nonmem2R v0.2.5 (Release date: 2024-04-11)
* Minor update to resolve check notes. Only related to help/man file.
* Added option to eta.cov.GOF and Setting will remove any ETA==0 before plotting. This option is useful if the model have full shrinkage for subset of individuals e.g. for ETA on ED50 in patents on placebo or on dose==0. By default is FALSE and have no effect.

nonmem2R v0.2.3 (Release date: 2021-01-17)
* Update of systemPSN function

nonmem2R v0.2.2 (Release date: 2020-09-26)

* vpcfig2 now plot VPC's for percent data below lloq and or above uloq.

* Added vignette "VPCvignette" with examples and tips how to use vpcfig2

* Fixed bug in extload.sub.table. Fixed parameters were not correctly identified for
  Importance Sampling estimation cases.
  Issue now resolved with fixed based on ITERATION=-1000000006 row in ext table, 1 indicate FIX

* Added option for ETA GOFs to show subset of ETA's

nonmem2R v0.2.1 (Release date: 2019-02-18)

NEW functions:

*  A set of function for goodness-of-fit (GOF) have been added. Targeting nonmem output tables
  ( sdtab,cotab,catab..) to provide basic GOF plots for observations vs population and individual
  predictions, residuals (CWRES), ETA's, numerical and categorical covariates.
  See the vignette "GOFvignette"

  The functions have e.g. functionality for adding caption which also have been added to vpcfig2
  and vpcfig3.

* Using global package variable to specify the model folder  instead of looking for the variable
  "model.path" holding the path to model files, the function set.model.path is used set the folder path.

* vpcfig2: Added parameter param bin.idv to either use median of independent variable on
  x-axis (default), or to use midpoint of bins on x-axis.

* vpcfig2: Added argument median.only to only display median (median.only=TRUE) or display
  both quantile (e.g. 5 and 95%) and median (median.only=FALSE, this is the default)

* vpcfig3: Added ... parameter to vpcfig3 that are passed to loess.smooth

* Update of systemNM for SCP

* Bug fix for modload. Previuous version did not run when using model.path.

* Fixed issue for vpc folders with multiple vpc_results and vpctab files (e.g. vpc_results-old1,
  vpctab-old1). Now only filesnames NOT containing  "old" are loaded.


nonmem2R v0.1.10 (Release date: 2018-09-26)


* Added vpcfig3 for creating multiple VPC plots from one single PSN vpc output file

* Added modload for loading model file and print on screen

* Added stat_QQnorm for Quantile-Quantile plots with ggplot2

* Added stat_QQCL for confidence intervals for Quantile-Quantile plots with ggplot2

* Updated vpgfig2; now using geom_ribbon (instead of geom_polygon) for drawing model confidence intervals.
  This means x-axis limits can be set by e.g. xlim or scale_x_continuous.
  (Previous version using geom_polygon required using coord_cartesian for setting
  axis limits to avoid a corrupted VPC.)

nonmem2R v0.1.9 (Release date: 2018-04-06)


* Added model.path argument to vpcfig & vpcfig2, with similar use of model.path as in e.g. sumoR & extload

* Add footnote extToTable to keep track if OMEGA and SIGMA are reported as variances or as standard-deviations

* Updated covload to handle cov files with multiple tables from NONMEM model files with multiple $COV and/or multiple $EST.

* Fixed column names for covload output

* Updated help-page for vpcfig2 with advice for setting axis limits