Letter G

groff - A document formatting system

Website: http://groff.ffii.org
License: GPLv2 and GFDL
Vendor: Koji
Groff is a document formatting system. Groff takes standard text and
formatting commands as input and produces formatted output. The
created documents can be shown on a display or printed on a printer.
Groff's formatting commands allow you to specify font type and size,
bold type, italic type, the number and size of columns on a page, and

Groff can also be used to format man pages. If you are going to use
groff with the X Window System, you will also need to install the
groff-gxditview package.


groff- [1.5 MiB] Changelog by Jan Vcelak (2010-06-29):
- Fixes SIGSEGV in get_breakpoint, SIGABRT in make_node (#608794).

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6