The R package clipp
provides a fast and general
implementation of the Elston-Stewart algorithm.
The main function is pedigree_loglikelihood
, which
calculates the pedigree log-likelihood for almost any choice of genetic
model. Helper functions are provided that specify commonly used genetic
models, though users are free to define and use more advanced ones.
Combining clipp
with an optimisation function like
allows the user to perform maximum-likelihood
estimation of model parameters, as illustrated below.
also provides a function,
, that calculates genotype
probabilities for a target person within a family, given the family’s
observed data.
The function pedigree_loglikelihood
calculates (the
logarithm of) any pedigree likelihood that can be written in Ott’s form,
as given on page 117 of (Lange, 2002). In this formulation, the
likelihood L for a given family is
where: there are n members of the
family, who are labeled by identifiers i=1,…,n; gi and xi are the genotype and observed data
for person i, respectively; P(xi∣gi) is the conditional
probability of person i’s observed
data give his or her genotype; m(i)
and f(i) are the identifiers of
person i’s mother and father,
respectively, or missing if person i is a founder (i.e. if person i does not have parents in the pedigree);
and P(gi∣gm(i),gf(i))
is either the population prevalence of genotype gi (if person i is a founder) or the conditional
probability of offspring genotype gi given parental genotypes gm(i) and gf(i) (if person i is a non-founder). Each sum is over all
possible genotypes at the genetic locus under consideration (or over all
possible multi-locus genotypes if we are modeling two or more genetic
The terms in this likelihood correspond to the main arguments of the
function pedigree_loglikelihood
. The argument
specifies the family structure, i.e. m(i) and f(i) for all family members i. The argument geno_freq
specifies the population genotype prevalences, i.e. P(gi∣gm(i),gf(i)) when
person i is a founder. The argument
specifies the transmission probabilities, i.e. P(gi∣gm(i),gf(i)) when
person i is a non-founder. Lastly,
the penetrance matrix penet
specifies the relationship
between the observed data and the genotypes, i.e. P(xi∣gi).
The transmission probabilities trans
and population
genotype prevalences geno_freq
determine the joint
probability for any combination of genotypes within a family, so we say
that trans
and geno_freq
define the genetic
model of the analysis. These terms are usually based on known genetic
laws (such as Mendel’s laws) and user-specified genotype or allele
frequencies. clipp
provides helper functions to calculate
and geno_freq
for common genetic models.
For example, the following code specifies a genetic model consisting of
a single biallelic locus with a minor allele frequency of 10%.
<- 0.1
MAF <- geno_freq_monogenic(p_alleles = c(1 - MAF, MAF))
geno_freq <- trans_monogenic(n_alleles = 2) trans
We can view a more user-friendly version of the genotype frequencies
by using the option annotate = TRUE
geno_freq_monogenic(p_alleles = c(1 - MAF, MAF), annotate = TRUE)
#> 1/1 1/2 2/2
#> 0.81 0.18 0.01
This shows that the alleles at the genetic locus have been given the
default names 1
and 2
, and that the possible
genotypes are 1/1
, 1/2
and 2/2
In this example, the population prevalence of the heterozygous genotype
is 18%.
The option annotate = TRUE
also reveals a more
user-friendly version of the transmission probabilities.
trans_monogenic(n_alleles = 2, annotate = TRUE)
#> gm gf 1/1 1/2 2/2
#> 1 1/1 1/1 1.00 0.0 0.00
#> 2 1/1 1/2 0.50 0.5 0.00
#> 3 1/1 2/2 0.00 1.0 0.00
#> 4 1/2 1/1 0.50 0.5 0.00
#> 5 1/2 1/2 0.25 0.5 0.25
#> 6 1/2 2/2 0.00 0.5 0.50
#> 7 2/2 1/1 0.00 1.0 0.00
#> 8 2/2 1/2 0.00 0.5 0.50
#> 9 2/2 2/2 0.00 0.0 1.00
Here, the rows correspond to the nine possible joint parental
genotypes and the last three columns correspond to the three possible
offspring genotypes. Each number is the conditional probability of the
offspring genotype, given the parental genotypes. For example, row
says that when the mother has genotype 1/1
and the father has genotype 2/2
then the offspring will
have genotype 1/2
(with probability 1
). The
probabilities in this table are given by Mendel’s laws of genetics. Note
that the probabilities in each row sum to 1
, since the
offspring must always have one of the three possible genotypes,
regardless of the parental genotypes.
