# seleniumpipes 0.3.7
* Set CRAN URL's in canonical form

# seleniumpipes 0.3.6
* Move testing to version 2.53.1
* Update basic operation vignette

# seleniumpipes 0.3.5
* suggests RSauceLabs for polling SauceLabs.com API now on CRAN

# seleniumpipes 0.3.4
* Add sauceLabs test to travis

# seleniumpipes 0.3.3
* Fix issue with maximiseWindow
* Add further tests and increase test coverage

# seleniumpipes 0.3.2
* Fix issue with switchToParentFrame
* Add further tests and increase test coverage

# seleniumpipes 0.3.1
* Add testing on Travis and testing locally using Docker containers

# seleniumpipes 0.3.0
* Initial release to CRAN

# seleniumpipes 0.2.7
* A vignette on basic operation has been added
* The retry argument can now be passed in all functions and is detailed at ?retry

# seleniumpipes 0.2.6
* Complete documentation of package fuinctions.
* The option to retry failing calls to endpoints on the remote server has been added

# seleniumpipes 0.2.5
* Add documentation for initial functions.
* Add documentation for cookie group of functions.
* Move documentation to templates.

# seleniumpipes 0.2.4
* Add support for multiple sessions

# seleniumpipes 0.2.3
* Add tests on the API in the tests directory. (inst/tests pre-install as Selenium Server needed)