## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # check the data type of `NSpec.DF` library(visa) data(NSpec.DF) class(NSpec.DF) class(NSpec.DF$spectra) str(NSpec.DF$spectra) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # check the data type of `NSpec.Lib` class(NSpec.Lib) class(NSpec.Lib@spectra) str(NSpec.Lib@spectra) ## ----echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------- library(visa) data(NSpec.DF) x <- NSpec.DF$N # nitrogen S <- NSpec.DF$spectra[, seq(1, ncol(NSpec.DF$spectra), 10)] # resampled to 10 nm steps cm <- cm.nsr(S, x, cm.plot = TRUE) ## ----fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "Plot of correlation matrix"------------------ # use the output from last example # cm <- cm.nsr(S, x) # Plotting the correlation matrix #ggplot.cm(cm) # deprecated plt.2dcm(cm) # new function replacing ggplot.cm ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ library(visa) # check the data type class(NSpec.Lib) # data structure # str(NSpec.Lib) # print the first 10 columns knitr::kable(head(NSpec.Lib@spectra[,1:10])) ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ # check the data type class(NSpec.DF) # check whether it contains the same data as 'NSpec.Lib' knitr::kable(head(NSpec.DF$spectra[,1:10])) ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ #library(visa) #data(NSpec.DF) spec <- spectra(NSpec.DF) # check whether it contains the same data as 'NSpec.Lib' knitr::kable(head(spec[,1:10])) ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ #library(visa) #data(NSpec.DF) spec <- wavelength(NSpec.DF) # check whether it contains the same data as 'NSpec.Lib' str(spec) ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ slib <- as.spectra(spectra = matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10), wavelength = 1:10, w.unit = "nm", data = data.frame(y=rnorm(10)) ) str(slib) ## ----echo=TRUE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------ s.df <- as.spectra.dataframe(spectra = matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10), wavelength = 1:10, w.unit = "nm", data = data.frame(y=rnorm(10)) ) str(s.df)