Now that we’ve defined a genetic model, we can use the function
to calculate the pedigree
log-likelihoods of some sample families.
data("dat_small", "penet_small", "dat_large", "penet_large")
#> family indiv mother father sex aff age geno
#> 1 ora ora001 ora009 ora010 1 1 42 2/2
#> 2 ora ora002 <NA> <NA> 2 0 6 1/1
#> 3 ora ora003 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 4 ora ora004 ora002 ora001 2 0 17 1/2
#> 5 ora ora005 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 6 ora ora006 ora002 ora001 1 0 71
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 0.9988662 0.9966026 0.9966026
#> [2,] 0.9999994 0.9999982 0.9999982
#> [3,] 0.9999676 0.9999028 0.9999028
#> [4,] 0.9999866 0.9999598 0.9999598
#> [5,] 0.9999676 0.9999028 0.9999028
#> [6,] 0.9561271 0.8740714 0.8740714
Each row of dat_small
corresponds to a person in one of
10 families. Here, dat_small
specifies the family structure
for these 10 families, meaning that dat_small
specifies the
mother and father of each person in each family. Some people, such as
person ora002
, have missing parental identifiers because
they are founders (i.e. their parents are not included in the pedigree).
Each person has either both or no parents included in their pedigree,
i.e. if the mother identifier is missing then so is the father
identifier, and vice versa. Also, each person who is mentioned as a
parent has a corresponding row, e.g. person ora009
listed as the mother of person ora001
, so there must be a
row later in the pedigree with indiv
equal to
. The columns sex
, aff
and geno
are ignored by the function
, though data like this will usually
contribute to the corresponding pedigree likelihood via the penetrance
matrix. We will soon give examples of calculating penetrance matrices
from this sort of observed data, but for now we simply use the sample
penetrance matrix penet_small
If there are any identical twins or triplets in the family then we
can specify them using an optional argument monozyg
. For
example, to indicate that ora024
and ora027
are identical twins, and so are aey063
, then we can use the following as the
<- list(c("ora024", "ora027"), c("aey063", "aey064")) monozyg_small
We can now calculate the log-likelihoods of the 10 families.
pedigree_loglikelihood(dat_small, geno_freq, trans, penet_small,
monozyg = monozyg_small, sum_loglik = FALSE, ncores = 2)
#> ora ltk aey fwj tqo ibz shd vtc
#> -224.0860 -170.4035 -204.6862 -198.4982 -193.2291 -179.5359 -246.8078 -160.9817
#> jil mak
#> -163.6852 -158.1138
By default, pedigree_loglikelihood
will return the sum
of the pedigree log-likelihoods of all of the families. However, the
option sum_loglik = FALSE
above instructs
to return the separate
log-likelihoods, e.g. the above output shows that family
has a log-likelihood of -224.0860
. The
option ncores = 2
to perform this calculation in
parallel on two cores, with the log-likelihoods of five families
calculated on one core and the remaining five on another core.
The function pedigree_loglikelihood
can also handle very
large families. For example, the following code takes much less than one
minute on a standard desktop computer to calculate the log-likelihood of
a family with approximately 10,000 family members.
system.time(ll <- pedigree_loglikelihood(dat_large, geno_freq, trans, penet_large))
#> user system elapsed
#> 10.64 0.15 10.83
ll#> [1] -18020.99
The argument penet
specifies the penetrance matrix,
which usually depends on the observed data and some unknown parameters
that we would like to estimate. In this section, we give a simple
example of such a penetrance matrix and then use this to estimate its
unknown parameters.
Let’s take dat_small
as our sample data, and suppose
we’re interested in estimating the log-odds of disease for the three
possible genotypes from previous sections. Here, the log-odds of disease
is log(p/(1-p))
when p
is the probability of
#> family indiv mother father sex aff age geno
#> 1 ora ora001 ora009 ora010 1 1 42 2/2
#> 2 ora ora002 <NA> <NA> 2 0 6 1/1
#> 3 ora ora003 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 4 ora ora004 ora002 ora001 2 0 17 1/2
#> 5 ora ora005 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 6 ora ora006 ora002 ora001 1 0 71
As a toy example, we ignore age and most other data, and take the
observed data to be just the disease affected status aff
For simplicity, we also assume that allele 1
is dominant to
allele 2
, meaning that the log-odds of disease are the same
for people with genotypes 1/1
and 1/2
. The
parameters that we would like to estimate are therefore the log-odds of
disease for genotypes 1/1
and 1/2
and for genotype 2/2
. We denote these parameters by
and logodds2
, respectively.
