samples via the argument type = "acf"
. The boxes in the
top-right corner state the total sample size TSS (here R
= 10000 - 5000 = 5000), the effective sample size ESS,
and the factor by which TSS is larger than ESS.
Here, the effective sample size is the value \text{TSS} / (1 + \sum_{k\geq 1} \rho_k),
where \rho_k is the auto
correlation between the chain offset by k positions. The auto correlations are
estimated via the stats::acf()
The transform
method can be used to transform an
object in three ways:
of the burn-in period, for
of the Gibbs samples, for
, for
exampleThis vignette is built using R 4.1.2 with the
1.1.4 package.↩︎
Mind that the model is invariant to permutations of the class labels 1,\dots,C. For that reason, we accept an update only if the ordering s_1>\dots>s_C holds, thereby ensuring a unique labeling of the classes.↩︎
These results are consistent with the ones that are presented in a vignette of the mlogit package on the same data set but using the logit model.↩︎
Use the function point_estimates()
access the Gibbs sample statistics as an RprobitB_parameter
A Gelman-Rubin statistic close to 1 indicates that the chain of Gibbs samples converged to the stationary distribution.↩︎