1.0.1: Initial version to CRAN

1.0.2: Formatting changes to make documentation look better.

1.0.3: Updated author list, added labelswapprob option and extra checking of
user input to create.data().

1.1.0: Added opt.nested.crossval and opt.splitval functions.

1.1.1: Implemented uninformative censoring in create.data.

1.1.2: bugfixes for parallelized opt.nested.crossval + Elastic Net combination

1.1.3: Changed opt1D and opt.nested.crossval examples to use less system resources.

1.1.4: Fixed opt.nested.crossval and opt.splitval when using unpenalized covariates, added more examples to opt.nested.crossval, added citations to published paper.  Made it so a broken rlecuyer installation causes a warning instead of an error.

1.2.1: Added package Vignette.

1.2.2: Added cl as an optional parameter, to allow the user to set up the snow cluster.

1.2.3: Created proper NAMESPACE and cleaned up thereby unneeded library() calls.  Note that rlecuyer has no NAMESPACE so still relies on library calls.

1.2.4: Fixed bug that occurred when the model had an intercept (non-survival models).

1.2.5: Fixed new problems introduced by imports in NAMESPACE, added
tests of opt.nested.crossval().

1.2.8: Vignette to new location, migrate from snow to parallel, misc fixes to documentation.