A penetrance matrix penet
is designed to give a
probabilistic connection between a peron’s genotype and his or her
observed data. Each row of penet
corresponds to a person
and each column corresponds to one of the possible genotypes. (Row
of penet
and row i
should correspond to the same person, and the order of
the genotypes should be the same for penet
and trans
.) The
(i, j)
th entry of penet
gives the
conditional probability of person i
’s observed data, given
that he or she has the j
th genotype. In our
example, these conditional probabilities are determined by the
parameters logodds1
and logodds2
. For
instance, if person i
has genotype 1/1
his or her probability of disease is
prob1 = 1/(1 + exp(-logodds1))
, so if person i
is affected then the conditional probability of his or her observed data
is prob1
, and if person i
is unaffected then
this conditional probability is 1 - prob1
. Therefore, the
(i, 1)
th entry of penet
corresponding to person i
and the first genotype
(i.e. 1/1
), is prob1
if person i
is affected and 1 - prob1
if person i
unaffected. The following function uses this and similar reasoning to
calculate row i
of penet
<- function(i, logodds1, logodds2) {
penet.fn <- 1/(1 + exp(-logodds1))
prob1 <- 1/(1 + exp(-logodds2))
prob2 <- c(prob1, prob1, prob2)
penet.i if (dat_small$aff[i] == 0) penet.i <- 1 - penet.i
We can now estimate our parameters of interest, logodds1
and logodds2
, using maximum likelihood estimation, as
implemented in the mle
function of the stats4
<- function(logodds1 = 0, logodds2 = 0) {
minusll <- t(sapply(1:nrow(dat_small), penet.fn, logodds1, logodds2))
penet <- pedigree_loglikelihood(dat_small, geno_freq, trans, penet,
loglik monozyg = monozyg_small, ncores = 2)
#> [1] 705.6238
<- mle(minusll)
fit summary(fit)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> mle(minuslogl = minusll)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error
#> logodds1 -1.359962 0.1054336
#> logodds2 -1.313467 6.8597364
#> -2 log L: 1030.901
The function minusll
above first calculates the
penetrance matrix penet
corresponding to any given values
of the parameters logodds1
and logodds2
, and
then uses this matrix and pedigree_loglikelihood
calculate the corresponding log-likelihood. The above code then uses
to perform maximum likelihood estimation, giving
estimates of -1.36
and -1.31
and logodds2
, respectively.
We will now extend the analysis of the previous section to include known genotypes.
The dataset dat_small
has a column geno
corresponding to known genotypes. As is often the case with family data,
many people in dat_small
do not have measured genotypes,
and so have a blank (""
) in the geno
#> family indiv mother father sex aff age geno
#> 1 ora ora001 ora009 ora010 1 1 42 2/2
#> 2 ora ora002 <NA> <NA> 2 0 6 1/1
#> 3 ora ora003 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 4 ora ora004 ora002 ora001 2 0 17 1/2
#> 5 ora ora005 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 6 ora ora006 ora002 ora001 1 0 71
The standard method for incorporating known genotypes into the
Elston-Stewart algorithm is to first calculate the penetrance matrix
while ignoring all genotype data, and then change
for people who have measured genotypes according to
the following simple rule. If person i
is known to have the
th genotype then penet[i, j]
unchanged but penet[i, k]
is set to 0
for all
k != j
. See later for brief justification for this
For example, to incorporate known genotypes into the analysis of the
previous section, we modify penet.fn
by adding the three
lines of code below that are marked with ###.
<- function(i, logodds1, logodds2) {
penet.fn <- 1/(1 + exp(-logodds1))
prob1 <- 1/(1 + exp(-logodds2))
prob2 <- c(prob1, prob1, prob2)
penet.i if (dat_small$aff[i] == 0) penet.i <- 1 - penet.i
if (dat_small$geno[i] == "1/1") penet.i[-1] <- 0 ###
if (dat_small$geno[i] == "1/2") penet.i[-2] <- 0 ###
if (dat_small$geno[i] == "2/2") penet.i[-3] <- 0 ###
We can now use the same code as in the previous section to estimate the log-odds of disease, though our estimates are now based on the known genotypes as well as disease affected statuses.
