Version 1.1.6:
* Corrected unclosed alias in documentation
* Beta regression paper reference now uses doi link

Version 1.1.5:
* Added data for vigenette car insurance example

Version 1.1.4:
* Fixed typos and errors in documentation

Version 1.1.3:
* Updated car.csv link in vignette

Version 1.1.2:
* Updated references to published article
* Fixed vigentte for CRAN

Version 1.1.1:
* Added function unifed.mle
* Added CITATION file

Version 1.1:
* Added function to R/unifed.R
* Added "canonical" to the possible links of unifed().
* Added unifed functions to use with stan
* Added R/unifed.stan.path.R for getting the path to include in stan files.

Version 1.0.2:
* Fixed roxygen comments of R/unifed.kappa.R and
  R/unifed.deviance.R that were generating wrong Rd files.

Version 1.0.1:
* Fixed bug in function It was giving
  the wrong sign for values smaller than 0.1