TideCurves 0.0.5


* Introducing two new exported functions: BuildTC() & SynTC(). Please see examples and README.
* Added a new internal function BuildDesign().

TideCurves 0.0.4


* Long-period costituents have been reassesst by Andreas Boesch & Sylvin Mueller-Navarra, resulting in a different set of partial tides.
* Speed up of computations.
* The column "date_time" in solar and lunar synthesis has now the same format as the input format.
* The column "date_time" in solar and lunar synthesis is now of type character.
* Coefficents returned by TideCurve are now in the format of km list elements and 1-row matrices.
* Added new references in the description.
* Changes in ResCurve function, mainly speed up.

TideCurves 0.0.3


* The Funcs function was changed. The computation of the relevant astronomical velocities is now more accurate. It now returns three values
  as a list.
* The PlotTideCurve function is no longer part of the package.
* Minor changes in the documentation of the package.

TideCurves 0.0.2


* The main TideCurve function is now way faster for big data, due to better coding and avoiding redundant function calls.
* Added the function ResCurve to compute differences in observed data and synthesis.
* The function PlotTideCurve is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use ResCurve and make your own plot.
* Changed the output of TideCurves. i.analyse is no longer part of the ouput & inter is now a column in tide.curve