## ----store-metadata----------------------------------------------------------- library(git2rdata) root <- tempfile("git2rdata-metadata") dir.create(root) write_vc(iris, file = "iris", root = root, sorting = "Sepal.Length") ## ----read-metadata------------------------------------------------------------ my_iris <- read_vc("iris", root = root) str(my_iris) print(head(my_iris)) summary(my_iris) display_metadata(my_iris) ## ----update-metadata---------------------------------------------------------- update_metadata( file = "iris", root = root, name = "iris", title = "Iris dataset", description = "The Iris dataset is a multivariate dataset introduced by the British statistician and biologist Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems.", field_description = c( Sepal.Length = "The length of the sepal in cm", Sepal.Width = "The width of the sepal in cm", Petal.Length = "The length of the petal in cm", Petal.Width = "The width of the petal in cm", Species = "The species of the iris" ) ) my_iris <- read_vc("iris", root = root) display_metadata(my_iris) str(my_iris)