Apache Flex Tour De Flex Component Explorer 1.2

Apache Flex Tour De Flex 1.2 is an update to 1.1 adding a few minor improvements.

Changes since the version 1.1
- Added welcome page
- Added support for 3rd party examples
- Changed examples look and feel to be more consistent
- Added Squiggly spelling engine examples

Known issues:
- Callout example in the Apache Flex 4.9 examples fails to show the callout.
  The sample code will work externally. See FLEX-34539 for details.
Bugs fixed and improvements:
FLEX-34505 Add squiggly example to Tour De Flex
FLEX-34501 Allow 3rd parties to provide examples for inclusion in TourDeFlex
FLEX-34596 Tour De Flex linking is broken
FLEX-34493 Loading bar not centered in panel
FLEX-34485 Improve TourDeFlex consistency and design

Apache Flex Tour De Flex Component Explorer 1.1

Apache Flex Tour De Flex 1.1 is an update to 1.0 adding a few improvements and
fixing a few broken and non working examples.

Changes since the version 1.0
- Added some Apache Flex specific examples (we would like to see more)
- Added button to copy code in source tab
- Added button to link to github code
- Added button to copy link to example
- Improved build file ant tasks descriptions
- Removed broken view source URLs
- Fixed a few other minor issues
- Now contains over 300 examples!

Known issues:
- Callout example in the Apache Flex 4.9 examples fails to show the callout.
  The sample code will work externally. See FLEX-34539 for details.

Bugs fixed and improvements:
FLEX-34530 TDF ScrollBarExample not setting up default vertical scroll and 2 warnings
FLEX-34529 TDF Bidirectional binding example label/warning
FLEX-34502 Add link to github in TourDeFlex
FLEX-34500 Show total number of examples in Tour De Flex UI
FLEX-34495 Error loading source file
FLEX-34492 Need ability to link to examples
FLEX-34491 The Spark Module Load example is non functional
FLEX-34490 The Spark Video example produces a "Playback Error"
FLEX-34489 Some examples are missing all source files tab
FLEX-34488 Add favicon to TourDeFlex
FLEX-34483 Make logo links to Apache Flex web site
FLEX-34482 Add copy button to copy code examples to clipboard
FLEX-34480 If TourDeFlex is run from an untrusted location you get an error
FLEX-34479 Change naming format of TourDeFlex
FLEX-34478 Wrong paths for video in TourDeFlex application
FLEX-34474 TourDeFlex effects example bad styles and modifying default destination scaling

Apache Flex Tour De Flex Component Explorer 1.0

Initial parity release for Adobe's Tour De Flex Component Explorer.