toxEval 1.4.0
* Switched to version 4.1 of the ToxCast database
* Added a default flag to remove in remove_flags

toxEval 1.3.1
* Made "Chemical" a required column in the Chemical tab. Now all plot names will key off that column instead of the names listed in tox_chemicals.
* Updated documentation to remove some notes.
* Removed dplyr from NAMESPACE.

toxEval 1.3.0
* Switched to version 3.5 of the ToxCast database

toxEval 1.2.0
* Switched to version 3.2 of the ToxCast database

toxEval 1.1.0
* Switched to version 3 of the ToxCast database
* Added custom x label arguments
* Added more flexibility for potential facet graphs in 
chemical boxplots.

toxEval 1.0.0
* Initial release includes functions on incorporating
ToxCast data with measured concentration.
* Vignettes and Shiny app included

toxEval 0.0.0
* Initial build