Version 0.3.9200 (3-17-2015)

* satscan() sslocation option now robust to path names with spaces, such as "C:/Program Files (x86)/satscan".  Thanks to Richard Wen for help identifying the problem and pointing the way to a solution.
* Minor changes to vignettes

Version 0.3.9122 (2-5-2015)

* Changes to vignettes, following discussions with CRAN maintainers

Version 0.3.9110 (1-22-2015)

* satscan() "cleanup" parameter (TRUE by default) removes the SaTScan output files from the OS

Version 0.3.9102 (1-21-2015)

* satscan() robust to presence or absence of trailing "/" for parameter file and SaTScan batch file location.

Version 0.3.9000 (1-18-2015)

* satscan() to run SaTScan
* ss.options() to set parameters
* to write parameter file
* write.??? to write data for SaTScan
* This version tested on:
**  Windows 7 with SaTScan 9.2, R 3.1.2, R 3.2 (devel)
**  Windows 7 with SaTScan 9.3.1, R 3.0.2, R 3.0.3
**  Ubuntu 14.04.1 with SaTScan 9.3.1, R 3.1.2

Version 1.0.3 (4-22-2023)

* Changed version numbering scheme
* Fixed documentation of 'utils' package import
* This version tested on:
**  Windows 10 with SaTScan 10.1, R 4.3.0

Version 1.0.4 (5-19-2023)

* ss.options() "version" parameter (NULL by default) allows the user to specify a SaTScan version to define parameters, defaulting to version 10.1 parameters
* Vignettes updated to demonstrate ss.options() "version" parameter
* write.ntk() to write network file for SaTScan
* This version tested on:
**  Windows 10 with SaTScan 10.1, R 4.3.0

Version 1.0.5 (6-14-2023)

* ss.options() now alerts user if a specified parameter is not available on the user's current parameter set but is available on a later parameter set.
* ss.options() help page updated with more detail on how to specify parameter sets and a warning about deleting the 'ssenv' variable.
* Fixed an issue that caused the default parameter set to not be used if the user did not explicitly call ss.options(). The parameter set now defaults to 10.1 when the package is loaded.
* The deprecated options 'Nonparametric' and 'TemporalNonparametric' for the 'time trend adjustment type' parameter have been removed from all parameter sets.
* This version tested on:
**  Windows 10 with SaTScan 10.1, R 4.3.0

Version 1.0.7 (10-19-2023)

* satscan() now uses the 'sf' package to read shapefiles generated by SaTScan in place of the deprecated 'sp' and 'rgdal' packages.
* Vignettes updated to plot shapefiles with 'sf' method instead of 'sp' method.
**  Windows 10 with SaTScan 10.1, R 4.3.1

Version 1.0.8 (6-17-2024)

* Parameter set for SaTScan 10.2 has been added.
* ss.options() now uses SaTScan 10.2 parameters as the default parameter set.
* ss.options.extra() can now be used to append arbitrary lines to the SaTScan parameter list in the section specified by the user.
** Windows 10 with SaTScan 10.2, R 4.4.0