title: "Introduction to TCIApathfinder"
author: "Pamela Russell"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to TCIApathfinder}

```{r echo = FALSE, message = FALSE}
api_key <- Sys.getenv("TCIA_API_KEY")
if (identical(api_key, "")) {
  knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)
  message("Note: code examples will not be evaluated because the system does not have a valid API key installed.")

# Installation

From within R:

```{r eval = FALSE}

From GitHub:

```{r eval = FALSE}
# install.packages("devtools")

# Authentication

An API key is required to access data from TCIA. To obtain and correctly store your API key:

1. Request a key from TCIA by following the instructions [here](https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/TCIA+Programmatic+Interface+%28REST+API%29+Usage+Guide).

2. Create a text file in your home directory (`~/`) called `.Renviron`. 

3. Create the contents of the `.Renviron` file like this, making sure the last line in the file is empty. Otherwise, R will silently fail to load the file.

4. Restart R. `.Renviron` is only processed at the beginning of an R session.

# Usage

## Load the package:


## Get the names of all TCIA collections:

collections <- get_collection_names()

## Get the names of all imaging modalities

modalities <- get_modality_names()

Note: a collection or body part can be specified to narrow down results.

## Get the names of all body parts studied:

body_parts <- get_body_part_names()

Note: a collection or modality can be specified to narrow down results.

## Get information for all patients in a collection

patients_tcga_brca <- get_patient_info(collection = "TCGA-BRCA")

Note: if no collection is passed, patients for all collections are returned.

## Get all image series based on criteria

series <- get_series_info(patient_id = "TCGA-AR-A1AQ")

Note: other ways to narrow down results include

- collection
- study instance UID
- series instance UID
- modality
- body part
- manufacturer
- manufacturer model name

## Get detailed information on all imaging studies for a patient

studies <- get_patient_studies(patient_id = "TCGA-AR-A1AQ")

The variables in `studies$patient_studies` correspond to the fields of a PatientStudy object
as described in the [API documentation](https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/TCIA+API+Return+Values).

Note: other ways to narrow down results include a collection or a study instance UID.

## Get all imaging studies for a collection

studies_tcga_brca <- get_studies_in_collection(collection = "TCGA-BRCA")

Note: a patient ID can be provided to further narrow down results.

## Get individual DICOM image IDs for an image series

sop_uids <- get_sop_instance_uids(
  series_instance_uid = "")

## Download a single DICOM image

im <- save_single_image(series_instance_uid = "",
                  sop_instance_uid = "")

Note: a file name can be provided to override the original file name.

## Download an image series and extract it

ser <- save_image_series(series_instance_uid = "",
                         out_file_name = "series.zip")
zip <- ser$out_file
extracted <- extract_image_series(zip)

## Download, save and extract an image series, optionally to a temporary location

ser <- save_extracted_image_series(series_instance_uid = "")

## Additional functions

See package documentation for further details:

- get_series_size
- get_manufacturer_names
- get_new_patients_in_collection
- get_new_studies_in_collection
- get_patients_by_modality