Installation instructions
Follow these instructions to install the SystemRequirements.

On Linux, use your system package manager to install everything, e.g. one of

    sudo apt install pandoc jupyter jupyter-nbconvert
    sudo pacman -S pandoc jupyter-nbconvert
    sudo dnf install pandoc python3-nbconvert

You are now done. On Windows or macOS, you need to install them manually:

1.  For pandoc, see
2.  If you don’t have Python 3.6 or later already,
    run the installer from
    Make sure you check “Add Python 3.x to PATH”!
3.  To install the packages, make sure `python --version` says “3.6” or later and run

        python -m pip install jupyter nbconvert

    If you have problems, see, or

4.  If pip warned you “The script jupyter is installed in '...' which is not on PATH”,
    you need to add that directory, see

Once you’re done, running `jupyter nbconvert --version` from a shell should give you output.
If you start R from the same shell (not e.g. on macOS), nbconvertR will work.