## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # Load core libraries; install these packages if you have not already library(ridigbio) library(tidyverse) # Load library for making nice HTML output library(kableExtra) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- verify_records <- FALSE #Test that examples will run tryCatch({ # Your code that might throw an error verify_records <- records <- idig_search_media(rq = list(genus = "acer", country = "united states"), fields = c("uuid", "accessuri", "rights", "format", "records"), limit = 10) }, error = function(e) { # Code to run if an error occurs cat("An error occurred during the idig_search_records call: ", e$message, "\n") cat("Vignettes will not be fully generated. Please try again after resolving the issue.") # Optionally, you can return NULL or an empty dataframe verify_records <- FALSE }) ## ----eval=verify_records------------------------------------------------------ # Edit the fields (e.g. `genus`) and values (e.g. "manis") in `list()` # to adjust your query and the fields (e.g. `uuid`) in `fields` to adjust the # columns returned in your results; edit the number after `limit` to adjust the # number of records you will retrieve images for records <- idig_search_media(rq = list(genus = "acer", country = "united states"), fields = c("uuid", "accessuri", "rights", "format", "records"), limit = 10) records$accessuri <- if_else(grepl("^http://", records$accessuri), gsub("^http://", "", records$accessuri), records$accessuri ) records$accessuri <- if_else(grepl("https://mam.ansp.org", records$accessuri), gsub("https://mam.ansp.org", "mam.ansp.org", records$accessuri), records$accessuri ) records$accessuri <- if_else(grepl("https://ibss-images.calacademy.org", records$accessuri), gsub("https://ibss-images.calacademy.org", "ibss-images.calacademy.org", records$accessuri), records$accessuri ) ## ----eval=verify_records, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---------------------- knitr::kable(records) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% scroll_box(width = "100%") ## ----eval=verify_records------------------------------------------------------ # Assemble a vector of iDigBio server download URLs from `records` mediaurl_idigbio <- records %>% mutate(mediaURL = paste("https://api.idigbio.org/v2/media/", uuid, sep = "")) %>% select(mediaURL) %>% pull() # Assemble a vector of external server download URLs from `records` mediaurl_external <- records$accessuri %>% str_replace("\\?size=fullsize", "") ## ----eval=verify_records------------------------------------------------------ mediaurl_idigbio ## ----eval=verify_records------------------------------------------------------ mediaurl_external ## ----eval=FALSE, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------- # # Create new directories to save media files in # dir.create("jpgs_idigbio") # dir.create("jpgs_external") # # # Assemble another vector of file paths to use when saving media downloaded # # from iDigBio # mediapath_idigbio <- paste("jpgs_idigbio/", records$uuid, ".jpg", sep = "") # # # Assemble another vector of file paths to use when saving media downloaded # # from external servers; please note that it's probably not a great idea to # # assume these files are all jpgs, as we're doing here... # mediapath_external <- paste("jpgs_external/", records$uuid, ".jpg", sep = "") # # # Add a check to deal with URLs that are broken links # possibly_download.file = purrr::possibly(download.file, # otherwise = "cannot download") # # #"mode" argument (="wb") in the walk function to download.file. # # # Iterate through the action of downloading whatever file is at each # # iDigBio URL # purrr::walk2(.x = mediaurl_idigbio, # .y = mediapath_idigbio, possibly_download.file) # # # Iterate through the action of downloading whatever file is at each # # external URL # purrr::walk2(.x = mediaurl_external, # .y = mediapath_external, possibly_download.file) ## ----eval=verify_records, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---------------------- exampleimgpath <- paste("jpgs_idigbio/",records$uuid[1],".jpg", sep = "") image_markdown <- "No image available." if(file.exists(exampleimgpath)) { image_markdown <- paste0("") } image_markdown