In R (and its predecessors S and S+), we have always known and often
used round(x, digits)
to round a numeric (or complex)
vector of numbers x
to digits
decimals after
the (decimal) point. However, not many R users (nor scientists for that
matter) have been aware of the fact that such rounding is not trivial
because our computers use binary (base 2)
arithmetic and we are rounding to decimal digits, aka decimals, i.e., in
base 10.
On the topic of floating point computation, we have had the most frequently asked question (FAQ) about R, the infamous R FAQ 7.31, and in 2017, Romain François even created an R package seven31 (not on CRAN) to help useRs exploring what we say in the FAQ.
Recently, there has been an official R bug report (on R’s bugzilla
<>), PR#17668
with summary title Artificial numerical error in
causing round to even to fail.
Adam Wheeler started with a shorter version (just using digits = 1,2,..,8) of the following examples and his own remarks about correctness:
<- options(digits = 15)
op ##' maybe add to package -- it's really useful here :
<- function(x, ...) noquote(format(x, scientific=FALSE, drop0trailing=TRUE, ...))
formatF formatF(rbind( # R <= 3.6.x :
round(55.5, 0), # 56 <- correct
round(55.55, 1), # 55.5
round(55.555, 2), # 55.55
round(55.5555, 3), # 55.556 <- correct
round(55.55555, 4), # 55.5555
round(55.555555, 5), # 55.55555
round(55.5555555, 6), # 55.555555
round(55.55555555, 7), # 55.5555556 <- correct
round(55.555555555, 8), # 55.55555555
round(55.5555555555, 9), # 55.555555555
round(55.55555555555,10),# 55.5555555556 <- correct
round(55.555555555555,11)# 55.55555555556 <- correct
## [,1]
## [1,] 56
## [2,] 55.5
## [3,] 55.56
## [4,] 55.556
## [5,] 55.5555
## [6,] 55.55556
## [7,] 55.555555
## [8,] 55.5555556
## [9,] 55.55555555
## [10,] 55.555555556
## [11,] 55.5555555556
## [12,] 55.55555555556
(Note that we eventually will not agree on the above
judgements, as the matter is more subtle than one
might think at first)
Whereas the exact result of the R code above currently depends on
your version of R, our round
roundX(x, dig, version = "r1.C")
now provides these, using
the same C source code as R 3.6.2 (Note we adopt the convention to use
, ending in .C
for round()ing
versions where R calls package C code):
## Loading required package: round
roundX(55.5, 0, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.55, 1, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.555, 2, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.5555, 3, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.55555, 4, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.555555, 5, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.5555555, 6, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.55555555, 7, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.555555555, 8, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.5555555555, 9, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.55555555555,10, "r1.C"),
roundX(55.555555555555,11, "r1.C")))
## [,1]
## [1,] 56
## [2,] 55.5
## [3,] 55.55
## [4,] 55.556
## [5,] 55.5555
## [6,] 55.55555
## [7,] 55.555555
## [8,] 55.5555556
## [9,] 55.55555555
## [10,] 55.555555555
## [11,] 55.5555555556
## [12,] 55.55555555556
Adam (see above) used his own C code to see what happens in R’s C
code for round()
and proposed to simplify the C code,
not doing offset calculations (which substract the integer part
, round and re-add intx
), as now available
with roundX(*, "r0.C")
. This has started an
“investigative” story which got quite a bit longer than
Well, rounding is supposedly quite simple and most of us learned a version of it in our first years of school when learning the (decimal) numbers, calculating and then simple decimal fractions. What most pupils learn (first) is round up, and round down (to an integer), and then end with the “best” rounding to nearest i.e., rounding to the nearest integer, notably using “round half up”, which mathematically is simply computing y=r0(x):=⌊x+0.5⌋, see e.g., Wikipedia, Rounding, or when taking negative numbers into account and ensuring symmetry, y=sgn(x)⌊|x|+0.5⌋=−sgn(x)⌈−|x|−0.5⌉, where the “floor” ⌊x⌋ and “ceiling” ⌈x⌉ operators are defined (customary in mathematics) as
⌊x⌋:=max and \lceil x \rceil := \min_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} \{n \ge x\}.
