-- ChangeLog - gsbDesign --
2021-10-02 Bjoern Bornkamp (version 1.0-1)
	* Changes to bring gsbDesign back to CRAN (was archived due
	temporary archival of package dependency gsDesign)

2019-12-07 Bjoern Bornkamp (version 1.0-1)
	* Fix errors on CRAN (class(.) == * issue)

2016-03-23 Florian Gerber (version 1.00-0)
	* Update citation information for JSS article.
	* Change colors in plot.gsbSimArm.result()
	* Add JSS article as vignette "JSS-gsbDesign"
	* Add code JSS article as demo "usage.R" and "poc.R"

2015-07-07 Florian Gerber (version 0.96-3)
	* minor modifications to pass the CRAN check without notes.
	* citations updated
	* no modifications in the code

2013-04-21 Florian Gerber (version 0.96-2)
	* Bug "wrong stage labels" corrected (comment Heinz).

2012-11-05 Florian Gerber (version 0.96-1)
	* run-time of examples is too long for CRAN.
	  time consuming examples are now 'not run'.

2012-10-12 Florian Gerber (version 0.96)
	* no further bugs found. submit to CRAN as version 0.96.

2012-10-12 Florian Gerber (version 0.95-3-2)
	* add GUI examples to test scrip.
	* correct bugs in plot() and tab().

2012-09-25 Florian Gerber (version 0.95-3)
	* for type.update = "per arm" there are 4 grid types available:
	  1. "table" to get tables also in "wide format".
	  2. "sliced" to get also "sliced plots".
	     argument "truth" in gsbDesign() is a list(control=, delta=).
	  3. "plot" optimized for contour plots.
	  4. "manually".
	* tab()
	  - 2 types of table available:
	       1. table in long format, available for all grid types
	       2. table in wide format, available for grid.type = "table",
	          get this table with argument: wide = TRUE.
	  - takes only class 'gsbMainOut' as argument
	  - summary() and print() adapted.
	* plot
	  - sliced sample size plot available
	  - more compact display e.g. for what = "success"
	    (all lines in one panel with different lty and legend.)
	* updated example in help of gsb().
	* typos in help file

2012-07-05 Florian Gerber (version 0.95-1)
	* Also 2d plot for type.update = "per arm"
	* additional / exchange table for type.update = "treatment effect"
	* additional table for type.update = "treatment effect"

2012-05-07 Florian Gerber (version 0.95)
	* first submit to CRAN

2012-04-29 Florian Gerber (version 0.94-4)
	* tab():
	  - dimnames of the output matrix are now rounded to the amount of digits specified
	    in argument digits.
	  - additional note in argument 'OC' of tab.Rd stating that the grid.type should be
	    'table' if type.updated = 'per arm'.
	* additional example (2b) added to 'gsb.Rd'. This example
	  has 3 success criteria (comment David)
	* note on prior specification added to description part
	  of 'gsb-package.Rd' and 'gsb.Rd'. (comment David)

2012-04-09 Florian Gerber (version 0.94-3)
	* plot.gsbMainOut():
	  - ylab="Probability" for what = "all" and "cumulative all" (comment Björn)
	  - frame around legend removed (comment Björn)
	  - more space between curve and plot bound if what = "sample size" (comment Björn)
	  - scales not alternating
	  - for grid.type="plot" there is now an additional point in each corner of the picture.
	    This should help to avoid blank areas in the corners (caused by the interpolation).
	  - color of curve now black iff only 1 stage is plotted and what = "sample size" (comment Thomas)
	* print.gsbSimulation():
	  - typo (comment Björn)
	  - correction in grid display for grid.type = "table" and "manually"

2012-03-30 Florian Gerber (version 0.94-2)
	* names of title and axis of boundary plots changed (comments Heinz)
	* typos in help corrected (comments Heinz)
	* "not run example" in plot.gsbMainOut() works now
	  ("%" is a special character even in the example section of a .rd file)

