NEWS ==== Versioning ---------- Releases will be numbered with the following semantic versioning format: <major>.<minor>.<patch> And constructed with the following guidelines: * Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch) * New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch) * Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch wakefield 0.3.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * A maintenence release to address stringi's change in `lorem_ipsum()`. wakefield 0.3.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * A maintenence release to ensure that images for README are accessible per CRAN's request. wakefield 0.2.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES * `year` used `hijack` to hard code the year into the documentation causing a mismatch in the function arguments and documentation on Jan. 1st. `hijack` is no longer used to create `year`. * `likert` had a space at the end of the `"Strongly Agree "` group. This has been stripped. * `political` had the wrong distribution of political groups. This has been fixed. wakefield 0.2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- IMPROVEMENTS * Added clarification to `groups` to indicate its binary grouping and alternate grouping for > 2 groups (see issue #5). wakefield 0.1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES * `employment` was misspelled as `empoyment`. Caught by Danilo Freire (issue #2). * `r_list` did not handle vectors and data.frames that were passed to it. The symbols were turned into calls before they were tested as vector/data.frame. * `rep.sep` was not honored in `r_data_frame` ("_" was used). NEW FEATURES * `r_list` & `r_data_frame` now add a suffix to repeat variable names in a sensible way. The separator is controlled by `rep.sep`. Suggested by Ananda Mahto. See issue #1 for details. * `r_list` and `r_data_frame` can utilize `r_series` and `r_dummy` to produce series of variables. Suggested by Ananda Mahto. See issue #1 for details. * `r_series` added to produce a series of grouped data. This is useful for simulating repeated measures or survey questions. Suggested by Ananda Mahto. See issue #1 for details. * `r_series` picks up a `reate argument to generate related data as suggested by Wordpress user Ulf: * `as_integer` added as a means of coercing all columns of a `factor` `data.frame` to `integer`s. * `r_dummy` added to produce multiple dummy columns from a single factor. * `dob` and `birth` functions added for date of birth variable function. * `military` added as a random military branch varaible function. * `religion` added as a random religion varaible function. * `internet_browser` added as a random Internet browser varaible function. * `peek` added to allow a truncated head inspection of all columns of a `data.frame`. * `table_heat` & `plot.tbl_df` added to visualize column types & `NA`s. * `r_insert` added to safely insert `data.frame`s into a `r_data_frame` or `r_list` object. * `variables` added to view the available variable functions. * `p_data_theme` added to "save" common themes (preset column types). * `relate` function added to generate related data as suggested by Wordpress user Ulf: * `sex_inclusive` and `gender_inclusive` added to give a non-binary alternative for sex/gender variables that are more inclusive. Thanks to Matthew Sigal for this MINOR FEATURES * `seriesname` function added to give a `data.frame` an attribute `seriesname`. Typicaly this is for internal use. wakefield 0.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- This package is designed to generates random data sets including: `data.frames`, `lists`, and `vectors`.