#> [1] 788.5003
<- mle(minusll)
fit summary(fit)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> mle(minuslogl = minusll)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error
#> logodds1 -1.357596 0.08405912
#> logodds2 -1.395321 0.61632248
#> -2 log L: 1196.65
The above method for incorporating known genotypes can be justified
as follows. Measured genotypes can differ from actual genotypes due to
genotyping errors, and even when genotyping errors are negligible, we
can make a conceptual distinction between the actual genotype gi of person i
, and any
measured genotype of person i
, which is part of his or her
observed data xi. The
(i, k)
th component penet[i, k]
the penetrance matrix is the conditional probability of person
’s observed data xi,
given that his or her actual genotype gi is the k
genotype (e.g. 2/2
is the third genotype, in our running
example). When genotyping errors are negligible, the chance of observing
a genotype different from the actual genotype is 0
. So if
person i
is observed to have the
th genotype then penet[i, k]
for all k != j
. Using similar reasoning,
non-negligible genotyping errors and partial genotyping information can
also be incorporated in an analysis.
Given a genetic model and a penetrance matrix, clipp
also use the Elston-Stewart algorithm to calculate genotype
probabilities for a person of interest, using the function
. For example, we can calculate the
genotype probabilities for individual ora008
in the family
, as follows.
#> family indiv mother father sex aff age geno
#> 1 ora ora001 ora009 ora010 1 1 42 2/2
#> 2 ora ora002 <NA> <NA> 2 0 6 1/1
#> 3 ora ora003 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 4 ora ora004 ora002 ora001 2 0 17 1/2
#> 5 ora ora005 ora002 ora001 1 0 22
#> 6 ora ora006 ora002 ora001 1 0 71
genotype_probabilities(target = "ora008", dat_small, geno_freq, trans,
penet_small, monozyg_small)#> [1] 0.19832320 0.74111557 0.06056123
This shows that person ora008
has a 19.8%
chance of having the first genotype (1/1
), given the inputs
(family structure, genetic model and penetrance matrix). In this
calculation, the penetrance matrix penet_small
depends on
all of the observed data. If we instead wanted genotype probabilities
that are based only on the family structure and observed genotypes then
we could use the following code.
<- function(i) {
penet.fn <- rep(1, 3)
penet.i if (dat_small$geno[i] == "1/1") penet.i[-1] <- 0
if (dat_small$geno[i] == "1/2") penet.i[-2] <- 0
if (dat_small$geno[i] == "2/2") penet.i[-3] <- 0
}<- t(sapply(1:nrow(dat_small), penet.fn))
penet genotype_probabilities(target = "ora008", dat_small, geno_freq, trans,
penet, monozyg_small)#> [1] 0.45 0.50 0.05
Many statistical analyses of family data can be performed by the
Elston-Stewart algorithm combined with maximum likelihood estimation,
for some choice of genetic model and penetrance matrix. We have given
simple examples of segregation analyses to estimate disease risk. These
can be modified slightly and combined with a genetic model based on
phased genotypes (as given by clipp
’s functions
and trans_phased
) to
investigate parent-of-origin effects. With some ingenuity, the user can
also use clipp
to investigate other interesting genetic
models, such as linked loci and non-standard transmission probabilities,
or whatever genetic model can be imagined.
Ott’s form for the pedigree likelihood assumes that the observed data
of different family members is conditionally independent, given their
genotypes. However, this assumption can be weakened for a genetic locus
of interest, by adding an unmeasured polygene into the genetic model
(using functions like trans_polygenic
General references for the Elston-Stewart algorithm are (Elston &
Stewart, 1971), (Lange & Elston, 1975) and (Cannings et al., 1978).
Up to logarithmic factors, the complexity of the algorithm is
O(n * m)
, where n
is the number of people in
the family and m
is the number of possible genotypes.
Cannings C, Thompson E, Skolnick M. Probability functions on complex pedigrees. Advances in Applied Probability, 1978;10(1):26-61.
Elston RC, Stewart J. A general model for the genetic analysis of pedigree data. Hum Hered. 1971;21(6):523-542.
Lange K. Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis (second edition). Springer, New York. 2002.
Lange K, Elston RC. Extensions to pedigree analysis I. Likehood calculations for simple and complex pedigrees. Hum Hered. 1975;25(2):95-105.