% dimensions(x) returns number of spatial dimensions
% y = transform(x, "proj4string")
% bbox(x)
% coordinates(x) ; <-
% rings(x) ; <-
% method to retrieve lines? --> Lines()?
% gridded(x)  ; <-
% \VignetteIndexEntry{sp: classes and methods for spatial data}



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\title{ Classes and Methods for Spatial Data:\\
the \pkg{sp} Package }
\author{Edzer Pebesma\footnote{Institute for Geoinformatics,
University of Muenster, Heisenbergstra{\ss}e 2, 48149 M\"{u}nster, Germany.
Roger S.\ Bivand\footnote{Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, %
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, %
Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen, Norway; \code{Roger.Bivand@nhh.no}}}
\date{Feb 2005}




The \pkg{sp} package provides classes and methods for dealing
with spatial data in \proglang{R}\footnote{
The motivation to write this package was born on a
spatial data workshop} during
\href{http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/DSC-2003/}{DSC 2003}.
At that time, the advantage of having multiple R packages for spatial
statistics seemed to be hindered by a lack of a uniform interface for
handling spatial data. Each package had its own conventions on how
spatial data were stored and returned. With this package, and packages
supporting the classes provided here, we hope that \proglang{R} with its extension
packages becomes more coherent for analyzing different types of spatial data.
}. The spatial data structures implemented
include points, lines, polygons and grids; each of them with or
without attribute data.  We have chosen to use S4 classes and
methods style (Chambers, 1998) to allow validation of objects
created. Although we mainly aim at using spatial data in the
geographical (two-dimensional) domain, the data structures that
have a straightforward implementation in higher dimensions (points,
grids) do allow this.

From the package home page on CRAN,
\url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=sp}, links to a graph
gallery with R code, and the development source tree are found.

This vignette describes the classes, methods and functions provided
by \pkg{sp}. Instead of manipulating the class slots (components)
directly\footnote{which is possible, but not recommended because
validity of resulting objects is no longer verified}, we provide
methods and functions to create or modify the classes from elementary
types such as matrices, {\tt data.frame}s or lists and convert them back
to any of these types. Also, coercion (type casting) from one class
to the other is provided, where relevant.

Package \pkg{sp} is loaded by 

# library(lattice)

\section{Spatial data classes}

The spatial data classes implemented are points, grids, lines,
rings and polygons. Package \pkg{sp} provides classes for the
spatial-only information (the topology), e.g. \code{SpatialPoints},
and extensions for the case where attribute information stored in
a \code{data.frame} is available for each spatial entity (e.g. for
points, the \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}). The available data
classes are:

data type & class                        & attributes  & contains \\ \hline
points    & \code{SpatialPoints}          & No           &\code{Spatial} \\
points    & \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} & \code{data.frame} &\code{SpatialPoints} \\
multipoints    & \code{SpatialMultiPoints}          & No           &\code{Spatial} \\
multipoints    & \code{SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame} & \code{data.frame} &\code{SpatialMultiPoints} \\
pixels    & \code{SpatialPixels}          & No           &\code{SpatialPoints} \\
pixels    & \code{SpatialPixelsDataFrame} & \code{data.frame} &\code{SpatialPixels} \\
          &                              &              &\code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} \\
full grid & \code{SpatialGrid  }          & No           &\code{SpatialPixels} \\
full grid & \code{SpatialGridDataFrame}   & \code{data.frame}  &\code{SpatialGrid} \\
line      & \code{Line}                   & No           & \\
lines     & \code{Lines}                  & No           & \code{Line} list \\
lines     & \code{SpatialLines}           & No           & \code{Spatial}, \code{Lines} list \\
lines     & \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame}  & \code{data.frame} &\code{SpatialLines} \\
polygons  & \code{Polygon}                & No           &\code{Line} \\
polygons  & \code{Polygons}               & No           &\code{Polygon} list \\
polygons  & \code{SpatialPolygons}        & No           &\code{Spatial}, \code{Polygons} list \\
polygons  & \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} & \code{data.frame} &\code{SpatialPolygons} \\

The class \code{Spatial} only holds metadata common to all derived
classes (bounding box, coordinate reference system), and is of
convenient for defining methods that are common to all derived
classes.  In the following sections we will show how we can create
objects of these classes from scratch or from other objects, and
which methods and functions are available to them.

\section{Manipulating spatial objects}

Although entries in spatial objects are in principle accessible through
their slot name, e.g. \code{x@coords} contains the coordinates of an object
of class or extending \code{SpatialPoints}, we strongly encourage users
to access the data by using functions and methods, in this case {\tt
coordinates(x)} to retrieve the coordinates.

