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TrueCrypt -
Free open-source disk encryption software
afs_tools -
AFS related tools
aide -
Intrusion detection environment
amanda -
A network-capable tape backup solution.
anaconda -
Graphical system installer
bash_mitigate_cve_2014_6271 -
bash CVE-2014-6271 temporary mitigation
bluez-utils -
Bluetooth utilities
cc-eal4-config-rhel56 -
RHEL 5.6 KVM /EAL4+ Certified Config
cdrtools -
A collection of CD/DVD utilities.
cern-afs-setserverprefs -
Script that tells CERN AFS client to prefer "near" servers
cern-alerter -
Displays alerts from CERN RSS feeds
cern-config-users -
'cern-config-users' creates user accounts, etc based on the LANdb information of the device
cern-cvi-console -
cern-cvi-console - utility to connect to Hyper-V guest consoles at CERN
cern-get-keytab -
cern-get-keytab - utility to acquire Kerberos keytab(s) at CERN
cern-linuxsupport-access -
control root access for CERN Linux.Support personnel
cern-rhel-access -
Generate netgroup and .htaccess files based on CERN RHEL licenses
comps-extras -
Images for components included in Fedora
condor -
Condor: High Throughput Computing
condor-ec2-enhanced -
EC2 Enhanced
condor-ec2-enhanced-hooks -
Condor EC2 Enhanced hooks
condor-job-hooks -
Condor Job Hooks
condor-low-latency -
Low Latency Scheduling
condor-remote-configuration -
Condor Remote Configuration Client Tools
cryptsetup-luks -
A utility for setting up encrypted filesystems
dosfstools -
Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
dropwatch -
Kernel dropped packet monitor
ethtool -
Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
fcoe-utils -
Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
freeipmi -
gnome-power-manager -
GNOME Power Manager
gnome-system-monitor -
Simple process monitor
gnupg -
A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage.
gnupg2 -
Utility for secure communication and data storage
gpart -
A program for recovering corrupt partition tables
hwbrowser -
A hardware browser.
hyperv-scsi-udev -
Udev rules to set disk timeout to 180 seconds
iotop -
Top like utility for I/O
iproute -
Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools.
ipvsadm -
Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
isdn4k-utils -
Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem.
kdeutils -
K Desktop Environment - Utilities
kexec-tools -
The kexec/kdump userspace component.
kudzu -
The Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool.
lm_sensors -
Hardware monitoring tools.
logwatch -
A log file analysis program
mlocate -
An utility for finding files by name
mstflint -
Mellanox firmware burning tool
mt-st -
Install mt-st if you need a tool to control tape drives.
mtx -
A SCSI media changer control program.
nmap -
Network exploration tool and security scanner
ocsinventory -
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation
ocsinventory-agent -
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation client
openib-mstflint -
Mellanox firmware burning tool
openib-tvflash -
Tool to manage Mellanox HCA firmware flash memory
parted -
The GNU disk partition manipulation program
pciutils -
PCI bus related utilities
pinentry -
Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
pirut -
Package Installation, Removal and Update Tools
procinfo -
A tool for gathering and displaying system information.
procps -
System and process monitoring utilities.
psacct -
Utilities for monitoring process activities.
psmisc -
Utilities for managing processes on your system.
rdate -
Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine.
rds-tools -
RDS support tools
rhn-remover -
Removes RHN-related packages from SLC system
rkhunter -
rkhunter scans for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
ruby-rhubarb -
Simple versioned object-graph persistence layer
ruby-spqr -
SPQR: {Schema Processor|Straightforward Publishing} for QMF agents in Ruby
sabayon -
Tool to maintain user profiles in a GNOME desktop
sblim -
Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability
screen -
A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
setroubleshoot -
Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
sssd -
System Security Services Daemon
sudo -
Allows restricted root access for specified users.
symlinks -
A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links.
syslinux -
Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
sysstat -
The sar and iostat system monitoring commands.
system-config-bind -
The Red Hat BIND DNS Configuration Tool.
system-config-cluster -
system-config-cluster is a utility which allows you to manage cluster configuration in a graphical setting.
system-config-lvm -
A utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes
system-config-netboot -
network booting/install configuration utility (GUI)
system-config-network -
The GUI of the NEtwork Adminstration Tool
system-config-services -
system-config-services is an initscript and xinetd configuration utility
system-config-users -
A graphical interface for administering users and groups
system-switch-mail -
The Mail Transport Agent Switcher
tunctl -
Create and remove virtual network interfaces
usermode -
Tools for certain user account management tasks.
virt-viewer -
Virtual Machine Viewer
wallaby -
Configuration store via QMF
yelp -
A system documentation reader from the Gnome project
yum-autoupdate -
yum autoupdate setup for Scientific Linux CERN
yum-kernel-module -
yum autoupdate setup for Scientific Linux CERN