2012-03-19 Florian Gerber (version 0.94)
	* help changed according to comments of Heinz
	* dontrun example in plot.gsbMainOut added
	* tests file adapted and extended
	* print.gsbMainOut() and summary.gsbMainOut() now almost equal.
	* print methods only for objects gsbDesign, gsbSimulation and gsbMainOut
	* checks for valid input in all funktion which should be use by user.
	  - new function: integer2numeric() to simplify checks
	* input and defaults in gsb(), gsbDesign(), gsbSimulation changed
	  according to comments of Heinz and Björn:
	  - changes in almost  every function...
	* gsbPriorPrecision() is no longer in package
	* bounds on standardized scale added.
	  and corresponding plot what="std.boundary"
	* package depends also on 'package:grid' since ever. now added as dependency
	* plot.gsbMainOut():
	  - new argument: path=getwd()
	  - plot changes plots
	* tab(): new arguments: sep="," and path=getwd()
	* "delta0" replaced by "delta"
	* "placebo" replaced by "control"

2012-02-23 Florian Gerber (version 0.93-3)
	* bug in fkt gsbSimDif() reported by Björn.
	  the covariance matrix "covmat" is now build correctly (attempt 2)
	* bug in fkt gsbCriteria() reported by Björn.
	  problems with coding. fkt partially rewritten.
	* title and labels of plot.boundary() changed according to comment Heinz.
	* names of elements of the prior vector are now similar in "treatment effect"
	  and "per arm" scenario. comment Heinz.
	* bug in fkt print.gsbTrial(). labeling (and organization) changed. (comment Heinz)
	* summary.gsbMainOut(): only summary for suitable "atDelta". (no NA's in summary). comment Heinz
	  and fkt tab() gives now an error message if "atDelta" not suitable (no NA's).

2012-02-20 Florian Gerber (version 0.93-2)
	* bug in fkt gsbSimDif() reported by Björn.
	  the covariance matrix "covmat" is now build correctly

2012-02-11 Florian Gerber (version 0.93)
	* test script --> bugs found and repaired:
		- tab() default of arg "what" changed to "success"
		  (because "cumulative success" not available in 1 stage scenario.)
		- gsbCriteria(): problems if only one criteria per stage
		- gsb(): non-informative prior per arm
	* bugs in functions gsbSimDif() and gsbCalcDif() corrected (comment Thomas)
		- new function rmvnorm() added. used for function gsbCalcDif(),
		  copied from package:mvtnorm.
	          this fkt is not exported and not have a own help page
	* ChangeLog file added
	* namespace added
	* help file of all functions in namespace
		- Description and references of Heinz
		- (comments of Björn)
		- (comment Thomas)
		- spelling mistakes corrected
 	* export .csv for tables, .png for plots (comment Thomas)
	* shorter summary (as summary of class 'gsDesign'). (comment Thomas)
	* changed the names of values of following argumens of 'gsbSimulation()'. (comment Thomas)
1		- 'on difference' --> 'treatment effect'
		- 'exact' --> 'numerical integration'
	* 'what' argument of 'plot()' is now similar to 'what' argument of 'tab()'. (comment Thomas)
	* names of prior-vector changed. (now similar to 'trial'). (comment Thomas)
	* header/disclaimer for GNU-license added.

2011-12-12 Florian Gerber (version 0.92)
	* new function 'tab()' to convert the output to "nice" tables
	* summary-method for class 'gsbMainOut'

2011-11-28 Florian Gerber (version 0.91)
	* simplify input
		- set criteria once for all stages
		- set default values
	* Boundaries in output
		- only available if type.update=”on difference” and method=”exact” or “both”
		- corresponding plot
	* labels of plots
	* roughly update of help file to current state
	* examples to explain input

2011-11-12 Florian Gerber (version 0.90)
	* Grid: 3 grid types (use “example(gsb)” to see plots with the different grids)
		- grid.type = “table”
		- grid.type = “manually”
		- grid.type= “plot” (without dependence on “lhs” package)
	* “lattice” dependence (no dependence on latest version)
	* default plot limes (problem of test6 from Heinz)
	* typos
	* name of the package changed to “gsbDesign”
	* input “type” separated in
		- type.update = c(“on difference”, “per arm”)
		- method=c(“exact”, “simulation”, “both”)
	* roughly update of help file to current state.