0.2-2	14-Apr-2011

	o new function: 'KGE', Kling-Gupta efficiency
	o 'ggof': argument 'lab.fmt' is used now, and 'KGE' is shown in the GoF legend
	o 'plot2': KGE is showed in the GoF legend
	o SVN started to be used for package development in Rforge (thanks to Simon Urbanek for his great support)        
	o Updated dependence on R >= 2.10.0

0.2-1	30-Nov-2010

	o Minor changes in documentation
	o R functions were split up into individual files
	o new function: 'plotbandsonly', adds uncertainty bounds only to an existing plot
	o 'ggof': argument '...' is used now, and a new argument 'lab.fmt', for specifying the format of the axis' labels
	o 'plotbands':  arguments 'ylab', 'cex.axis', 'cex.lab' are used now. 
			argument 'legend' can now be logical (FALSE), in order to allow not having it.
			new arguments 'ylim', 'lab.fmt' (for specifying the format of the axis' labels)
			'sim' is now correctly plotted when 'type="points"' is used.
	o 'plot2': new argument: 'lab.fmt', for specifying the format of the axis' labels
v 0.2-0:
*) Release Date: 07-Oct-2010

Added functions:
*) 'plotbands' : -) It was moved from the 'hydroTSM' package.
                 -) In addition to zoo objects, now it can handle numeric/integer vectors as well.
                 -) the 'x' argument is plotted as points instead of lines, and a 'x.cex' argument was addedd, for defining the size of the points.
                 -) arguments 'cal.ini' 'val.ini', and 'date.fmt' were added for allowing drawing a vertical line when the calibration or validation period starts
                 -) the argument 'bs' was changed by 'sim', because the usual analysis is designed to plot the obsereved values s points, and the unceertainty bands, 
                    and the simulations can be added as a blue line
                 -) renamed argument: 'leg.gof' to 'gof.leg'
                 -) renamed argument: 'digits' to 'gof.digits'
                 -) renamed argument: 'leg.txt' to 'legend'
                 -) renamed argument: 'x.ty' to 'type'
                 -) new argument: 'x.ty', for allowing to specify if the observed values have to be ploted as 'points' or 'lines'
                 -) new argument: 'cex.axis', to control the size of the annotatons on the axis.
                 -) new argument: 'cex.lab', to control the size of the 'x' and 'y' labels on the axis.
                 -) new argument: 'pch', to control the type of symbol for 'x' and 'sim'
                 -) new argument: 'lwd', to control the type of line for 'x' and 'sim'
                 -) new argument: 'dates' to assign the dates to 'x', 'lband', 'ubnad' and 'sim' (when provided), when originally they are numeric objects
*) 'pfactor'   : Computes the % of observation that are within the uncertainty bounds
*) 'rfactor'   : Average width of the uncertainty bands divided by the standard deviation of the observations  
*) 'rsr'       : Ratio of RMSE to the Standard Deviation of the Observations ( Ref: Moriasi et al., 2007. Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed
                 simulations. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(3):885-900)
*) 'mse'       : Mean Squared Error
*) 'md'        : Modified index of agreement. 
                 Ref: Krause, P., Boyle, D. P., and Bäse, F.: Comparison of different efficiency criteria for hydrological model assessment, Adv. Geosci., 5, 89-97, 2005 
*) 'rd'        : Relative index of agreement. 
                 Ref: Krause, P., Boyle, D. P., and Bäse, F.: Comparison of different efficiency criteria for hydrological model assessment, Adv. Geosci., 5, 89-97, 2005 
*) 'rNSeff'    : Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency. 
                 Ref: Krause, P., Boyle, D. P., and Bäse, F.: Comparison of different efficiency criteria for hydrological model assessment, Adv. Geosci., 5, 89-97, 2005 
*) 'pbiasfdc'  : PBIAS in the slope of the midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve.
                 Ref: Yilmaz, K. K., H. V. Gupta, and T. Wagener  (2008), A process-based diagnostic approach to model evaluation:
                 Application to the NWS distributed hydrologic model, Water Resour. Res., 44, W09417, doi:10.1029/2007WR006716.

Added datasets:
*) EgaEnEstellaQts: 10 years of daily streamflows. It was added in order to provide a real streamflows time series, for testing the goodness-of-fit functions.

*) 'ggof'   : -) a bug when 'ftype="ma"' and 'sim' and 'obs' were monthly was fixed.
              -) the argument 'var.names' was removed 
              -) the argument 'var.units' was removed 
              -) the argument 'legend' was added, in order to be more intuitive for R users 
              -) new argument: 'do.pbfdc' which indicates if the 'pbiasfdc' index has to be computed or not

*) 'NSeff1' : -) new argument: 'j', with the exponent to be used in the computation of the modified Nash-Sutcliffe effciency. The default value is j=1
              -) it was renamed to 'mNSeff', in order to be more intuitive for the user.