Whereas these (rounding to nearest and “round half
up”) rules, also called “commercial rounding”, are widely
taught and used, they lead to a small bias e.g., when numbers have all
the same sign, and for this reason, for computing,
round_half_to_even has been proposed and adopted as
default rounding mode in the IEEE 754 floating-point standard and it
corresponds to C and C++ math library function nearbyint()
and has been called convergent rounding, statistician’s
rounding, bankers’ rounding (and more), see Wikipedia,
Round half to even. It is also what you get with R’s
, as round()
’s second argument has
default 0:
## function (x, digits = 0)
So, for now, let’s set and use
round(x) := r(x) := nearbyint(x)
Note that all this rounding to integer is defined independently of the base of your number representation system (such as “decimal” or “binary” ).
Things change slightly, when rounding to a non-zero number of decimal places, i.e., digits. In theory, i.e., if computers would compute mathematically perfectly accurately, also this has a simple solution:
round(x, d) := r(x \cdot 10^d) / 10^d
for all integer d \in \mathbb{Z}
(i.e., including negative digits
All the practical problems stem from the fact that on a (binary arithmetic) computer, the number x/10 cannot be represented exactly in binary unless x is an integer multiple of 5. Indeed, the simple fraction 1/5 is an infinite length binary fraction: \frac 1 5 = \frac{1 \cdot \frac{3}{16}}{5 \cdot \frac{3}{16}} = \frac{\frac{3}{16}}{1 - \frac{1}{16}} = \frac{3}{16} \frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{16}} = \left(\frac{1}{8} + \frac{1}{16}\right) \cdot \left(1 + \frac{1}{16} + \frac{1}{16^2} + \ldots\right) \\ = (0.001100110011001100110011\ldots\ldots)_2 .
At first, R bugzilla,
comment #6, I’ve committed a version of Adam’s proposal to R-devel
(R svn
r77609, on 2019-12-21, 1) but found that the simplification improved
the above examples in that it always rounded to even, but it clearly
broke cases that were working correctly in R 3.6.x. That version is
available with our roundX(*, version = "r0.C")
as it is even simpler than version 1
One CRAN package had relied on
round(x, digits = .Machine$integer.max)
to return integers
unchanged, but
roundX(c(-2,2), digits = .Machine$integer.max, version = "r0.C")
## [1] -Inf Inf
gave non-sense, and there were less extreme cases of relatively large
which had stopped working with “r0”. See the two
versions via simple wrapper
<- c(-1,1)* 2^(33:16)
i stopifnot(i == floor(i)) # are integer valued
roundAll(i, digits = 300, versions = c("r0.C", "r1.C"))
## r0.C r1.C
## [1,] -Inf -8589934592
## [2,] Inf 4294967296
## [3,] -Inf -2147483648
## [4,] Inf 1073741824
## [5,] -Inf -536870912
## [6,] Inf 268435456
## [7,] -134217728 -134217728
## [8,] 67108864 67108864
## [9,] -33554432 -33554432
## [10,] 16777216 16777216
## [11,] -8388608 -8388608
## [12,] 4194304 4194304
## [13,] -2097152 -2097152
## [14,] 1048576 1048576
## [15,] -524288 -524288
## [16,] 262144 262144
## [17,] -131072 -131072
## [18,] 65536 65536
Looking at these, I also found that internally, R’s
had effectively worked as if
digits <- pmin(308, digits)
, i.e., truncated digits
larger than 308. This is clearly not good enough for very small numbers
(in absolute value),
<- 5.555555555555555555555e-308
e <- 312:305 ; names(d) <- paste0("d=", d)
d roundAll(e, d, versions = c("r0.C", "r1.C", "r2.C"))
## r0.C r1.C r2.C
## d=312 6e-308 6e-308 5.5556e-308
## d=311 6e-308 6e-308 5.5560e-308
## d=310 6e-308 6e-308 5.5600e-308
## d=309 6e-308 6e-308 5.6000e-308
## d=308 6e-308 6e-308 6.0000e-308
## d=307 1e-307 1e-307 1.0000e-307
## d=306 0e+00 0e+00 0.0000e+00
## d=305 0e+00 0e+00 0.0000e+00
As I was embarrassed to have blundered, I’ve worked and committed
what now corresponds to roundX(*, version = "r2.C")
R-devel (R svn
r77618, on 2019-12-24, 16:11).