\subsection{Standard methods}

Selecting, retrieving or replacing certain attributes in spatial objects
with attributes is done using standard methods
\item \verb|[| select "rows" (features) and/or columns in the data attribute
table; e.g. \code{meuse[1:2, "zinc"]} returns a \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}
with the first two points and an attribute table with only variable "zinc".
\item \verb|[[| extracts a column from the data attribute table
\item \verb|[[<-| assign or replace a column in the data attribute
Other methods available are: \code{plot}, \code{summary}, \code{print},
\code{dim} and \code{names} (operate on the data.frame part), {\tt
as.data.frame}, \code{as.matrix} and \code{image} (for gridded data),
\code{lines} (for line data), \code{points} (for point data), \code{subset}
(points and grids), \code{stack} (point and grid data.frames), \code{over}
for spatial joins, 
\code{spplot}, and \code{length} (number of features).

\subsection{Spatial methods}
A number of spatial methods are available for the classes in \pkg{sp}:
\item \code{dimensions(x)} returns number of spatial dimensions
\item \code{y = spTransform(x, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))}
convert or transform from one coordinate reference system (geographic projection) 
to another (requires package rgdal to be installed)
\item \code{bbox(x)} returns a matrix with the coordinates bounding box;
the dimensions form rows, min/max form the columns
\item \code{coordinates(x)} returns a matrix with the spatial coordinates 
%\item \code{rings(x)} retrieve the spatial rings (polygons) of an
%object deriving from \code{SpatialPolygons}
% \item \code{method to retrieve lines? --> Lines()?
\item \code{gridded(x)} tells whether \code{x} derives from SpatialPixels, or when
used in assignment, coerces a \code{SpatialPoints} object into a \code{SpatialPixels} object.
\item \code{spplot(x)} plots attributes, possibly in combination with
other types of data (points, lines, grids, polygons), and possibly in
as a conditioning plot for multiple attributes
\item \code{over(x, y)} retrieve index or attributes of \code{y} corresponding
(intersecting) with spatial locations of \code{x}.
\item \code{spsample(x)} samples point coordinates in the continuous space 
of \code{SpatialPolygons}, a gridded area, or along a \code{SpatialLines}. Subsetting
and \code{sample} can be used to randomly subsample full spatial entities.
\item \code{geometry(x)} strips the \code{data.frame}, and returns the geometry-only

\section{Spatial points}

\subsection{Points without attributes}

We can generate a set of 10 points on the unit square $[0,1] \times
[0,1]$ by
xc = round(runif(10), 2)
yc = round(runif(10), 2)
xy = cbind(xc, yc)
this $10 \times 2$ matrix can be converted into a \code{SpatialPoints}
object by

xy.sp = SpatialPoints(xy)
plot(xy.sp, pch = 2)
The plot is shown in figure \ref{fig:points}.

plot(xy.sp, pch = 2)
\caption{plot of \code{SpatialPoints} object; aspect ratio of x and y axis units is 1}

We can retrieve the coordinates from \code{xy.sp} by
xy.cc = coordinates(xy.sp)
and other methods retrieve the bounding box, the dimensions, select points
(not dimensions or columns), coerce to a data.frame, or print a summary:
xy.df = as.data.frame(xy.sp)

\subsection{Points with attributes}

One way of creating a \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} object is by building
it from a a \code{SpatialPoints} object and a data.frame containing
the attributes:
df = data.frame(z1 = round(5 + rnorm(10), 2), z2 = 20:29)
xy.spdf = SpatialPointsDataFrame(xy.sp, df)
xy.spdf[1:2, ] # selects row 1 and 2
xy.spdf[1] # selects attribute column 1, along with the coordinates
xy.spdf[1:2, "z2"] # select row 1,2 and attribute "z2"
xy.df = as.data.frame(xy.spdf)
xy.cc = coordinates(xy.spdf)
A note on selection with \verb|[|: the behaviour is as much as possible
copied from that of \code{data.frame}s, but coordinates are always
sticky and a \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} is always returned; {\tt
drop=FALSE} is not allowed. If coordinates should be dropped, use the
\code{as.data.frame} method and select the non-coordinate data, or use
\verb|[[| to select a single attribute column (example below).

