Package x.ent
Title: eXtraction of ENTity
Description: x.ent is  a system for extracting information (entities and relations between them) in text datasets. It also emphasizes results exploration with graphical displays. It is a rule-based system and works with hand-made dictionaries and local grammars defined by users. x.ent has been written in perl and use javascript to define user preferences through a browser. Local grammars are defined and compiled with the tool Unitex, developed by University Paris Est, and supporting multiple languages. See ?xconfig  for an introduction.
For running this package, System installation requirements:
- Perl (> v5.16.2)
- Unitex tool (optional), download at:
For testing this package, in the installation directory of the package x.ent, there are folders:
- corpus: 37 bulletins in agriculture (French)
- eval : evaluation file eval.txt of 37 files in the folder corpus, it was annotated manually.
- dico: contains dictionnaires (French) of plants, diseases, bioagressors ...
- Unitex: contains grammars and dictionaires of Unitex tool
You could copy folders corpus, eval, out or Unitex in the installation folder x.ent to your local folder, then type xconfig() in the terminal R for configuring the system.
Steps for running:
>xconfig() for configuring the system
>xparse() for extracting information
using functions xshow(...), xhist(...), xplot(...), xvenn(...), xprop(...) for anylysing the resultats