The code in the three files: rms_nomogram.R rms_nomogram_method.R rms_nomogram_misc.R under the R/ subdirectory were originally written by Frank E Harrell Jr <> and modified by Nan Xiao. The code in the four files: survAUC_ChamDiao.R survAUC_Song_Zhou.R survAUC_Uno.R survAUC_utils.R under the R/ subdirectory and the code in the nine files: Makevars survAUC_Cham_Diao.c survAUC_Cham_Diao.h survAUC_SongZhou.c survAUC_SongZhou.h survAUC_UNO.c survAUC_UNO.h utils.c utils.h under the src/ subdirectory were originally written by Sergej Potapov <> and modified by Nan Xiao. Other part of this package was written by Nan Xiao.