Letter A

anthy-devel - Header files and library for developing programs which uses Anthy

Website: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/anthy/
License: LGPLv2+ and GPLv2
Vendor: Koji
The anthy-devel package contains the development files which is needed to build
the programs which uses Anthy.


anthy-devel-9100h-10.1.el6.x86_64 [30 KiB] Changelog by Akira TAGOH (2010-06-24):
- build emacs-* packages as noarch. (#605134)
anthy-devel-9100h-10.1.el6.i686 [30 KiB] Changelog by Akira TAGOH (2010-06-24):
- build emacs-* packages as noarch. (#605134)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6