\code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} objects can be created directly from 
data.frames by specifying which columns contain the coordinates:
df1 = data.frame(xy, df)
coordinates(df1) = c("xc", "yc")
df2 = data.frame(xy, df)
coordinates(df2) = ~xc+yc
Note that in this form, \code{coordinates} by setting (specifying) the
coordinates promotes its argument, an object of class \code{data.frame}
to an object of class \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}. The method {\tt
as.data.frame} coerces back to the original \code{data.frame}. When used
on a right-hand side of an equation, \code{coordinates} {\em retrieves}
the matrix with coordinates:
Elements (columns) in the data.frame part of an object can be manipulated
(retrieved, assigned) directly:
df2[["z2"]][10] = 20
df2[["z3"]] = 1:10
Plotting attribute data can be done by using either \code{spplot} to
colour symbols, or \code{bubble} which uses symbol size:
bubble(df2, "z1", key.space = "bottom")
spplot(df2, "z1", key.space = "bottom")
the resulting plots are shown in figure \ref{fig:spdf}.

print(bubble(df2, "z1", key.space = "bottom"), split = c(1,1,2,1), more=TRUE)
print(spplot(df2, "z1", key.space = "bottom"), split =  c(2,1,2,1), more=FALSE)
\caption{plot of \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} object, using symbol 
size (\code{bubble}, top) or colour (\code{spplot}, bottom) }

Package \pkg{sp} has two classes for grid topology: \code{SpatialPixels}
and \code{SpatialGrid}. The pixels form stores coordinates and is for
partial grids, or unordered points; the \code{SpatialGrid} form does not
store coordinates but holds full grids (i.e., \code{SpatialGridDataFrame}
holds attribute values for each grid cell). Objects can be coerced from
one representation to the other.

\subsection{Creating grids from topology}
When we know the offset, the cell sizes and the dimensions of a grid, we
can specify this by using the function \code{GridTopology}:
gt = GridTopology(cellcentre.offset = c(1,1,2), cellsize=c(1,1,1), cells.dim = c(3,4,6))
grd = SpatialGrid(gt)

The grid parameters can be retrieved by the function

\subsection{Creating grids from points}
In the following example a three-dimensional grid is constructed from
a set of point coordinates:
pts = expand.grid(x = 1:3, y = 1:4, z=2:7)
grd.pts = SpatialPixels(SpatialPoints(pts))
grd = as(grd.pts, "SpatialGrid")
Note that when passed a points argument, SpatialPixels accepts a tolerance
(default 10 * .Machine\$double.eps) to specify how close the points have
to be to being exactly on a grid. For very large coordinates, this value
may have to be increased. A warning is issued if full rows and/or columns
are missing.

\subsection{Gridded data with attributes}

Spatial, gridded data are data with coordinates on a regular lattice.
To form such a grid we can go from coordinates:
attr = expand.grid(xc = 1:3, yc = 1:3)
grd.attr = data.frame(attr, z1 = 1:9, z2 = 9:1)
coordinates(grd.attr) = ~xc+yc
gridded(grd.attr) = TRUE

Package \pkg{raster} provides dedicated methods to deal with raster data,
and can deal with grids that are too large to be stored in memory.

\subsection{Are grids stored as points or as matrix/array?}

The form in which gridded data comes depends on whether the grid was
created from a set of points or from a matrix or external grid format
(e.g. read through rgdal). Retrieving the form, or conversion to another
can be done by \code{as(x, "class")}, or by using the function \code{fullgrid}:
fullgrid(grd.pts) = TRUE
fullgrid(grd.attr) = TRUE

The advantage of having grids in cell form is that when a large part
of the grid contains missing values, these cells are not
stored. In addition, no ordering of grid cells is required. For plotting by
a grid with \code{levelplot}, this form is required and \code{spplot}
(for grids a front-end to \code{levelplot}) will convert grids that are
not in this form.  In contrast, \code{image} requires a slightly altered
version of the the full grid form.  A disadvantage of the cell form is
that the coordinates for each point have to be stored, which may be
prohibitive for large grids.  Grids in cell form do have an index to
allow for fast transformation to the full grid form.

Besides \code{print}, \code{summary}, \code{plot},
objects of class \code{SpatialGridDataFrame} have methods for
\item \verb|[| select rows (points) and/or columns (variables)
\item \verb|[[| extract a column from the attribute table
\item \verb|[[<-| assign or replace a column in the attribute table
\item \code{coordinates} retrieve the coordinates of grid cells
\item \code{as.matrix}, \code{as.array} retrieve the data as a matrix or array. The first index (rows) is the
x-column, the second index (columns) the y-coordinate, different attributes the third index. Row index 1 is the smallest
x-coordinate; column index 1 is the larges y-coordinate (top-to-bottom).
\item \code{as} coercion methods for \code{data.frame}, \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}
\item\code{image} plot an image of the grid
Finally, \code{spplot}, a front-end to \code{levelplot} allows the
plotting of a single grid plot or a lattice of grid plots.

