
Not released on CRAN.


FEATURE: Added support for many more ways of specifying deg2dms outputs, e.g. 2d34m45.5s and 2:34:45.5. Code can also take string versions of HMS and DMS coordinates and convert them back to degrees.


FEATURE: Added cosmological distance calculator and a sky area calculator.

v1.3 (CRAN)

FEATURE: Added individual cosmology routines as separate functions.

FEATURE: Added new cosgrow (structure growth) and cosmap (generic parameter inputs, not just redshift) functions.

FEATURE: Added sky coordinate matching functionality (coordmatch)

v1.4 (not on CRAN)

CHANGE: cosdistAngSize is now more accurately named cosdistAngScale

FEATURE: Added NEW cosdistAngSize and cosdistAngArea functions that conpute angular properties of extended sources (e.g. galaxies or halos).

FEATURE: Added cosvararea function, which is a simpler interface to cosvarsph where the assumption is aside=bside.

FEATURE: Added cosgrowRhoMean function, which is the mean matter density as a given redshift

FEATURE: Added NFW profile stuff.

FIXED: cosgrow RhoCrit column had a bug that meant it scaled by H(z) not H(z)^2 (cosgrowRhoCrit had no bug).

FEATURE: Added various Planck related functions (cosplanck).

DOCS: Fixed a couple of document issues.

FEATURE: Added Planck 2015 cosmology to cosref.

FEATURE: Added cosdistCoDist12ang function (and related) for arbitrary comoving separations.

FEATURE: Added Duffy 2008 mass to concentration relation.

FEATURE: Added Driver & Robotham 2010 cosmic variance calculator.

FEATURE: Added cosgrowDeltaVir to find over density compared to critical to Rho_crit from Bryan & Norman (1998).

FEATURE: Added coshaloSigmaToTvir (virial temperature of halo/gas).

FEATURE: Added cosgrowCoVel (cosmological recession velocity).

FEATURE: Added cosgrowPecVel (peculiar velocity).

DOCS: New cosdist examples by John Peacock (discussed when visiting ASGR at ICRAR in 2016).

v1.4.1 (on CRAN)

FEATURE:  Added radec2xy, xy2radec and getpixscale Tan-Gnomonic WCS projection solvers.

FEATURE:  Added cosNFWvcirc and cosNFWvesc functions to compute NFW halo unbinding.


FEATURE:  Now also support Sine-Orthographic projections and can detect the header CTYPE.

FEATURE:  Added internalclean function that cleans up a single table that has duplicate (N>1 within some sky position tolerance) sources.