
                            Legal Notice

# Use and reuse

The information obtained and elaborated by the State Meteorological Agency
(AEMET) as a result of its scientific and technical activity is provided with
the highest reliability possible given the current state of technology. In
particular, weather forecasts describe the most likely evolution of the state of
the atmosphere based on the technical knowledge of the scientists in this field.

aemet.es is an internet domain owned by AEMET, located at C / Leonardo Prieto
Castro 8, 28071 Madrid, Spain. This domain sponsors various channels for
information dissemination, including its own website ( www.aemet.es) and others
such as AEMET OpenData, MeteoRuta, MeteoNav, SINOBAS, Arcimís, and AMA. In
addition, AEMET sponsors other channels not located on aemet.es, including
native apps, aemetblog.es, Twitter, and Facebook. These channels, their source
codes, and the contents thereof belong to AEMET and are protected by the
corresponding intellectual property rights.

Obtaining, elaborating and presenting AEMET meteorological and climatological
information constitute a modality of intellectual property regulated by article
10 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the rewritten
text of the Intellectual Property Law, regulating, clarifying and harmonizing
the legal provisions in force on the matter. AEMET is the owner and the exercise
of copyright, which forms the exclusive right of exploitation and disclosure of
such information.

AEMET's dissemination channels comply with the function of general information
and attention to the citizen in the terms established by Royal Decree, 186/2008,
of February 8, which approves the Statute, Law 27/2006, of July 18, which
regulates the rights of access to information, public participation and access
to justice in the field of the environment, in particular Article 8; Law
18/2015, of July 9, which modifies Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of
public sector information and its development regulations, Royal Decree
1495/2011, in particular article 7; as well as article 4 of Royal Decree
208/1996, of February 9, which regulates the services of administrative
information and attention to the citizen.

The access and use of AEMET's dissemination channels, as well as the services or
contents that may be obtained through them, are subject to the terms detailed in
this Legal Notice, notwithstanding that any of said channels, services or
content may require the acceptance of additional conditions.

The content and services that AEMET offers are updated periodically; the
validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents, as well as the
current legal terms, should always be verified.

# Terms and conditions of access to the web or other modalities by different users

Access to this website and any of its pages implies knowing and accepting the
legal warnings, conditions and terms of use set out below:

Access to this web portal, as well as the use of the information it contains,
are the sole responsibility of the user. AEMET is not responsible for any damage
that may arise from these events, nor can it guarantee that the access is
uninterrupted or that the content or software accessed is free of error or will
not cause harm. AEMET reserves the right to make the appropriate changes without
prior notice, in order to update, modify or eliminate the information, and to
make any changes and modifications deemed appropriate on the website. AEMET
reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of use of
this website. Any such modification will be announced conveniently through this
page and will be effective from the moment of its publication.

# Authorization of reuse and non-exclusive transfer of intellectual property rights

The general conditions contained in this legal notice allow the reuse of
documents submitted to them for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Reuse is
understood as the use of documents held by AEMET in accordance with the
provisions of article 3 of Law 18/2015, of July 9, which modifies Law 37/2007,
of November 16, on reuse of public sector information.

This authorization also entails the free and non-exclusive transfer of
intellectual property rights, where applicable, corresponding to such documents,
authorizing the performance of reproduction, distribution, public communication
or transformation activities necessary to carry out the reuse activity. Such
authorization, in any form and in any format, is for the maximum period allowed
by the aforementioned Law.

# General conditions for reuse

The exercise of reuse is subject to the following conditions:

1.  Distortion of the information is forbidden.

2.  AEMET should be cited as the source of the information subject to reuse in
    one of the following ways:

      If the information is disseminated or provided to third parties by
      modifying only its presentation, without altering the technical content, the reuse

        Respect the technical content of the information in such a way that it
        cannot give rise to errors of interpretation by third parties; however, the
        presentation may be made in the manner deemed appropriate by the USER.

        Include the AEMET copyright ((c) AEMET) or in its place the text:
        "Information prepared by the State Meteorological Agency".

        Retain the AEMET logo on all those products that include it.

      If the reuse includes value-added services based on meteorological and
      climatological information provided by AEMET for dissemination or supply
      to third parties, AEMET must be explicitly mentioned as the owner of
      said information by including the reference "Source: AEMET" or in its
      place the text: "Information elaborated using, among other sources,
      information obtained from the State Meteorological Agency".

3.  The date of the last update of the documents being reused must be mentioned,
    provided this date was included in the original document.

4.  Declaration, insinuation, or suggestion that AEMET, as the owner of the
    reused information, participates, sponsors, or supports this information's
    reuse is forbidden.

5.  The integrity of the metadata on the date of update and the applicable reuse
    conditions that, if applicable, were included in the document made available
    for reuse by AEMET must be retained.

# Exclusion of responsibility

AEMET will not be responsible for the use or interpretation of information made
by the re-use agents, nor for any damages suffered or economic losses that,
directly or indirectly, produce or may cause economic, material or data damages,
caused by the use of said information.

AEMET's dissemination channels may refer to external systems subject to
particular conditions of use. AEMET declines any responsibility with regard to
any information from these external systems.

# Obligations and responsibility of the user

The re-use agent is subject to applicable regulations regarding the reuse of
public sector information, including the sanctioning system of article 11 of Law
18/2015, of July 9, which modifies Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of
public sector information.

The user agrees to use this page or the different forms of access without
participating in activities that may be considered illicit or illegal, that
infringe the rights of AEMET or third parties, or that may damage, disable, or
overburden the website or other forms of access or prevent its normal use.

The user must refrain from obtaining the information on this website using means
or procedures other than those that have been made available for this purpose,
have been indicated on this website or are commonly used on the Internet and, in
the latter case, only if they do not involve risk of damage or disablement of
the website and its contents.

The user will be solely responsible for any infractions that may be incurred or
damages that may be inflicted on third parties by the improper and illegitimate
use of the website or other forms of access provided.

November 2016