Also, Jeroen Ooms, maintainer of CRAN package jsonlite
contacted the CRAN team and me about the change in R-devel which broke
one regression test of that package, and on Dec 27, he noticed that R
3.6.2’s version of round()
was seemingly compatible 2 with the
(C library dependent) versions of sprintf()
and also with
R’s format()
whereas the R-devel versions where not, for
his example: (Note: format(x, digits = d)
significant digits d
, not digits after the
decimal point as round()
<- 9.18665
x format(x, digits = 5) # "9.1867"
## [1] "9.1867"
sprintf("%.4f", x) # "9.1867"
## [1] "9.1867"
## but -- showing now
roundAll(x, 4)
## sprintf r0.C r1.C r1a.C r2.C r2a.C r3.C r3d.C r3
## 9.1867 9.1866 9.1867 9.1867 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866
## but note that
print(x, digits=18)
## [1] 9.1866500000000002
which (typically) shows 9.1866500000000002
, i.e., a
number closer to 9.1867 than to 9.1866, and so really should be rounded
up, not down. However, that is partly wrong: Whereas it is true that
it’s closer to 9.1867 than to 9.1866, one must be aware that these two
decimal numbers are neither exactly representable in
binary double precision, and a further careful look shows actually the
double precision version of these rounded numbers do have the exact same
distance to x
and that the main principle round to
nearest here gives a tie:
print(rbind(9.1866, 9.18665, 9.1867), digits=18)
## [,1]
## [1,] 9.18660000000000032
## [2,] 9.18665000000000020
## [3,] 9.18670000000000009
<- c(9.1866, 9.1867) - x) # [1] -4.99999999998835e-05 4.99999999998835e-05 (dx
## [1] -4.99999999998835e-05 4.99999999998835e-05
diff(abs(dx)) # is zero !
## [1] 0
options(digits=7) # revert to (typical) default
and because of the tie, the round to even rule must apply
which means rounding down to 9.1866, and so both libc’s printf
and hence R’s sprintf()
are as wrong as R 3.6.x has been,
and indeed all our roundX()
versions apart from
and the ’“r1*“’ (previous R) ones, do round
roundAll(x, 4)
## sprintf r0.C r1.C r1a.C r2.C r2a.C r3.C r3d.C r3
## 9.1867 9.1866 9.1867 9.1867 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866 9.1866
Finally, I think we’ve seen the light and on one hand recalled what we have known for long (but most R users will not be aware of at all)
- Almost all finite decimal fractions are not (exactly) representable as binary double precision numbers,
and consequently,
- round to nearest applies much more often directly rather than via the tie breaking rule round to even even for the case where the decimal fraction ends in a
and hence, a “correct” implementation must really
measure, not guess which of the two possible decimals is closer
to x
. This lead to our R level algorithm
which is the workhorse used by
roundX(x,d, version = "r3")
## function(x, d, info=FALSE, check=TRUE) {
## if(check)
## stopifnot(!anyNA(d), length(d) == 1L) # length(x) is arbitrary
## max10e <- 308L # in C, = (int) DBL_MAX_10_EXP; // == 308 ("IEEE")
## if(d > +max10e + 15L) # assuming DBL_DIG = 15
## return(x)
## else if(d < -max10e)
## return(0. * x)
## ## else # "regular" digits ---------------------------
## p10 <- 10^d
## x10 <- as.vector(p10*x) # drop attributes for computation
## xd <- (i10 <- floor(x10)) / p10 # = x, rounded [d]own
## xu <- ceiling(x10) / p10 # = x, rounded [u]p
## ## should have xd <= x <= xu
## D <- (xu - x) - (x - xd)
## ## D > 0 ==> xu is farther away from x than xd ==> round *down*
## ## D < 0 ==> xu is closer to x .. .. ==> round *up*
## ## D == 0 ==> both in *same* distance: round "to even"
## e <- i10 %% 2 # = 1 <==> i10 is odd <==> "even" is *up*
## r <- x
## i <- (D < 0) | (e & (D == 0)) # round up
## r[ i] <- xu[ i]
## r[!i] <- xd[!i]
## if(info) list(r=r, D=D, e=e) else r
## }
## <bytecode: 0xc4eac50>
## <environment: namespace:round>
and its two C level versions "r3.C"
long double
) and "r3d.C"
(“d” for
“double”, as it uses double precision only).
