is a fairly simple package to use. This
vignette is intended to explain the basics (plotting using the
defaults), before showing how to use the options.
After installing the library with
you need to load the
is composed of 4 functions, one for each major
NHST test “family” :
function)Let’s see how to use each one without changing the graphical options.
The plotchisqtest
function only requires 2 arguments :
The first one is the χ2 value
(parameter : chisq
), and the second one is the degrees of
freedom (parameter df
Here’s an example with respectively 8 and 4.
plotchisqtest(chisq = 8, df = 4)
Note that the same is achieved with
You can also use the function by passing an object created by
test <- chisq.test(c(A = 37, B = 18, C = 25))
…or a model comparison from the anova()
y <- rbinom(10, 1, .4) ; x <- 2*y + rnorm(10)
fit1 <- glm(y ~ 1, family = binomial)
fit2 <- glm(y ~ x, family = binomial)
comp <- anova(fit1, fit2, test = "Chisq")
The plotftest
function only requires 3 arguments : The
first one is the F value (parameter
: f
), and the second and third ones are respectively the
degrees of freedom of the numerator (parameter dfnum
) and
the denominator (parameter dfdenom
Here’s an example with respectively 4, 3 and 5.
plotftest(f = 4, dfnum = 3, dfdenom = 5)
Note that the same is achieved with
You can also use the function by passing an object created by
x <- rnorm(10) ; y <- x + rnorm(10)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
…or by passing an F-change test computed with the
x <- rnorm(10) ; y <- x + rnorm(10)
fit1 <- lm(y ~ x)
fit2 <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 2))
comp <- anova(fit1, fit2)
The plotttest
function only requires 2 arguments : The
first one is the t value (parameter
: t
), and the second one is the degrees of freedom of the
numerator (argument df
Here’s an example with respectively 2 and 10.
plotttest(t = 2, df = 10)
Note that the same is achieved with plotttest(2,10)
By default, the plotttest
function plots a two-tailed
test. However, a one-tailed test can be plotted by adding the argument
tails = "one"
plotttest(2, 10, tails = "one")
The left or right tail is automatically selected using the sign of
provided t:
plotttest(-2, 10, tails = "one")
You can also use the function by passing an object created by
test <- t.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
…or cor.test()
test <- cor.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
The plotztest
function only requires 1 argument : The
z value (parameter
Here’s an example with a z value of 2.
plotztest(z = 2)
Note that the same is achieved with plozttest(2)
By default, the plotztest
function plots a two-tailed
test. However, a one-tailed test can be plotted by adding the argument
tails = "one"
plotztest(2, tails = "one")
The left or right tail is automatically selected using the sign of
provided t:
plotztest(-2, tails = "one")
NHST is a process that isn’t straightforward to explain or understand. Before looking at the p value itself, it starts with stating a null hypothesis. As a consequence, it can be helpful to provide a “step-by-step” explanation of process that may require to plot the density probability function before adding the cutline and p-value.
Hopefully, all the functions in nhstplot
can do that
very simply by passing the argument blank = TRUE
plotztest(-2, blank = TRUE)
In reality, when blank = TRUE
, every thing is plotted
the same way as with blank = FALSE
(default), but some
objects are simply make transparent. This means that the two plots are
scaled exactly the same way, which can be useful to plot one version
after another, for example in slides of a presentation or in an animated
The argument xmax
can be used to manually provide a
maximum for the x-axis. For symmetrical distributions (t and z), the minimum is set automatically, so
only one value (the maximum) should be provided.
plotztest(2, xmax = 10)
For all 4 functions, the default theme is light blue and red (like
seen above). But other themes are available with the
parameter, as shown below.
plotztest(2, theme = "blackandwhite")
plotztest(2, theme = "whiteandred")
plotztest(2, theme = "blueandred")
plotztest(2, theme = "greenandred")
plotztest(2, theme = "goldandblue")
A first important note : The theme
argument supersedes
any custom colors you may use, so don’t provide anything (or
) to the theme
parameter if you want to
use custom colors.
, colorleftcurve
and colorrightcurve
control the
curve and areas under the curve colors in the plotchisqtest
and plotftest
functions. Additionnally,
and colorcutline
control the
colors of the p value label and of the cut line. For example:plotftest(4, 3, 5, colorleft = "lightgreen", colorleftcurve = "red", colorright = "indianred", colorrightcurve = "blue", colorplabel = "darkgrey", colorcut = "#FFA500")
, colormiddlecurve
and colorsidescurve
control the
curve and areas under the curve colors in the plotttest
functions. Additionnally,
(defaults to the same and
control the colors of the p value label and of
the cut line. For example:plotztest(2, colormiddle = "lightgreen", colormiddlecurve = "red", colorsides = "indianred", colorsidescurve = "blue", colorplabel = "darkgrey", colorcut = "#FFA500")
The font family of all the text in the graph can be changed using the
argument (you can for example use
, Palatino
, Helvetica
. The default is serif
plotztest(2, fontfamily = "Helvetica")
can be used to provide
your own fonts (e.g. to match your slides font), and appears to work
well with nhstplot
. Fonts loaded through
can be called in the fontfamily
argument in the nhstplot
functions (e.g.,
plotztest(2, fontfamily = "Roboto")
).The cutlinesize
and the curvelinesize
control the size of the line sizes. By default, the
is the same as the
plotztest(2, cutlinesize = 2, curvelinesize = 1)
The number of significant digits can be modified in all functions
using signifdigitschisq
/ signifdigitsf
/ signifdigitsz
for the test
statistic. The default is 3
for all.
plotztest(2.134553, signifdigitsz = 2)
The position of the p value can
be changed using the p_value_position
argument and
providing a vector of coordinates. The absolute value is used and the
sign is changed depending on whether a one-tailed test is plotted or not
(and which tail it is).
plotztest(2, p_value_position = c(5, 0))