title: Introduction to ridigbio
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to ridigbio}

The ridigbio package can be used to obtain records from [iDigBio](https://www.idigbio.org/) API's, including both the [Search API](https://github.com/idigbio/idigbio-search-api/wiki) and the [Media APIs](https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/IDigBio_API#Record_.26_Media_APIs).

## General Overview

In this demo we will cover how to:

1.  Install `ridigbio`
2.  Search for records with `idig_search_records()`
3.  Search for media records with `idig_search_media()`

## Getting Started

First, you must install the ridigbio package. If you are new to R and R studio, please refer to our QUBES module to get started: Introduction to R with Biodiversity Data, [doi:10.25334/84FC-TE88](https://www.doi.org/10.25334/84FC-TE88) .

The lastest version of our R package can be installed via CRAN.

```{r eval=FALSE, include=TRUE}

Before downloading any records, you must load the ridigbio package.

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

```{r echo = FALSE}

verify_galax_records <- FALSE

#Test that examples will run
    # Your code that might throw an error
    verify_galax_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"),
      limit = 10
}, error = function(e) {
    # Code to run if an error occurs
    cat("An error occurred during the idig_search_records call: ", e$message, "\n")
    cat("Vignettes will not be fully generated. Please try again after resolving the issue.")
    # Optionally, you can return NULL or an empty dataframe
    verify_galax_records <- FALSE

## Download Records

To download records from the Search API, we will use the function `idig_search_records()`. Here the `rq`, or record query, indicates we want to download all the records where the `scientificname` is equal to [<i>Galax urceolata</i>](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galax).

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
galax_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"))

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}

When fields are not specified, default columns include the following:

| Column             | Description                                                                                                |
| uuid               | Universally Unique IDentifier assigned by iDigBio                                                          |
| occurrenceid       | identifier for the occurrence, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/occurrenceID>                                |
| catalognumber      | identifier for the record within the collection, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/catalogNumber>             |
| family             | scientific name of the family, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/family>                                      |
| genus              | scientific name of the genus, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/genus>                                        |
| scientificname     | scientific name, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/scientificName>                                            |
| country            | country, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/country>                                                           |
| stateprovince      | name of the next smaller administrative region than country, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/stateProvince> |
| geopoint.lon       | equivalent to decimalLongitude, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/decimalLongitude>                           |
| geopoint.lat       | equivalent to decimalLatitude,<https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/decimalLatitude>                              |
| datecollected      | [Modified field and could lack biological meaning](https://github.com/iDigBio/idb-backend/issues/229)      |
| data.dwc:eventDate | equivalent to eventDate, <https://dwc.tdwg.org/list/#dwc_eventDate>                                        |
| data.dwc:year      | year of collection event, <https://dwc.tdwg.org/list/#dwc_year>                                            |
| data.dwc:month     | month of collection event, <https://dwc.tdwg.org/list/#dwc_month>                                          |
| data.dwc:day       | day of collection event                                                                                    |
| collector          | equivalent to recordedBy, <https://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/recordedBy>                                       |
| recordset          | indicates the iDigBio recordset the observation belongs too!                                               |

### More ways to search

In addition to `scientificname`, record query may be based on many other fields. For example, you can search for all members of the `family` [Diapensiaceae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diapensiaceae):

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
diapensiaceae_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(family="Diapensiaceae"), limit=1000)

**What if you want to read in all the points for a family within an extent?**

**Hint**: Use the [iDigBio portal](https://www.idigbio.org/portal/search) to determine the bounding box for your region of interest.

The bounding box delimits the geographic extent.

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
rq_input <- list("scientificname"=list("type"="exists"),
                   top_left=list(lon = -98.16, lat = 48.92),
                   bottom_right=list(lon = -64.02, lat = 23.06)

Search using the input you just made

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
diapensiaceae_records_USA <- idig_search_records(rq_input, limit=1000)

## Download Media Records

To download media records from the Media API, we will use the function `idig_search_media()`. Here the `rq`, or record query, indicates we want to download all the records where the `scientificname` is equal to [<i>Galax urceolata</i>](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galax).

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
galax_media <- idig_search_media(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"))

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}

When fields are not specified, default columns include the following:

| Column         | Description                                                                                     |
| accessuri      | Unique identifier for a resource, <https://ac.tdwg.org/termlist/#ac_accessURI>                  |
| datemodified   | date last modified, which is assigned by iDigBio                                                |
| dqs            | data quality score assigned by iDigBio                                                          |
| etag           | tag assigned by iDigBio                                                                         |
| flags          | data quality flag assigned by iDigBio                                                           |
| format         | media format, <https://purl.org/dc/terms/format>                                                |
| hasSpecimen    | TRUE or FALSE, indicates if there is an associated record for this media                        |
| licenselogourl | media license, <https://ac.tdwg.org/termlist/#ac_licenseLogoURL>)                               |
| mediatype      | media object type                                                                               |
| modified       | date modified, <https://purl.org/dc/terms/modified>                                             |
| recordids      | list of UUID for associated records                                                             |
| records        | UUID for the associated record. Use this field to connect Record downloads with Media downloads |
| recordset      | indicates the iDigBio recordset the observation belongs too!                                    |
| rights         | media rights, <https://purl.org/dc/terms/rights>                                                |
| tag            | general keywords or tags, <https://rs.tdwg.org/ac/terms/tag>                                    |
| type           | media type, <https://purl.org/dc/terms/type>                                                    |
| uuid           | Universally Unique IDentifier assigned by iDigBio                                               |
| version        | media record version assigned by iDigBio                                                        |
| webstatement   | media rights, <https://developer.adobe.com/xmp/docs/XMPNamespaces/xmpRights/>                   |
| xpixels        | as defined by EXIF, x dimension in pixel                                                        |
| ypixels        | as defined by EXIF,y dimension in pixels                                                        |

### More ways to search

The media search above retained `r tryCatch({if(nrow(galax_media)) nrow(galax_media) else "N/A"}, error = function(e){cat("error in vignette: ", e$message)})` rows, however some of these observations do not have information in the `accessuri` field. To only obtain records with `acessuri`, we indicate we only want records where `data.ac:accessURI` exist, by setting `mq`, or media query, as followed:

```{r eval=verify_galax_records}
galax_media2 <- idig_search_media(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"),

Now we have `r tryCatch({if(nrow(galax_media2)) nrow(galax_media2) else "N/A"}, error = function(e){cat("error in vignette: ", e$message)})` observations with `accessuri`!