Letter P

pilot-link-devel - PalmPilot development header files

Website: http://www.pilot-link.org/
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and public domain
This package contains the development headers that are used to build
the pilot-link package. It also includes the static libraries
necessary to build static pilot applications.

If you want to develop PalmPilot synchronizing applications, you'll
need to install pilot-link-devel.


pilot-link-devel-0.12.4-6.el6.0.sl6.i686 [66 KiB] Changelog by C. Sieh (2010-11-30):
- when "autoreconf -is" is called this causes libtool to run from
- /usr/bin/libtool which is version 2.2.6b but the source ships its own
- libtool in pilot-link-0.12.4/libtool which is version 2.2.6 and called
- from the make files. This version mix does not work.
pilot-link-devel-0.12.4-6.el6.0.sl6.x86_64 [66 KiB] Changelog by C. Sieh (2010-11-30):
- when "autoreconf -is" is called this causes libtool to run from
- /usr/bin/libtool which is version 2.2.6b but the source ships its own
- libtool in pilot-link-0.12.4/libtool which is version 2.2.6 and called
- from the make files. This version mix does not work.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6