\subsection{Row and column selection of a region}
Rows/columns selection can be done when gridded data is in the full grid
form (as \code{SpatialGridDataFrame}). In this form also rows and/or columns
can be de-selected (in which case a warning is issued):
fullgrid(grd.attr) = FALSE
grd.attr[1:5, "z1"]
fullgrid(grd.attr) = TRUE
grd.attr[1:2,-2, c("z2","z1")]


\subsection{Building line objects from scratch}
In many instances, line coordinates will be retrieved from external
sources.  The following example shows how to build an object of class
\code{SpatialLines} from scratch. Note that the \code{Lines} objects have to be given character ID values, and that these values must be unique for \code{Lines} objects combined in a \code{SpatialLines} object.

% build line objects
l1 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,2))
l1a = cbind(l1[,1]+.05,l1[,2]+.05)
l2 = cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1.5,1))
Sl1 = Line(l1)
Sl1a = Line(l1a)
Sl2 = Line(l2)
S1 = Lines(list(Sl1, Sl1a), ID="a")
S2 = Lines(list(Sl2), ID="b")
Sl = SpatialLines(list(S1,S2))
plot(Sl, col = c("red", "blue"))

\subsection{Building line objects with attributes}

The class \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} is designed for holding
lines data that have an attribute table (data.frame) attached
to it:
df = data.frame(z = c(1,2), row.names=sapply(slot(Sl, "lines"), function(x) slot(x, "ID")))
Sldf = SpatialLinesDataFrame(Sl, data = df)
Not many useful methods for it are available yet.  The \code{plot} method
only plots the lines, ignoring attribute table values. Suggestions for
useful methods are welcome.


\subsection{Building from scratch}
The following example shows how a set of polygons are built from scratch.
Note that \code{Sr4} has the opposite direction (anti-clockwise) as the other three (clockwise);
it is meant to represent a hole in the \code{Sr3} polygon. The default value for the hole colour \code{pbg} is \code{"transparent}, which will not show, but which often does not matter, because another polygon fills the hole --- here it is set to \code{"white"}. Note that the \code{Polygons} objects have to be given character ID values, and that these values must be unique for \code{Polygons} objects combined in a \code{SpatialPolygons} object.
Sr1 = Polygon(cbind(c(2,4,4,1,2),c(2,3,5,4,2)))
Sr2 = Polygon(cbind(c(5,4,2,5),c(2,3,2,2)))
Sr3 = Polygon(cbind(c(4,4,5,10,4),c(5,3,2,5,5)))
Sr4 = Polygon(cbind(c(5,6,6,5,5),c(4,4,3,3,4)), hole = TRUE)

Srs1 = Polygons(list(Sr1), "s1")
Srs2 = Polygons(list(Sr2), "s2")
Srs3 = Polygons(list(Sr3, Sr4), "s3/4")
SpP = SpatialPolygons(list(Srs1,Srs2,Srs3), 1:3)
plot(SpP, col = 1:3, pbg="white")
# plot(SpP)

\subsection{Polygons with attributes}
Polygons with attributes, objects of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame},
are built from the \code{SpatialPolygons} object (topology) and the attributes
(data.frame). The \code{row.names} of the attributes data frame are matched with the ID slots of the \code{SpatialPolygons} object, and the rows of the data frame will be re-ordered if necessary.
attr = data.frame(a=1:3, b=3:1, row.names=c("s3/4", "s2", "s1"))
SrDf = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SpP, attr)
as(SrDf, "data.frame")


or, as another way to create the \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} object:
SrDf = attr
polygons(SrDf) = SpP

\section{Importing and exporting data}

Data import and export from external data sources and file formats
is handled inthe \pkg{rgdal} package in the first instance, using the
available OGR/GDAL drivers for vector and raster data. This keeps the
range of drivers up to date, and secures code maintenance through working
closely with the open source geospatial community. Mac OSX users unable
or unwilling to install \pkg{rgdal} from source after installing its
external dependencies will find some functions in the \pkg{maptools}
package to import and export a limited range of formats.

\item Chambers, J.M., 1998, Programming with data, a guide to the S language.
Springer, New York.


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