title: "Working with Nettskjema Form Metadata"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Working with Nettskjema Form Metadata}

# Overview

Forms on Nettskjema come with associated metadata, such as the title, contact information, and status.
This vignette demonstrates how to use functions to:
1. Retrieve metadata for a specific form.
2. Save metadata to a file for safe keeping.

## Prerequisites

Before executing any function, ensure you are authenticated.
Refer to the vignette on authentication (`authentication.html`) for guidance.

Additionally, load the required package:

# Retrieving Metadata for a Form: `ns_get_meta`

The function `ns_get_meta` retrieves metadata for a given form using its **form ID**.
The retrieved metadata is returned as an object of class `ns_meta`.

## Example: Retrieve Metadata

Here’s an example of how to retrieve metadata for a form:

``` r

# Replace this with your form ID
formid <- 123823

# Retrieve metadata for the form
form_meta <- ns_get_meta(formid)

# Display the metadata
#> $form_id
#> [1] 123823
#> $title
#> [1] "API test form"
#> $canEditForm
#> [1] TRUE
#> $isCodebookValid
#> [1] TRUE
#> $hasSubmissions
#> [1] TRUE
#> $modifiedDate
#> [1] "2025-03-13T19:27:18"
#> $modifiedBy
#> $modifiedBy$personId
#> [1] 58096
#> $modifiedBy$username
#> [1] "athanasm@uio.no"
#> $modifiedBy$name
#> [1] "Athanasia Monika Mowinckel"
#> $modifiedBy$email
#> [1] "a.m.mowinckel@psykologi.uio.no"
#> $modifiedBy$type
#> [1] "LOCAL"
#> $isOpen
#> [1] FALSE
#> $deliveryDestination
#> [1] "DATABASE"
#> $projectName
#> $numberOfPostponedSubmissions
#> [1] 0
#> $numberOfSubmissions
#> [1] 3
#> $numberOfInvitations
#> [1] 0
#> $editorsContactEmail
#> [1] "a.m.mowinckel@psykologi.uio.no"
#> $editorsContactUrl
#> $lastSubmissionDate
#> [1] "2023-06-01T20:59:50"
#> $markedForDeletionDate
#> $deleteDate
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "ns_meta" "list"

The metadata object includes various details about the form, such as the title, number of submissions, and whether the codebook is valid.

# Exploring the Metadata Object

The metadata object is a structured list with useful information about the form.
You can directly access individual fields in the metadata object as you would with any list.

### Example: Access Specific Metadata Fields

``` r
# Access the title of the form
#> [1] "API test form"

# Check the number of submissions
num_submissions <- form_meta$numberOfSubmissions
print(paste("Number of submissions:", num_submissions))
#> [1] "Number of submissions: 3"

# Check if the form is open
is_open <- form_meta$isOpen
print(paste("Is the form open?:", is_open))
#> [1] "Is the form open?: FALSE"

# Saving Metadata to a File: `ns_write_meta`

The metadata retrieved using `ns_get_meta` can be saved to a file for safe keeping or further use.
The `ns_write_meta` function writes the metadata into a JSON file, preserving all its information in a structured format.

## Example: Save Metadata as a JSON File

# Replace with your desired file path
output_path <- "meta_110000.json"

# Save the metadata to the specified path
ns_write_meta(form_meta, output_path)

### Example: Save Metadata to a Custom Path

If your file doesn’t have a `.json` extension, the function will automatically append it to the file name.

# Save to a file without .json extension
ns_write_meta(form_meta, "meta_file")

# The file will be saved as "meta_file.json"

### Example: Use Custom JSON Formatting Options

The `ns_write_meta` function supports any additional arguments passed to the [jsonlite::write_json](https://cran.r-project.org/package=jsonlite) function.
For example, you can specify `pretty = TRUE` for a more human-readable format.

# Save the metadata in a pretty-printed JSON file
ns_write_meta(form_meta, "pretty_meta.json", pretty = TRUE)