Version 1.2.0 - 2022.07.19

Change log:
- Major changes in response to peer-review critiques, including:
- No longer using "time-varying R0," as this is not conventional or matching epidemiological theory. Therefore, users must supply a time-varying transmission rate, "beta".
- Parameter "dist_param," which modulates the range of host movement, has been re-named to "dist_phi".
- All vignettes have been updated to represent these changes. Also the vignettes demonstrate how the user can have population-specific vectors of the time-varying parameter, "beta".


Version 1.1.0 - 2021.06.18

Change log:
- Added support to provide different R0 trajectories for different populations. Refer to the time_windows documentation for more information about providing values for R0.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed some memory leaks.


Version 1.0.1 - 2021.01.15

Bug fixes:
- Renamed some functions to avoid compiler errors on particular system builds.


Version 1.0.0 - 2020.12.03

- Initial release