Version 1.3.0
o Added new functions: nardl_mdv() 
o Added new dataset ssa
o update the package documentation
o render the partial sum threshold more flexible to accommodate any values besides Inf.

Version 1.2.3
o Debian check error re-submission

Version 1.2.2 
o Debian check error re-submission
o Fixed the error < system is exactly singular: U[1,1] = 0 > which appears when computing the short-run asymmetric test when none of the difference decomposed variables is present in the parsimonious model.

Version 1.2.1 
o Debian check error re-submission

Version 1.2.0 (submitted on 28 Nov. 2022)
o Added new functions - auto_case_ardl() and nardl_auto_case() for obtaining the best specification via the general-to-specific approach
o Review the functions gets_ardl_uecm() and gets_nardl_uecm(). You may re-calculate the ARDL and NARDL results.

Version 1.1.0 (submitted on 23 Nov. 2022)
o Added the functions for adopting the general-to-specific approach
o Add a new dataset.

Version 1.0.2
o Review documentation
o The diagnostic test values for ardl_uecm() and nardl_uecm() now display the p-values alongside the test statistic.
o Review of nardl_uecm(). Please recalculate the longrun relations.

New release of version 1.0.1
o CRAN submission