The popkin
(“population kinship”) R package estimates
the kinship matrix of individuals and FST from their biallelic
genotypes. Our estimation framework is the first to be practically
unbiased under arbitrary population structures.
The stable version of the package is now on CRAN and can be installed using
The current development version can be installed from the GitHub
repository using devtools
install.packages("devtools") # if needed
install_github('StoreyLab/popkin', build_vignettes = TRUE)
You can see the package vignette, which has more detailed documentation, by typing this into your R session:
The examples below assume the following R data variables are present
for n
individuals and m
genotype matrix X
containing only unphased biallelic variants encoded as 0,1,2 counting a
given reference allele per locus.n
vector subpops
that assigns
each individual to a subpopulation.The subpops
vector is not required, but its use is
recommended to improve estimation of the baseline kinship value treated
as zero.
If your data is in BED format, popkin
will process it
efficiently using BEDMatrix
. If file
is the
path to the BED file (excluding .bed extension):
<- BEDMatrix(file) # load genotype matrix object X
functionsThis is a quick overview of every popkin
covering estimation and visualization of kinship and FST from a genotype
First estimate the kinship
matrix from the genotypes
. All downstream analysis require kinship
none use X
after this
<- popkin(X, subpops) # calculate kinship from X and optional subpop labels kinship
Plot the kinship matrix, marking the subpopulations. Note
replaces the diagonal of kinship
with inbreeding coefficients
plot_popkin( inbr_diag(kinship), labs = subpops )
Extract inbreeding coefficients from kinship
<- inbr(kinship) inbreeding
Estimate FST
<- weights_subpops(subpops) # weigh individuals so subpopulations are balanced
weights <- fst(kinship, weights) # use kinship matrix and weights to calculate fst
Fst <- fst(inbreeding, weights) # estimate more directly from inbreeding vector (same result) Fst
Estimate and visualize the pairwise FST matrix
<- pwfst(kinship) # estimated matrix
pairwise_fst <- expression(paste('Pairwise ', F[ST])) # fancy legend label
leg_title plot_popkin(pairwise_fst, labs = subpops, leg_title = leg_title) # NOTE no need for inbr_diag() here!
Rescale the kinship matrix using different subpopulations (implicitly changes the most recent common ancestor population used as reference)
<- rescale_popkin(kinship, subpops2) kinship2
Estimate the coancestry matrix from a matrix of allele frequencies
(useful when P
comes from an admixture
inference model)
<- popkin_af( P ) coancestry
Please see the popkin
R vignette for a description of
the key parameters and more detailed examples, including complex plots
with multiple kinship matrices and multi-level subpopulation
Alejandro Ochoa, John D Storey. 2021. “Estimating FST and kinship for arbitrary population structures.” PLoS Genet 17(1): e1009241. PubMed ID 33465078. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009241. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/083923 2016-10-27.
Alejandro Ochoa, John D Storey. 2019. “New kinship and FST estimates reveal higher levels of differentiation in the global human population.” bioRxiv doi:10.1101/653279.
Alejandro Ochoa, John D Storey. 2016. “FST And Kinship for Arbitrary Population Structures I: Generalized Definitions.” bioRxiv doi:10.1101/083915.