gfcanalysis 1.8

* Deprecate rgeos and rgdal

* Update to 2022 forests data

* Miscellaneous minor bug fixes

gfcanalysis 1.7

* Support latest Hansen datasets (up to 2020 data)

* Export `calc_pixel_areas()`

gfcanalysis 1.6

* Support latest Hansen datasets (up to 2019 data)

* Fix bug arising when aoi falls on the boundary of gfc tiles

* AOI can now be defined using a sf file

gfcanalysis 1.5

* Support latest Hansen datasets using "datatset" parameter

* Change maintainer from Alex Zvoleff to Matthew Cooper

gfcanalysis 1.4

* Add option to download only certain layers.

* Add data_year argument to support new dataset versions.

* Misc doc and CRAN check fixes.

gfcanalysis 1.2

* Fix output as GeoTIFF with LZW compression. Smaller file sizes are 
  advantageous when analyzing large areas.

* Upgrade to roxygen2 > 4.0.2

* Switch to gConvexHull in calc_gfc_tiles to avoid potential errors from 

gfcanalysis 1.1

*  Move "snow" from Suggests to Enhances

*  Update inst/examples/analyze_GFC.R to test or "snow"

gfcanalysis 1.0

*  Initial release to CRAN.