For R 4.0.0, this (equivalent of "r3d.C")
, has been used
for round(x, digits)
now, as does not use
long double
and is very close to the R level implementation
(i.e., round_r3()
) makes it potentially
less platform dependent and easier to explain and document.
Lastly, note that the original set of examples is then treated differently from all previous proposals:
<- options(digits = 15, width = 2*3*23)
op formatF(rbind(
d0 = roundAll(55.5, 0)
d1 = roundAll(55.55, 1)
,d2 = roundAll(55.555, 2)
,d3 = roundAll(55.5555, 3)
,d4 = roundAll(55.55555, 4)
,d5 = roundAll(55.555555, 5)
,d6 = roundAll(55.5555555, 6)
,d7 = roundAll(55.55555555, 7)
,d8 = roundAll(55.555555555, 8)
,d9 = roundAll(55.5555555555, 9)
,d10= roundAll(55.55555555555,10))); options(op) ,
## sprintf r0.C r1.C r1a.C r2.C r2a.C r3.C r3d.C r3
## d0 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
## d1 55.5 55.6 55.5 55.5 55.6 55.6 55.5 55.5 55.5
## d2 55.55 55.56 55.55 55.55 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56 55.56
## d3 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556 55.556
## d4 55.5555 55.5556 55.5555 55.5555 55.5556 55.5556 55.5555 55.5555 55.5555
## d5 55.55555 55.55556 55.55555 55.55555 55.55556 55.55556 55.55556 55.55556 55.55556
## d6 55.555555 55.555556 55.555555 55.555555 55.555556 55.555556 55.555555 55.555555 55.555555
## d7 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556 55.5555556
## d8 55.55555555 55.55555556 55.55555555 55.55555555 55.55555556 55.55555556 55.55555555 55.55555555 55.55555555
## d9 55.555555555 55.555555556 55.555555555 55.555555555 55.555555556 55.555555556 55.555555556 55.555555556 55.555555556
## d10 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556 55.5555555556
As I had asked for comments about my proposal(s), on the R-devel mailing lists, Steven Dirkse (@ GAMS) mentioned he was not quite happy with the considerations above, and in the end (not on-list) summarized his own rational approach in the following way – which I like to present as it is coherent and simple, summarized as:
round(x, n)
as a mathematical function is well defined
unambigously on the rationals. In our notation above, simply round(x, n) := r(x \cdot 10^n) / 10^n,
where r(x) := round(x) =
nearbyint(x), using round to even if desired.These two define exact rounding and he would want R to use
that. Note for that, R would have to use exact arithmetic with rational
numbers which has been available for years via the C library
aka GMP
and in R via CRAN pkg gmp. In the vignette
Round, we indeed use CRAN package gmp
to perform such
exact rounding using exact rational numbers, and compare these with the
(double precision arithmetic) algorithms we have introduced here.
However, even if R would “come with GMP” in the future
(which is conceivable for other reasons), we should note that this would
still keep rx <- round(x, n)
in R inaccurate in most
cases, since rx
is numeric
, i.e., a double
precision number, and almost all rational numbers are not
exactly representable as double.
(Note half a dozen non-standard packages present only as dependences
of rmarkdown
we use for rendering this vignette)
## R version 4.3.2 Patched (2024-01-06 r85796)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Fedora Linux 38 (Thirty Eight)
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /u/maechler/R/D/r-patched/F38-64-inst/lib/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib64/
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] round_0.21-0.2
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] digest_0.6.33 R6_2.5.1 fastmap_1.1.1 xfun_0.41
## [5] cachem_1.0.8 knitr_1.45 htmltools_0.5.7 rmarkdown_2.25
## [9] lifecycle_1.0.4 cli_3.6.2 sass_0.4.8 jquerylib_0.1.4
## [13] compiler_4.3.2 tools_4.3.2 evaluate_0.23 bslib_0.6.1
## [17] yaml_2.3.8 rlang_1.1.2 jsonlite_1.8.7
using Winston Chang’s semi-official mirror of R’s
official SVN repository at (as
has not been
enabled in its server)↩︎
do note that sprintf()
and R 3.6.x’s
version of round()
are not at all equivalent, even
if they are for Jeroen’s example↩︎