                version 5.0

* New shiny function (WRC_App) to automatically fit the water retention curves
* Fixed on documentation

                version 4.1

* Documentation fixes
* Starting message fixed

                version 4.0

* Documentation fixes
* Code fixes in soilStrength
* New functions: particle.sedimentation(), aggreg.stability(), r(), 
  psd(), Kr(), llwr_llmpr(), hydraulicCutOff2()
* Several shiny apps
* New data: SoilAggregate
* Fixes on tkrplot and rpanel dependency
* New citation entry

                version 3.1

* Documentation fixes
* New functions: stressTraffic(), for predicting the 
  applied stress in the soil profile; soilStrength(),
  for predicting load bearing capacity; llwrPTF() and soilDeformation()
* Output "LLWR" of llwr() fixed
* New reference for citation()

                version 3.0

* Documentation fixes
* New references for citation()
* Data skp1994 were updated (now in full)

                version 2.4

* Documentation fixes
* New arguments for llwr() and new graphical output
* Missing legends added to iwc() graphs

                version 2.3

* Documentation fixes
* New detailed output for iwc() and new
	graphical arguments
* Three new methods for calculating 'mcp' with maxcurv()

                version 2.2

* Documentation fixes
* New argument (hos = 0) on iwc() for dealing with
	salinity effects
* Boundaries for the argument mcp of sigmaP()

                version 2.1

* Documentation fixes
* corretions on the graphic output of iwc()
* 'mcp' bug fixed on sigmaP()
* new output for sigmaP(), now with compression and 
	decompression indices
* print method for sigmaP()
* new functions: simSigmaP() and plotCIsigmaP()
* bug fixed on maxcurv()
* new graphical output for maxcurv()

                version 2.0

* Documentation fixes
* new argument (water.model) in the function llwr()
* new graphic output and print.method for llwr()
* R-squared for the models fitted in llwr()
* R-squared for the models fitted in fitsoilwater(), 
	fitsoilwater2(), fitsoilwater3(), fitsoilwater5()
* new functions: soilwater2(), fitsoilwater2(), 
	soilwater3(), fitsoilwater3(), soilwater4(), 
	fitsoilwater4(), soilwater5(), fitsoilwater5(), 
	soilwater6(), fitsoilwater6(), hydraulicCutOff(),
	hemc(), iwc()

                version 1.2

* Documentation fixes
* function llwr()
* data set skp1994
* automatic casagrande method in the function sigmaP()
* a flow chart in the documentation of sigmaP()

                version 1.1

* Documentation fixes
* S3 print method for the classes: criticalmoisture, 
	maxcurv and S.index

                version 1.0

* First version released on CRAN