2023-06-14 vs. 1.0-21 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Adjustment of files as required by the cran 2020-10-29 vs. 1.0-2 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Change character to factors in gexp.fe_lsd and gexp.simple_lsd function. 2020-04-01 vs. 1.0-1 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Fixed bug in the gexp.spe_lsd function. Include the argument stringsAsFactors=TRUE in the line 110, according with the new version of R for the data.frame function, whose default for strings is stringsAsFactors = FALSE. 2019-06-14 vs. 1.0-0 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Split argument type in two arguments: type (SIMPLE, FE, SPE) and design (CRD, RCBD, LSD). * Add new methods to generic gexp: simple_crd, simple_rcbd, simple_lsd, fe_crd, fe_rcbd, fe_lsd, spe_crd, spe_rcbd and spe_lsd. * Remove nrand and random argument of the gexp functions. * Add random argument in the plot functions. * Add new internal function: makeInteraction, makeContrasts, makeTreatments and makeXBeta. * Otimization of the code of all functions. * Adequation of the Rd, vignettes, NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files of accordance the new modifications. * Minor corrections in the documentation. 2019-05-02 vs. 0.1-6 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Fixed incorrect calculus to quantitative factors to RCBD and LSD design. 2019-04-13 vs. 0.1-5 - J.C.Faria <joseclaudio.faria@gmail.com> * NAMESPACE adequation 2019-04-13 vs. 0.1-4 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Minor corrections in the documentation. * Released to CRAN. 2019-04-13 vs. 0.1-3 - J.C.Faria <joseclaudio.faria@gmail.com> * All plot functions now are returning to the graphic device the parameters changed by the use of the par(xaxs='i', yaxs='i'). * There have been minor changes to the source code of some functions. 2019-04-09 vs. 0.1-2 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Corrected word gerexp to gexp in the gexp-package.Rd file. * Corrected data of the 0.1-1 version of the ChangeLog file. 2019-04-06 vs. 0.1-1 - J.C.Faria <joseclaudio.faria@gmail.com> * Fixed encodings of some documentation (.rmd) files that were generating problems in the final compilation. * Some improvements have been made to the documentation. 2018-10-12 vs. 0.1-0 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> * Start of the gexp package.