--- title: "Joint Modeling (e.g., Multiomics) with fido::Orthus" author: "Justin Silverman" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Joint Modeling (e.g., Multiomics) with fido::Orthus} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console bibliography: bibliography.bib --- ```r library(fido) library(phyloseq) library(dplyr) set.seed(48482) ``` If you have not already done so, I would read through the *pibble* vignette before this one. # fido::orthus, the model fido can be used for jointly modeling multivariate count data and multivariate Gaussian data. For example, this would be a reasonable model to jointly model 16S microbiome data and metabolomics data jointly. Because of the "two-headed" nature of this model, e.g., two observed data-sets, I named this model *orthus*, [a two-headed dog and brother of Cerberus in Greek Mythology](https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthrus). The *orthus* model can be written as $$ \begin{align} Y_j & \sim \text{Multinomial}\left(\pi_j \right) \\ \pi_j & = \phi^{-1}(\eta_j) \\ \begin{bmatrix}\eta_j \\ Z_j \end{bmatrix} &\sim N(\Lambda X, \Sigma) \\ \Lambda &\sim N(\Theta, \Sigma, \Gamma) \\ \Sigma &\sim W^{-1}(\Xi, \upsilon) \end{align} $$ Note this looks nearly identical to the *pibble* model but we have appended the second (Gaussian) dataset ($Z$) onto $\eta$. In doing this, the definition of $\Lambda$ changes (it is now larger with the bottom rows dictating how the covariates $X$ influence the second dataset). Similarly, $\Sigma$ now is much larger and can be though of as $$ \Sigma = \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_{(\eta, \eta)} & \Sigma_{(\eta, Z)} \\ \Sigma_{(Z, \eta)} & \Sigma_{(Z, Z)}\end{bmatrix} $$ where $\Sigma_{(\eta, \eta)}$ describes the covariance between log-ratios (e.g., the covariance among the multinomial categories in log-ratio space), $\Sigma_{(Z, Z)}$ describes the covariance between the dimensions of $Z$ (e.g., between metabolites if Z is metabolomics data), and $\Sigma_{(\eta, Z)} = \Sigma_{(Z, \eta)}^T$ represents the covariance between log-ratios and dimensions of $Z$ (e.g., between microbial taxa and metabolites). Similar to $\Sigma$ and $\Lambda$, the parameters $\Xi$ and $\Theta$ undergo a similar expansion to accommodate the second dataset. # Joint modeling of Microbial 16S data and Metabolomics To demonstrate *orthus* I will perform a toy analysis on data from @kashyap2013 and made available by @callahan2016 as part of their recently published microbiome data analysis workflow [@callahan2016]. I follow the data preprocessing of @callahan2016 we just don't drop taxa but instead amalgamate those that don't pass filtering to a category called "other". I do this to maintain the proper variance in the multinomial model. ```r metab_path <- system.file("extdata/Kashyap2013", "metabolites.csv", package="fido") microbe_path <- system.file("extdata/Kashyap2013", "microbe.rda", package="fido") metab <- read.csv(metab_path, row.names = 1) metab <- as.matrix(metab) microbe <- get(load(microbe_path)) ## Preprocessing ## # Metabolite Preprocessing keep_ix <- rowSums(metab == 0) <= 3 metab <- metab[keep_ix, ] # 16S Preprocesing - plus some weirdness to rename amalgamated category to "other" keep_ix <- taxa_sums(microbe) > 4 keep_ix <- keep_ix & (rowSums(otu_table(microbe)>2)>3) microbe <- merge_taxa(microbe, taxa_names(microbe)[!keep_ix]) nms <- taxa_names(microbe) rnm <- which(taxa_names(microbe)==taxa_names(microbe)[!keep_ix][1]) nms[rnm] <- "other" taxa_names(microbe) <- nms rm(nms, rnm) # bit of preprocessing metab <- log10(1 + metab) ``` Now I am going to do just a bit of processing to get data into a format for orthus. Note I have no extra metadata so we are just going to use an intercept in our model at this time. ```r Y <- otu_table(microbe, taxa_are_rows=TRUE) Z <- metab #(metabolites are rows) X <- matrix(1, 1, phyloseq::nsamples(microbe)) # save dims for easy reference N <- ncol(Y) P <- nrow(Z) Q <- nrow(X) D <- nrow(Y) ``` Now I am going to set up the priors. My priors are going to be similar to that of *pibble* but now we need to think about a prior for the covariance among the metabolites and between the metabolites and the log-ratios of the taxa. Remember, that priors must be defined in the $ALR_D$ (e.g., ALR with the reference being the D-th taxa; this may be changed in the future to make specifying priors more user friendly). I am going to form our prior for $\Sigma$ by specifying $\upsilon$ and $\Xi$. I will specify that I have weak prior belief that the taxa are independent in terms of their log absolute abundance. We can translate this statement about covariance of log absolute abundance into a statement about log-ratio covariance by pre- and post-multiplying by the $ALR_D$ contrast matrix (which I refer to as $GG$ below). Additionally, I believe that there is likely no substantial covariance between the taxa and the metabolites and I assume the metabolites are likely independent. ```r upsilon <- (D-1+P)+10 # weak-ish prior on covariance over joint taxa and metabolites Xi <- diag(D-1+P) GG <- cbind(diag(D-1), -1) Xi[1:(D-1), 1:(D-1)] <- GG%*%diag(D) %*% t(GG) Xi <- Xi * (upsilon-D-P) # this scales Xi to have the proper mean we wanted image(Xi) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.align='center', fig.cap='', out.width='50%'} knitr::include_graphics('https://github.com/jsilve24/fido/raw/master/vignettes/orthus-prior-structure.png') ``` Note the structure of this prior, everything is independent but there is a moderate positive covariance between the log-ratios based on their shared definition in terms of the $D$-th taxa. The other parts of the prior are less interesting. We are going to state that our mean for $\Lambda$ is centered about $\mathbf{0}$ and that the signal-to-noise ratio in the data is approximately 1 (this later part is specified by $\Gamma=I$). ```r Gamma <- diag(Q) Theta <- matrix(0, D-1+P, Q) ``` Finally I fit the model. ```r fit <- orthus(Y, Z, X, Theta=Theta, Gamma=Gamma, Xi=Xi, upsilon=upsilon, n_samples=1000) ``` Next we are going to transform the log-ratios from $ALR_D$ to the $CLR$. I have written all the transformation functions, *e.g.