Version 0.40: 2024-10-03 - updated DESCRIPTION Version 0.39: 2024-09-19 - fixed issue with constant probability vector - internal: moved directory with maintainance scripts out of package directory fixed defunct declarations Version 0.38.0: 2023-01-17 - fixed issue with PDFs that almost vanish at the boundary of the domain - internal: replaced deprecated C function sprintf() by snprintf() Version 0.37.0: 2022-10-18 - internal: fixed compiler warning Version 0.36.0: 2022-05-05 - internal: fixed issue in Rd file fixed deprecated usage of class() in if statements Version 0.35.0: 2021-10-22 - internal: fixed issues with autoconf-2.71 Version 0.34.0: 2021-08-11 - fixed issues with PDFs which are constant on subdomains - uq(): now works with objects created by, inversion=TRUE) Version 0.33.0: 2020-11-01 - internal: fixed unPTROTECTed variables in C code Version 0.32.0: 2020-10-28 - updated reference for method HITRO. Version 0.31.0: 2020-10-27 - internal: fixed unPTROTECTed variables in C code Version 0.30.0: 2020-02-12 - disabled all output tests on CRAN: The results of C call Rprintf() differ on different OS. Version 0.29.0: 2020-02-08 - up() and uq(): some error messages give more useful informations - internal: reorganized some checks removed checks for unuran.details() which print too many digits and are thus too sensitive against round-off errors on different platforms Version 0.28.0: 2020-02-03 - internal: removed deprecated statement from Version 0.27.0: 2019-03-14 - fixed unPTROTECTed variable in C code Version 0.26.0: 2019-03-13 - new function Runuran.options() - internal: make CRAN - 'rchk' happy. functions ud(), up() and are a bit faster. use package 'testthat' for new tests. use package 'roxygen2' for creating new help pages. new function .Runuran.stop() for creating error messages with correct user level function names. Version 0.25.0: 2018-03-23 - new functions - new functions Version 0.24.0: 2017-10-25 - export some C functions - register native routines - fixed unprotected variables in C code Version 0.23.0: 2015-08-18 - fixed problem with methods "initialize" and "plot" Version 0.22.0: 2015-07-17 - explicitly import functions from standard packages Version 0.21.0: 2014-08-28 - new method use.aux.urng() for using a second auxiliary URNG in Runuran objects that are based on the acceptence-rejection method. This makes this kind of genenator suitable for correlation induction. - new function set.aux.seed() for seeding the auxiliary URNG. - moved vignettes from directory inst/doc/ into directory vignettes/. - fixed some typos - internal: added directory src/scripts with scripts for updating documentation. Version 0.20.0: 2012-09-10 - Handle empty Runuran update - internal: renamed directory with inputs for vignette Version 0.19.0: 2012-01-31 - setup is now numerically more robust. - ud(): added argument 'islog' (with default FALSE). When TRUE, the log-density is returned (if available). - new function udmeixner() for Meixner distribution. - new function udvg() for Variance Gamma distribution. - new function udgiga(): provides an alternative parametrization for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian (GIG) distribution. - udghyp(): implementation of PDF is numerically more stable. - unuran.details(...,debug=TRUE): the array of precomputed constants is returned for methods CSTD and DSTD. Version 0.18.0: 2011-05-19 - new argument 'cdf' for adding CDF to user-defined discrete distribution. - unuran.details(return.list=TRUE,...): returned list contains the new field "distr.class" that contains the type (class) of distribution: "cont", "discr" or "cmv". - added more checks in various functions that verify given arguments. - removed some obselete lines of C code. Version 0.17.0: 2011-01-26 - new function test whether the generator object implements an inversion method. - internal: * S4 class "unuran" has new slot "inversion" for storing information about type of generation method Version 0.16.0: 2010-10-25 - fixed Rd files - bug fixes Version 0.15.0: 2010-08-06 - new function up() for computing distribution function for a unuran object. - ud(): first argument has been renamed from 'distr' to 'obj'. argument 'obj' can also be a generator object. - when no 'center' is provided by the user, or when the PDF vanishes or is not finite for the given 'center', then the method tries to "guess" an appropriate point for the 'center'. - special functions (like gamma function) are now taken from the Rmath library. Version 0.14.0: 2010-04-29 - new argument 'smooth' for function - method PINV ( and is now more robust for distributions with "rough" PDFs (e.g. those created by spline interpolation). - new function unuran.verify.hat(): Check hat and squeeze of a method that is based on the rejection method. Version 0.13.0: 2010-02-09 - added new function for creating a generator for a finite mixture of (continuous/discrete) univariate distributions. Version 0.12.0: 2010-01-04 - unuran.details() now has two new arguments 'show' and 'return.list'. If 'return.list=TRUE' then the function returns a list that contains some of the