*) 'PI'     : -) it was renamed to 'cp', due to the fact that the original reference (Kitadinis and Bras, 1980) call this index 'coefficent of persistence'

*) 'IoA'    : -) it was renamed to 'd', in order to be more intuitive for the user.

*) 'nrms'   : -) new argument: 'norm', indicating if the value to be used for the normalisation has to be the standard deviation of the observations (default) or 
                 the difference between the maximum and minimum observed value

*) 'plot2'  : -) the argument 'ts.col' was renamed to 'col' for being more intuitive to R users
              -) the argument 'ts.lwd' was renamed to 'lwd' for being more intuitive to R users
              -) the argument 'ts.lty' was renamed to 'lty' for being more intuitive to R users
              -) the argument 'ts.pch' was renamed to 'pch' for being more intuitive to R users
              -) the argument 'ts.cex' was renamed to 'cex' for being more intuitive to R users
              -) the argument 'leg.gof' was renamed to 'gof.leg' for being more intuitive
              -) the argument 'digits' was renamed to 'gof.digits' for being clearer
              -) the argument 'var.names' was removed 
              -) the argument 'var.units' was removed 
              -) the argument 'legend' was added, in order to be more intuitive for R users
              -) new argument: '...' was added, in order to be passed to the 'plot.zoo' function

v 0.1.3:
*) Release Date: 01-Dec-2009
*) 'ggof':  -) the sampling frequency required for 'sim' and 'obs' when 'ftype' is in c('dm', 'ma, 'dma') was changed to 'daily', monthly or 'annual' (instead of 'Daily', Monthly or 'Annual')
               in order to be in agreement with the correspondng change made to the 'sfreq' function in the version 0.1.6 of the 'hydroTSM' package.
v 0.1.2:
*) Release Date: 29-Oct-2009
*) 'br2' function was added
*) 'PBIAS': -) The resulting value is given in percentage (%, relative value multiplied by 100) and not in relative value as before 
*) 'NRMS' : -) The resulting value is given in percentage (%, relative value multiplied by 100) and not in relative value as before 
*) 'gof':   -) 'digits' argument was added (for rounding the goodness-of-fit values)
*) 'ggof':  -) 'digits' argument was added (for rounding the goodness-of-fit values)
*) 'plot2': -) A checking procedure was added for the parameters 'tick.tstep' and 'lab.tstep'
            -) 'digits' argument was added (for rounding the goodness-of-fit values)

v 0.1.1:
*) Release Date: 05-Oct-2009
*) 'plot2': -) the problem with size and position of the legend plotted when 'leg.gof' is TRUE was solved
            -) default values for ts.lwd and ts.lty were swapped, because they were inverted
            -) the argument 'leg.cex' was activated (in the previous version it didn't have any effect), and its default value was set to 1 3 new arguments were added, 
               for allowing to draw vertical lines at the begining of the calibration and validation period of an hydrological simulation:
               a) call.ini : OPTIONAL. Character with the date in which the calibration period started. ONLY used for drawing a vertical red line at this date. 
               b) val.ini  : OPTIONAL. Character with the date in which the validation period started.  ONLY used for drawing a vertical red line at this date. 
               c) date.fmt : character indicating the format in which the dates entered are stored in 'cal.ini' adn 'val.ini'. Default value is "\%Y-\%m-\%d"
*) 'ggof' : -) the problem with size and position of the legend plotted when 'leg.gof' is TRUE was solved. This function interacts with 'plot2' (calling it) 
            -) 4 new arguments were added, for allowing to draw vertical lines at the begining of the calibration and validation period of an hydrological simulation
               a) call.ini : OPTIONAL. Character with the date in which the calibration period started. ONLY used for drawing a vertical red line at this date. 
               b) val.ini  : OPTIONAL. Character with the date in which the validation period started.  ONLY used for drawing a vertical red line at this date. 
               c) date.fmt : character indicating the format in which the dates entered are stored in 'cal.ini' adn 'val.ini'. Default value is "\%Y-\%m-\%d"
               d) leg.gof  : logical, indicating if several numerical goodness of fit have to be computed between 'sim' and 'obs', and ploted as a legend on the graph. 
                             If leg.gof=TRUE, then 'x' is considered as observed and 'y' as simulated values (for some gof functions this is important). Default value is TRUE 

v 0.1.0: 
-) Release Date: 07-Sep-2009.