# localsolver
# Copyright (c) 2014, WLOG Solutions

# Introduction

The localsolver package allows for solving optimization problems in R by using the LocalSolver program. 
It combines efficiency and easiness of model formulation, which characterize the LocalSolver program, 
with the elasticity of data in R. The model formulation in LSP language is provided by a user as a string
or text file, and the input data - as a list. The solution is also a list, with chosen decision variables,
constraints and objective function values. Thus the problem can be solved many times (for example, by 
iterating with different parameter settings) and the result is provided in a form which makes further 
processing or visualization in R fast and easy.

# Installation

The package installation from CRAN can be executed by the command:

However, the package also requires the Local Solver program to be installed. It is highly recommended that
the LocalSolver software is installed before the R package. 
The test version (limited to 100 decisions and 1000 variables) can be downloaded from the website:
The access to the trial license for full version requires contacting the LocalSolver company. For further
information please visit the website:

# Contact

Bugs and feature requests can be reported by e-mail: info@wlogsolutions.com. We are also looking forward
for any future package development suggestions.