data. - some improved error messages - fixed bug that caused unuran.details() to hang Version 0.11.0: 2009-11-17 - method 'r' is defunct. Please use (the identical but faster function) 'ur'. - new functions for creating S4 distributions objects for special distributions: continuous distributions: udbeta ... beta udcauchy ... Cauchy udchi ... chi udchisq ... chi-squared udexp ... exponential udf ... F udfrechet ... Frechet udgamma ... gamma udghyp ... generalized hyperbolic udgig ... generalized inverse Gaussian udgumbel ... Gumbel udhyperbolic ... hyperbolic udig ... inverse Gaussian udlaplace ... Laplace udlnorm ... log normal udlogis ... logistic udlomax ... lomax udnorm ... normal udpareto ... Pareto udpowerexp ... powerexponential udrayleigh ... Rayleigh udslash ... Slash udt ... Student's t udweibull ... Weibull discrete distributions: udbinom ... binomial udgeom ... geometric udhyper ... hypergeometric udlogarithmic ... logarithmic udnbinom ... negative binomial udpois ... Poisson - deprecated functions are defunct. Please replace uqhinv by uq unuran.cmv by unuran.cont by unuran.discr by urhitro(n,...) by ur(,n) urtdr(n,...) by ur(,n) Version 0.10.1: 2009-08-06 - bugfix: now also works for R versions compiled with SunStudio compiler. Version 0.10: 2009-06-22 - new function 'unuran.packed' for packing 'unuran' objects. When packed, all information are stored as R lists and allows handling of 'unuran' objects just as ordinary R objects, in particular they can then saved and restored in future R sessions, and they can be copied to other nodes in parallel computing. - uq() now also supports method 'DGT' (for discrete distributions). Version 0.9: 2009-02-26 - IMPORTANT: Paramters 'lb' and 'ub' (lower and upper bound of domain) do not have default values any more and are obligatory in all functions with these arguments. Thus thee following functions have been changed: o Continuous distributions: If R stops when calling these functions with the error message "domain ('lb','ub') missing", then one has to add the formerly defaults "lb=-Inf" and/or "ub=Inf" for the missing arguments. o Discrete distributions: If R stops when calling these functions with the error message "domain ('lb','ub') missing", then one has to add the formerly defaults "lb=0" and/or "ub=Inf" for the missing arguments. We observed a possible pitfall with the former interface. When a user wanted to draw a sample from a distribution with positive domain but forgot to set "lb=0" then it was possible that the generator (silently!) did not work as expected and caused invalid simulation results. Forcing to set the domain reduces this risk. Thus we decided to stay on the safe side. We appologize for this inconvenience. - fixed syntax errors and inconsistent formating in Rd files. Version 0.8: 2008-11-26 - reorganized functions into three groups: * Runuran-Distribution: easy-to-use sampling algorithms for particular distributions. * Runuran-Universal: interface to a carefully selected collection of UNU.RAN methods with their most important variants. * Runuran-Advanced: wrapper to the UNU.RAN string API. - improved documentation, added vignette - new function uq() for computing quantiles apprimately. - new functions for directly creating generator objects for selected UNU.RAN methods: - new functions for creating UNU.RAN distribution objects: replaces unuran.cmv() replaces unuran.cont() replaces unuran.discr() Remark: The default for argument 'islog' has been changed to 'islog=FALSE'. - deprecated functions: uqhinv() urdau() urdgt() urhitro() urtdr() - contains UNU.RAN version 1.3.0 Version 0.7: 2008-04-21 - print() now shows some information about a generator object. - new function unuran.details() for printing detailed information about a generator object. - new function uqhinv() for compting quantiles approximately using UNU.RAN method 'HINV'. Version 0.6: 2007-12-10 - added slots for a rectangular domain and the center (point in main region of distribution) for multivariate distribution class 'distr.cmv'. - new method 'MVTDR' in UNU.RAN. - fixed broken optional arguments in routines urtdr() and urhitro() (The optional arguments were not passed to the given density function in contradiction to the help page of these routines.) Version 0.5: 2007-08-01 - added S4 classes for distribution objects: This allows to define distributions by means of R functions instead of using the UNU.RAN string API (which is still supported). - added support for multivariate distributions. - added routine 'urtdr'. Version 0.4: 2007-05-16 - First public release. - new function for creating a UNU.RAN object. - new class "unuran.discr" for dicrete distributions. - new functions ur...() for sampling from various standard distributions. - unuran.sample() is now a function and not an S4 method any more. - internal: added test suite for generation method. - internal: d fixed possible leak in R's PROTECT stack. Version 0.3: 2007-05-03 - added support for Windows. Version 0.2: 2007-05-02 - R CMD check now does not report any warnings or errors. Version 0.1: 2007-04-30 - First pre-alpha release.