Version 5.1.2
* small fixes for CRAN

Version 5.1.1

Version 5.1.0
* compatible with Simplace 5.1
* requires Java 17 or above (as Simplace 5.1 does)
* small fixes in documentation
* openProject acceps solution and project additionally as xml_document
* openProject returns not only the java session, but a list including solution and project (full path or xml text)

Version 5.0.13
* fix in package documentation

Version 5.0.12
* initialisation with setting 'windir' uses the version from default program directories

Version 5.0.11
* revised all examples in documentation

Version 5.0.10
* changed documentation to comply with CRAN requirements

Version 5.0.9
* changed documentation and description to comply with CRAN requirements

Version 5.0.8
* changed error handling of openProject 

Version 5.0.7
* initSimplace gives an error if InstallationDir does not contain required folders or jars
* InstallationDir can point also to a folder containing lib subfolder with required simplace .jars
* openProject gives an error if solution or error file does not exist
* findSimplaceInstallation now checks more directories

Version 5.0.6
* expand CHARARRAYs too

Version 5.0.5
* restored R 4.0 compatibility (bugfix)

Version 5.0.4
* renamed initSimplaceQuick to initSimplaceDefault
* Set correct workdir for setting "lapclient"

Version 5.0.3
* Bugfix: fixed regression when opening a project with a project file
* createSimulation returns simulation id invisibly

Version 5.0.2
* parameter InstallationDir is now optional, tries to fetch it automatically
* function initSimplaceQuick can be used for different settings without specifying directories
* solution and project files can be given as a path relative to workdir
* openProject returns the session invisibly

Version 5.0.1
* Added option "expand" in resultToDataframe to include array outputs
* Added function to retrieve output datatypes
* Attach units and datatypes as attributes to converted results

Version 5.0.0
* Compatible with Simplace 5.0
* Requires now Java >= 11.0
* Fixed compatibility issue with RStudio 2022.02.0

Version 4.4.1
* Small bugfix

Version 4.4.0
* Compatible with Simplace 4.4
* Forward compatibility with upcoming Simplace 4.5
* OpenProject can override variables (Simplace version >= 4.5)
* getResults - parameter simulationId optional (Simplace version >=4.5)

Version 4.3.5
* Fix for rebuilding vignette

Version 4.3.4
* Restored previous vignette mechanism as the locally created has not been included

Version 4.3.3
* Use vignette created locally to include outputs/graphs (corrected .Rbuildignore)

Version 4.3.2
* Use vignette created locally to include outputs/graphs

Version 4.3.1
* Refactored Simplace autodetection mechanism

Version 4.3.0
* Compatible with Simplace 4.3
* WorkDir and OutputDir are now optional parameters
* Added function to autodetect Simplace installation

Version 4.2.4
* Bugfix to avoid deprecation warning

Version 4.2.3
* Possibilty to perform simulation step on all/specific queued simulations 
* Data and ProjectDir defaults to WorkDir, not to simplace server

Version 4.2.2
* createSimulation: set queue switch by default to FALSE

Version 4.2.1
* Bugfix: queue switch of createSimulation now works correct

Version 4.2
* Compatible with Simplace 4.2
* Added methods to set (and get) directories used by simplace

Version 4.1
* Compatible with Simplace 4.1

Version 4.0
* Compatible with Simplace 4.0
* Same version number as Simplace version 

Version 0.99
* Adds automatically all jars from simplace/lib to classpath
* Package documentation created automatically via roxygen2

Version 0.98
* Compatible with Simplace 3.3

Version 0.97
* added setSimulationValues function

Version 0.96
* small bugfix in initSimplace function

Version 0.95
* Compatible with Simplace 3.2
* removed parameter updateresources from function runSimulations

Version 0.94
* Added force.init option to initSimplace

Version 0.93
* Compatible with Simplace 3.1
* Faster conversion of memory output to R objects 

Version 0.92
* Added additional jars to the classpath
* Get vector with the units of the result columns

Version 0.91
* Refactoring & cleanup of code

Version 0.90
* Compatible with Simplace V3.0
* initSimplace optionally accepts a list of additional classpaths
* initSimplace optionally accepts parameters that are passed to the java virtual machine
* setLogLevel to control the verbosity of the logging

Version 0.85
* Compatible with Simplace V2.2

Version 0.8
* Compatible with Simplace V2.1

Version 0.7
* Build for R 3.1.0

Version 0.6
* Compatible with Simplace 2.0

Version 0.5
* Updated documentation
* Bugfix: Parsing Boolean values from the result

Version 0.4
* Updated vignette

Version 0.3
* Updated documentation
* Returns the id of the created simulation

Version 0.2
* Version submitted initially to R-Forge

Version 0.1
* Just a proof of concept