fastcluster: Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python Copyright: * Until package version 1.1.23: © 2011 Daniel Müllner * All changes from version 1.1.24 on: © Google Inc. The fastcluster package is a C++ library for hierarchical, agglomerative clustering. It efficiently implements the seven most widely used clustering schemes: single, complete, average, weighted/McQuitty, Ward, centroid and median linkage. The library currently has interfaces to two languages: R and Python/NumPy. Part of the functionality is designed as drop-in replacement for existing routines: “linkage” in the SciPy package “scipy.cluster.hierarchy”, “hclust” in R's “stats” package, and the “flashClust” package. Once the fastcluster library is loaded at the beginning of the code, every program that uses hierarchical clustering can benefit immediately and effortlessly from the performance gain. Moreover, there are memory-saving routines for clustering of vector data, which go beyond what the existing packages provide. See the author's home page for more information, in particular a performance comparison with other clustering packages. The User's manual is the file inst/doc/fastcluster.pdf in the source distribution. The fastcluster package is distributed under the BSD license. See the file LICENSE in the source distribution or . Christoph Dalitz wrote a pure C++ interface to fastcluster: . Installation ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ See the file INSTALL in the source distribution. Usage ‾‾‾‾‾ 1. R ‾‾‾‾ In R, load the package with the following command: library('fastcluster') The package overwrites the function hclust from the “stats” package (in the same way as the flashClust package does). Please remove any references to the flashClust package in your R files to not accidentally overwrite the hclust function with the flashClust version. The new hclust function has exactly the same calling conventions as the old one. You may just load the package and immediately and effortlessly enjoy the performance improvements. The function is also an improvement to the flashClust function from the “flashClust” package. Just replace every call to flashClust by hclust and expect your code to work as before, only faster. (If you are using flashClust prior to version 1.01, update it! See the change log for flashClust: ) If you need to access the old function or make sure that the right function is called, specify the package as follows: fastcluster::hclust(…) flashClust::hclust(…) stats::hclust(…) Vector data can be clustered with a memory-saving algorithm with the command hclust.vector(…) See the User's manual inst/doc/fastcluster.pdf for further details. WARNING ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ R and Matlab/SciPy use different conventions for the “Ward”, “centroid” and “median” methods. R assumes that the dissimilarity matrix consists of squared Euclidean distances, while Matlab and SciPy expect non-squared Euclidean distances. The fastcluster package respects these conventions and uses different formulas in the two interfaces. If you want the same results in both interfaces, then feed the hclust function in R with the entry-wise square of the distance matrix, D^2, for the “Ward”, “centroid” and “median” methods and later take the square root of the height field in the dendrogram. For the “average” and “weighted” alias “mcquitty” methods, you must still take the same distance matrix D as in the Python interface for the same results. The “single” and “complete” methods only depend on the relative order of the distances, hence it does not make a difference whether the method operates on the distances or the squared distances. The code example in the R documentation (enter ?hclust or example(hclust) in R) contains an instance where the squared distance matrix is generated from Euclidean data. 2. Python ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ The fastcluster package is imported as usual by import fastcluster It provides the following functions: linkage(X, method='single', metric='euclidean', preserve_input=True) single(X) complete(X) average(X) weighted(X) ward(X) centroid(X) median(X) linkage_vector(X, method='single', metric='euclidean', extraarg=None) The argument X is either a compressed distance matrix or a collection of n observation vectors in d dimensions as an (n×d) array. Apart from the argument preserve_input, the methods have the same input and output as the functions of the same name in the package scipy.cluster.hierarchy. The additional, optional argument preserve_input specifies whether the fastcluster package first copies the distance matrix or writes into the existing array. If the dissimilarities are generated for the clustering step only and are not needed afterward, approximately half the memory can be saved by specifying preserve_input=False. Note that the input array X contains unspecified values after this procedure. You may want to write linkage(X, method='…', preserve_input=False) del X to make sure that the matrix X is not accessed accidentally after it has been used as scratch memory. The method linkage_vector(X, method='single', metric='euclidean', extraarg=None) provides memory-saving clustering for vector data. It also accepts a collection of n observation vectors in d dimensions as an (n×d) array as the first parameter. The parameter 'method' is either 'single', 'ward', 'centroid' or 'median'. The 'ward', 'centroid' and 'median' methods require the Euclidean metric. In case of single linkage, the 'metric' parameter can be chosen from all metrics which are implemented in scipy.spatial.dist.pdist. There may be differences between linkage(scipy.spatial.dist.pdist(X, metric='…')) and linkage_vector(X, metric='…') since there have been made a few corrections compared to the pdist function. Please consult the the User's manual inst/doc/fastcluster.pdf for comprehensive details.