*, `to_clr` etc... to work on `orthusfit` objects in a similar manner to how they work on `pibblefit` objects. For `orthusfit` objects they only transform the log-ratio components of parameters leaving the other parts of inferred model parameters (*i.e.*, the parts associated with the metabolites) untouched. ```r fit <- to_clr(fit) print(fit) #> orthusfit Object: #> Number of Samples: 12 #> Number of Categories: 114 #> Number of Zdimensions: 405 #> Number of Covariates: 1 #> Number of Posterior Samples: 1000 #> Contains Samples of Parameters:Eta Lambda Sigma #> Coordinate System: clr ``` # Investigate Model Results There are a ton of ways to visualize the inferred model. I could make network diagrams relating taxa to taxa, taxa to metabolites and metabolites to metabolites. I could look at a low dimensional representation of joint covariance to create something very much akin to canonical correlation analysis (CCA). I could look at how well the metabolites predict the taxa and vice-versa. But for the sake of simplicity I will do something much simpler. Here I am just going to find a list of taxa metabolite covariances that the model is very confident about. ```r # First just look ath the cross-covariances fit by the model # (covariance between taxa in CLR coordinates and metabolites) # This requires that we extract the corner of Sigma. xcor <- fit$Sigma[1:D, D:(D-1+P),] # Initial preprocessing to speed up computation of posterior intervals # As there are a lot of cross-covariance terms we are going to first # weed down the list of things we have to look at by first pass # selecting only those taxa that have a large posterior mean for the covariance xcor.mean <- apply(xcor, c(1,2), mean) to.analyze <- fido::gather_array(xcor.mean, cov, taxa, metabolite) %>% arrange(-abs(cov)) %>% .[1:1000,] %>% mutate(tm =paste0(taxa, "_", metabolite)) # Subset Covariance to those we are interested in and calculate posterior # confidence intervals. xcor.summary <- fido::gather_array(xcor, cov, taxa, metabolite, iter) %>% mutate(tm=paste0(taxa, "_", metabolite)) %>% filter(tm %in% to.analyze$tm) %>% mutate(taxa = rownames(Y)[taxa], metabolite = rownames(Z)[metabolite]) %>% group_by(taxa, metabolite) %>% fido:::summarise_posterior(cov) %>% arrange(mean) %>% filter(taxa != 'other') # we don't care about these # Select those covariances where the model has high certainty (95%) that # the true covariance is not zero. xcor.summary %>% filter(sign(p2.5)==sign(p97.5)) %>% filter(abs(mean) > 2) #> # A tibble: 218 x 8 #> # Groups: taxa [17] #> taxa metabolite p2.5 p25 p50 mean p75 p97.5 #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 722 206.0445922 -6.55 -3.96 -3.08 -3.33 -2.32 -1.51 #> 2 7816 206.0445922 -5.63 -3.23 -2.45 -2.65 -1.85 -1.05 #> 3 722 290.9298419 -5.18 -3.09 -2.42 -2.62 -1.85 -1.23 #> 4 18182 380.1846197 -5.20 -3.07 -2.38 -2.55 -1.83 -1.03 #> 5 722 181.4504354 -5.19 -3.04 -2.36 -2.55 -1.80 -1.13 #> 6 722 177.0565368 -4.98 -3.01 -2.30 -2.50 -1.78 -1.08 #> 7 722 180.072273 -5.03 -3.06 -2.30 -2.49 -1.71 -0.986 #> 8 19517 380.1846197 -5.15 -3.06 -2.33 -2.49 -1.71 -0.952 #> 9 2943 380.1846197 -4.89 -2.97 -2.34 -2.49 -1.83 -1.03 #> 10 722 176.0343919 -4.93 -2.95 -2.25 -2.48 -1.79 -1.09 #> # ... with 208 more rows ``` So it looks there there are a few hundred covariances that we can be fairly confident about. # Qualifications and Caution Please note, I performed this analysis to demonstrate the use of *orthus* which is a model that I have been repeatedly asked for. I think its a cool model and could be quite useful in the right circumstances. But I would like to point out a few philosophical points about the analysis I performed above. First, I performed this analysis just to demonstrate *orthus*. I really don't know the data showcased here. What is metabolite `206.0445922`? I have no idea. For some reason this is how the metabolites in that dataset were named. For the same reason I have left the taxa indexed by sequence variant number. Second (and more important), identifying relationships between taxa and metabolites (or between any two high-dimensional multivariate data-sets) is really difficult! Here we are looking at just 114 taxa and 405 but this leads to 46170 possible covariances and here we only have 12 samples! Yes *orthus* is a Bayesian model, and Yes, Bayesian models can be quite useful when there are more parameters than samples, but there is a limit of reasonability. Really, Bayesian models are great when you can perfectly capture your prior beliefs with your prior. But how often can that really be done perfectly? As such I would caution users, to use *orthus* carefully. Consider which metabolites and taxa you really care about and if you can, isolate your analyses to those. Alright, that's probably enough philosophizing for an R package Vignette. I hope you enjoy *orthus*. # References